Liu Ningning nodded, and his mother was right, prepared.

She will buy tickets in advance.

Watching Luo Yanxiao's car leave the village, Liu Ningning's eyes never recovered, and she was a little bit reluctant.

But think about it, the school will start soon, and she will be able to see Luo Yanxiao at the school.

Even Luo Yanxiao's parents are in charge of Luo Yanxiao, but at school, he should not restrict his freedom!

Liu Ningning stood like this for a long time, and didn't seem to feel cold.

"Go back, it's cold outside!"

At this time, it was more than eight o'clock, and many people in the village came out to talk, even if it was cold, the big guys were willing to see and talk at the door.

So naturally I saw Luo Yanxiao's car.

Of course, I was also curious. I came to talk to Father Liu and Mother Liu, "Big sister, who is this? Ning Ning boyfriend?"

"It's Ning Ning's classmate, from a school, the same as last time."

"Big sister, your family Ning Ning is a talented student, it is different."

Mother Liu simply said a few words, and after a few words of greeting, she pulled Liu Ningning back to the house.

In fact, what's wrong with the village, the big guys know that it's all gossip.

Before Liu Ningning came back in a luxury car, everyone in the village knew it.

During the winter vacation, Liu Ningning dragged his suitcase and walked back to himself. The people in the village also wentssip and talked.

Seeing the car now, the big guy thinks that maybe Liu Ningning and the male student are okay!

Father Liu and Mother Liu are not so good-looking people, what others say is not important, they now want to make their daughter better.

Liu Ningning returned home, also a little absent-minded, she worried about driving on Luo Yanxiao Road.

Will he be tired after driving for so long?

After he went back, what would his parents know about him?

Liu Ningning thought like this, and began to be distracted. She couldn't hear what her parents said there.

She looked at the induction cooker and the like on the table and thought of Luo Yanxiao's words, saying that let them eat hot pot at home in winter.

In fact, he was really attentive.


Luo Yanxiao arrived at the hospital in the morning and really saw his parents.

But after seeing Liu Ningning, he also had a fighting spirit.

Luo Mu looked at Luo Yanxiao and was not angry, "Where did you go? Go to your little girlfriend?"

Luo Yanxiao kept silent and kept silent.

Luo Muqi wanted to shoot Luo Yanxiao.

Or Father Luo stopped her, "Don't be impulsive, speak up."

Luo Mu depressed her anger, "You really care about your little girlfriend!"

Luo Yanxiao took a deep glance at her mother and said, "I heard from my grandma before that when my mother drove to the south to find her father, she drove all night. In the past, her mother ran through a red light and the car... seemed to be for her father."

Luo mother was told these things by her son, and her face could not be held all at once, "You..."

She didn't expect her son to know this.

"Mother can do it, why can't I."

"Because your little girlfriend is wrong with our Luo family door."

Luo Yanxiao wanted to say that her mother had never seen how to say that she was bad.

But he knew that some words were useless, so simply Luo Yanxiao didn't say it, and remained silent.

Luo mother looked at Luo Yanxiao who was not talking, and said in silence: "You bring your little girlfriend back. Let me see what it is like, so that you are so worried about maintaining it."

Hearing this, Luo Yanxiao's heart trembled, and his mother agreed with Ning Ning?

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