Sitting on Huang Luoxiu's lap, Zi Lingxi didn't want to write any paper anymore. She leaned on Huang Luoxiu's arms coquettishly and hugged his waist tightly.

Leaning in Huang Luoxiu's arms, Zi Lingxi could hear his heartbeat, a powerful heartbeat, and a click.

She listened and listened, the whole person would relax involuntarily.

After a while, Zi Lingxi felt a drowsy feeling, and she wanted to sleep.

Huang Luoxiu held Zi Lingxi and looked down at her, but she couldn't help but want to laugh, "Is this sleepy?"

While speaking, Huang Luoxiu's voice was full of pampering.

Even now, Huang Luoxiu treats Zi Lingxi as a little girl to pamper and pamper.

Zi Lingxi said lazily: "I want to sleep in your arms."

Listening to this sentence, Huang Luoxiu was a little funny, but at the same time it was also distressed.

He knew that during this time he was busy with papers, and she was also tired.

Huang Luoxiu patted her on the back gently, "Sleep, go to bed first, I will take you back to the house."

With that said, Huang Luoxiu took Zi Lingxi into a hug and would hug him back to the house.

"I still have papers."

"Good boy, you see you are sleepy, go to sleep first, don't worry about the paper, I will help you sort it out."

"No, I write my own paper, and I have many ideas that I want to write."

Since Zi Lingxi came to the Black Dragon Party with Huang Luoxiu, she also learned a lot with Huang Luoxiu. Whether in studying or working, her ability has been improving and improving.

In fact, there are no complicated things in the Black Dragon Party now, and Huang Luoxiu can't bear to be tired of Zi Lingxi, so Zi Lingxi is quite relaxed on weekdays.

Although she is a young lady, she does not care about many things.

She is usually responsible for eating, drinking, and playing.

But Zi Lingxi has demands on herself, she wants to be stronger, so that she can better stand beside Huang Luoxiu.

In fact, when Zi Lingxi later learned about the story of Huang Luoxiu's parents, she was a little bit emotional. Fortunately, she had no problems with Huang Luoxiu.

When the two of them were together, Huang Luoxiu's parents gave respect and support.

Huang Luoxiu just took Zi Lingxi back to his bedroom, "Obey, sleep, and get up tomorrow to write a thesis."

When saying this, Huang Luoxiu was also very stubborn, holding down Zi Lingxi, she would not let her move.

Zi Lingxi looked at Huang Luoxiu, looking at this charming and perfect face, she all had a sense of stunning trance.

Even if she watched it every day, she couldn't help but feel heart palpitations.

After lying on the bed, Zi Lingxi was actually not sleepy, but she was confused by Mei Se and couldn't help but reach out to float on Huang Luoxiu's cheek.

She feels the touch on her hands is very good, "Your skin is really good, is it like your parents?"

She felt that Huang Luoxiu's parents could not see the age, and the skin was so good, she was envious.

Huang Luoxiu took Zi Lingxi's hand in his palm and kissed it. "Aren't you sleepy? You still have to think about it."

"But when I lay down, I didn't feel sleepy again."

She felt that looking at Huang Luoxiu, she couldn't help but get excited.

Huang Luoxiu looked at her still mentally and said, "Since you are not sleepy, then we will do something else and you will be sleepy."

Listening to this sentence, Zi Lingxi naturally understood what Huang Luoxiu was referring to.

Zi Lingxi blushed and tilted her head to the side. "Only in the morning...I want to talk."

In the face of Zi Lingxi, Huang Luoxiu had no way at all, and he couldn't help but soften, so he wanted to spoil the girl.

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