This photo was taken by the subordinate of Shangguan Shaoheng.

Shui Xuan'er was photographed when she was outside the old house, her back, and a view of the door of the old house.

When I saw this photo, Shangguan Shaoheng's head buzzed, and somehow his head began to ache.

After just watching for a while, Shangguan Shaoheng had cold sweats because of a headache.

Thin and dense sweat kept coming out, soaking up Shangguan Shaoheng's back.

He felt something was coming out, he felt he seemed to remember something.

A lot of light and shadow flashed through his mind. Soon, he clearly wanted to remember something, but his head hurts, but he couldn't remember it.

Shangguan Shaoheng almost froze at the photos on his phone. Later, because of a headache, his hands were shaking.

An assistant happened to report work because it was almost time to get off work, but when he entered Shangguan’s office, he found out that the young master fainted.

An assistant can only rush the young master to the hospital again.

While sleeping, Shangguan Shaoheng always seemed to have a voice in his mind.

"Shaoheng, Shaoheng... Shaoheng..."

This voice is crisp and familiar.

He wanted to chase this voice and wonder who was making it.

He never thought his name sounded so nice.

When he listened, he was throbbing even when he was sleeping.

So Shangguan Shaoheng was stunned and fell asleep.

When he fell asleep, he also felt a cloud of mist in front of him. He wanted to move away from the cloud and look for something, but the cloud and mist were always in front of him.

After Shangguan Shaoheng fainted, some of the scenes that flashed in his mind were actually just a few scenes. He just remembered a few, many, many, and he did not know yet.

He didn't even know what the ancient house Shui Xuan'er went to play.

He just felt a little familiar, a little strange, it seemed that the scene of the gate of the old house could touch his heartstrings.

But there was nothing wrong with it, and he couldn't tell.

Shangguan Shaoheng was comatose in the hospital for two consecutive coma, but it alarmed Shangguan’s owner and his wife, they didn’t understand how good Shangguan Shaoheng was, why did she faint like this.

The doctor conducted a comprehensive examination and could not find any problems, only saying that it may be overworked.

Mrs. Shangguan looked at Shangguan Shaoheng like this, and asked, "How about you, Mrs. Young? This is what the young master looks like, where did Mrs. Shao go?"

Looking at her son, Mrs. Shangguan felt that Shui Xuan'er should be taken care of by the side, but she didn't see this Shui Xuan'er all night. She really had opinions in her heart.

If it is a person of ordinary status, she will not give face on the spot, she will get angry directly.

But after all, Shui Xuan'er is the princess's identity. Even if she has an opinion in her heart, she can't say it.

Shangguan Qingchen looked at his wife and said: "What character is Shao Heng, you still don't know, don't put the fire elsewhere."

"I'm going elsewhere. It's not you. It's not that you're biased towards the queen. You think I don't know."

Shangguan Qingchen's face changed directly, "Ma'am, be careful!"

He was pure appreciation of the queen at first. Later, the two became friends. He was not afraid of the shadow, but he could not allow his wife to talk nonsense, and the reputation of so many people in the video.

Mrs. Shangguan looked at the serious expression of Shangguan Qingchen, and her face changed accordingly, so she dare not mention this topic.

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