Mrs. Shangguan did not dare to talk about Shangguan Qingchen and the Queen, but whispered: "Shao Heng looks like this, Xuan'er, as a wife, should be taken care of, but she is not seen at this time, can I not worry?"

Shangguan Qingchen took a deep look at his wife, "Xuan'er still going to school. After the two of them held the ceremony, what did Shao Heng doing, don't you know? Shao Heng didn't go back for more than half a month, you I don’t know who he has **** with. You don’t know. If it were not for you, Shao Heng could be like this. I tell you, since Shao Heng married a princess, don’t think of any contact with that Liu. The young lady of Shangguan family It’s Shui Xuan'er, that’s the righteous young lady of the Shangguan family. Our Shangguan family pays most attention to fame. Don’t teach Shaoheng all day long.”

Shangguan Qingchen's temper is the best, rarely anger, but at this time Mrs. Shangguan looked at Shangguan Qingchen's anger, all startled, "I... how do I teach bad balance."

"You don't know yet, did I tell you that the Shangguan family is going to marry the royal family? Have I emphasized this many times, you look at what you did? You brought that Liu to Shaoheng this child Beside, what kind of person is that, what kind of thoughts do you have, don't think I don't know."

"Shangguan Qingchen, that's how you treat me, ah... I'm not doing it for Shaoheng, what kind of temperament is that princess, can she treat Shaoheng?"

"Oh? Then what will your Liu do to Shaoheng? Isn't she stepping on Shaoheng?"

He couldn’t call the name of anything. He didn’t bother to control it. It was just because Shangguan Shaoheng had grasped his balance and didn’t do anything with the woman. But the scandal made him angry.

If the royal family and the princess are really investigated, Shangguan Shaoheng will be greatly affected.

And that thing called Liu, it is not a fuel-efficient lamp at a glance, so he has seen more girls for the sake of power calculation.

Shui Xuan'er's child, he also grew up looking at him, his temperament is very good, suitable for this child.

He is a father, can't he hurt his children.

He is such a son, naturally he hopes his son is good.

He believes that as long as this child can calm down to see and observe, he will find that Xuan'er is good.

"How can you say such pity, that child is not so easy, how can you have no compassion at all."

"I said, Madam, do you have to let me explain what you said? You support that skillful pity, isn't it because of your own selfishness, don't forget you..."

"Stop talking, stop talking."

Shangguan Qingchen glanced at his wife, and she waved her hand tiredly, and said to the subordinate: "Send the wife back, the wife is sick, take good care of her, don't let her come out and get cold.


"Shangguan Qingchen,"


After being taken away by Mrs. Shangguan, Shangguan Qingchen cleared his ears.

Shangguan Qingchen asked the doctor about Shangguan Shaoheng's physical condition, and learned that he had no problems and his body functions were normal.

Shangguan Qingchen sighed for a while and then arranged a special team to take care of Shangguan Shaoheng. "People take care of him."


"Also while he was in the hospital, idle people and other people were not allowed to enter, especially that Liu Qiaoli, it was strictly forbidden to approach the young master, understand?"

"Yes, the owner!"


Shangguan Shaoheng didn't know this. He was still in a deep sleep, as if he had fallen into a magic obstacle.

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