Luo Yanxiao thought about starting school as soon as possible. After the winter vacation, he could continue to eat with Liu Ningning every day and go to the library to study together.

He now feels that he was in school at that time, every day is very good.

At that time, I was free, and I could talk to Liu Ningning and see her every day.

Sometimes two people can live in an apartment and cook together.

He felt much better than watching his parents' faces at home.

Liu Ningning's family is actually strange to him here, but he feels more relaxed than relaxing with his parents.

This will relax once I want to sleep.

In the past, Liu Ningning was still reserved. When facing Luo Yanxiao, he had many concerns and was very reserved.

But now, Liu Ningning felt Luo Yanxiao's heart, she just wanted to do what she wanted to do.

At this time, there was only one Luo Yanxiao in her mind. She reached out and stroked Luo Yanxiao's eyebrows, "Your eyes are red, and you say you are not sleepy or tired!"

Luo Yanxiao's eyes have dark circles, and Liu Ningning sees clearly.

When she didn't sleep in the car last night, her eyes also had such dark circles and redness.

Although Luo Yanxiao endured, but he kept yawning.

How could Liu Ningning not see it.

Liu Ningning said, "Go to bed quickly. The quilt mattresses are just finished. They have been sunbaked before. They are still warm. The kang is also burnt. The bed is very warm."

Liu Ningning looked at Luo Yanxiao's thin clothes and didn't know how he came.

With that said, Liu Ningning was going to sleep with his mother.

She felt that she would disturb Luo Yanxiao to rest in this room.

Luo Yanxiao watched Liu Ningning going out of the house. She hurriedly grabbed her hand and said, "How did you come back by car?"

"It was the same as when the school started, and the car was reversed, but when I came back, I took the train and then the car."

Liu Ningning did not give detailed details. She was afraid that Luo Yanxiao was worried about self-blame.

Anyway, it's all gone, she feels nothing to mention.

And she has all gone home now, very relaxed at home.

Especially when she saw Luo Yanxiao, she was actually very happy.

Liu Ningning is particularly grateful to her parents. She feels that her parents are really good. She is so passionate about Luo Yanxiao and she is very comfortable.

Luo Yanxiao still had to say something to Liu Ningning, and Liu Ningning said: "You are going to sleep, it's not too early. Wait until you get up tomorrow."

After Liu Ningning walked out of the room, Luo Yanxiao sat there, a little dazed.

When he was going to sleep, he saw several books and sheets of paper on the edge of Kang.

Luo Yanxiao didn't care much, but he glanced at a train ticket.

Luo Yanxiao glanced over and looked at it.

When he saw the words showing the ticket at the station, Luo Yanxiao's head buzzed, and he began to have a headache.

His eyes widened and he didn't move for a long time.

His eyes were redder and his eyes were a little sour.

Did she... did she stand back like this?

Luo Yanxiao couldn't imagine how a person as thin as Liu Ningning stood for five or six hours!

And the ticket shows that it is night time, not day time.

Standing during the day may be better than at night.

But standing at night, people can't stand it, let alone five or six hours, the weather is still so cold!

Luo Yanxiao's hands were shaking, his lips were shaking, and his throat was a bit astringent.

He blamed himself.

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