Huang Luoxiu shook his head helplessly, "There is no way to get you."

But tossed her last night and morning, let her take a good rest tonight.

Thinking about it, Huang Luoxiu lay down beside him, holding Zi Lingxi in his arms, "Speak, I listen."

Zi Lingxi leaned on Huang Luoxiu's arms, with his head resting on his arm, and felt particularly at ease.

Zi Lingxi looked at the ceiling and said, "Brother, actually graduating, I always have some emotion in my heart."

"What's the emotion? Don't worry about anything, brother is by your side."

Zi Lingxi nodded and arched hard in Huang Luoxiu's arms, "I know, because I have a brother by my side, I will be firm in my heart. If there is no brother, I don't know what to do, I may also Confused will also be in a trance, and will not know what to do."

"Silly girl, if you want to do so much, you just have to be carefree."

"Brother, when I graduated, my mood was very complicated."

Huang Luoxiu touched Zi Lingxi's hair, "Well, my brother is listening!"

"Brother, we started organizing graduation photos in our class now. Many people choose to study for graduate students, and many people work directly after graduation. It is really a lot of emotion. Soon, four years of college passed so quickly. The younger students and younger girls feel that they are old."

"Silly girl, where is old, you are now twenty-one years old and young!"

Huang Luoxiu really didn't understand, how could this girl feel so young.

When I heard that I was only 21 years old, Zi Lingxi thought about it, it was indeed very young, but in school, this is not the case.

At school, looking at the voice of freshman, I always feel strangely old.

Especially when I was called Xuejie, that feeling was really weird.

"When I was in school, I felt that I was still a student. I lived in school and ate in school. I didn't have much to think about, but when I graduated, I felt like I was homeless. It would be like duckweed."

"Silly girl, isn't this your home?"

"Fortunately, there is a brother, and I have a place to live after graduation."

Huang Luoxiu shook his head helplessly, bowed his head and kissed Zi Lingxi's forehead, "Don't have any trouble, brother is beside you."

With that said, Huang Luoxiu embraced Zi Lingxi tightly in his arms.

"Well, it feels good to be at home."

With that, Zi Lingxi couldn't help laughing.

She is not duckweed, she has a home.

"Brother, brother..."

Zi Lingxi kept calling like this, Huang Luoxiu touched her hair, "Here, what's wrong?"

"I think this has always called my brother, brother, thank you for adopting me, otherwise I may not be able to live now."

"Fool, don't say this."

Huang Luoxiu was a little angry.

He didn't dare to imagine, what would happen to him without Zi Lingxi, he wouldn't even dare to think about it.

Zi Lingxi grinned, "No, no, brother, it's nice to have you."

Huang Luoxiu sighed, "silly girl!"

"Brother, you don’t know, I also have a girl in the class next door. Her family is a kind of well-off family. Her academic record is a midstream. She has been busy looking for a job. She wants to find a stable job in a big company here in the capital. , But it seems that finding a job is not so simple. I met her and talked about it that day. She was originally preparing for the postgraduate exam, but she didn’t pass the exam, and she was not included in the quota of the school. She later prepared to work directly. Well, she didn’t want to go back to her hometown. She was busy looking for work. Looking at her, I was very emotional. Fortunately, I had an older brother. When I graduated, I wouldn’t be confused."

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