Luo Yanxiao's heart twitched, and some could not breathe.

If at the beginning, he did not say to drive Liu Ningning back, Liu Ningning would buy the ticket in advance, not the berth ticket but also the ticket, not the standing ticket.

He said to send her back, but he couldn't contact her in those days. She bought the ticket again, right?

How did she buy tickets?

Luo Yanxiao has many questions in his mind. Although Liu Ningning cannot be asked now, he can guess in his heart that Liu Ningning must be very tired when he rides in the car. In particular, the ticket really stung his eyes and made him feel so bad.

More is also self-blame.

Luo Yanxiao blamed herself, her eyes turned red.

He was obviously tired, but he couldn't sleep anymore, he was always thinking of Liu Ningning.

Luo Yanxiao opened his eyes. After a long time, Luo Yanxiao was really sleepy and fell asleep.

Luo Yanxiao originally wanted to drive back in the early morning hours, but he was also really tired and slept for a long time.

He didn't wake up until seven o'clock in the morning.

Otherwise, he can sleep for a long time, but in the countryside, there will be a chicken bark in the morning, early barking, and then he can hear the subtle sounds outside and wake up immediately.

Luo Yanxiao felt sleeping on the hot kang, and his whole body was warm.

And he slept more relaxed than at home.

He didn't feel so relaxed around his parents.

His parents are strict and stubborn, and sometimes he is very tired when facing them.

Luo Yanxiao sighed.

When he woke up, he sat up for a while and then got up.

Liu Ningning and his family didn't even eat, they were thinking of waiting for Luo Yanxiao to eat together.

Anyone who hasn’t eaten has to eat first.

Although Liu Ningning's father and mother Liu did not say that they were waiting for Luo Yanxiao to have breakfast, Luo Yanxiao could see it and feel it.

In some cases, he is also a careful person.

Perhaps because of the careful reception of the warm hospitality of Liu Ningning's family, he was also embarrassed.

After eating breakfast, Luo Yanxiao felt that the whole person was much better.

But he was also afraid that his parents knew he was out of the hospital.

He was not afraid of anything else. He was afraid that his parents would find it here.

He did not want Liu Ningning to be wronged, and Liu father Liu mother was so simple and enthusiastic, he did not want them to be despised by their parents.

His mother was very cold when he was angry, even he was dazed, let alone others.

So after breakfast, Luo Yanxiao took out some things from the trunk of the car.

There are microwave ovens, induction cookers, pots, and some hot pot ingredients.

When he came, he was too rushed and didn't know what to buy. He had to go to the supermarket to buy these quickly, and he could never come empty-handed.

Father Liu and Mother Liu were embarrassed to take these, but they didn't want them at all.

When Luo Yanxiao was driving, put things down.

Father Liu Mother Liu Ningning watched Luo Yanxiao's car drove away and stood there for a long time.

Mother Liu said: "Yan Xiao is a good boy, but there may be some problems with his parents. Otherwise, he will not drive back all night and go back in the morning."

Liu Ningning turned pale, "My parents, I..."

Liu Mu comforted Liu Ningning and said, "Don't think about it too much. Look at Yan Xiao's attitude. He is very serious about you. He didn't say anything when he went back. He came to pick you up when the school started, so that you don't have to take the car. However, the ticket is still good to buy in advance, so be prepared. If you go back by car, you can refund the ticket."

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