Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 6219: Black Dragon Party is domineering

Huang Luoxiu didn't quite understand the thoughts of some girls when they graduated.

When he was going to school, he was busy with family affairs, and he didn't even want to think about the life of the school. He went to school just because his mother said that he wanted to experience the life of a normal person.

So he should go to school step by step.

Even so, Huang Luoxiu's words through Zi Lingxi seem to understand some of her inner emotions.

He reached out and patted her back gently, appeasing her emotions.

"Normally, it's not difficult for t students to find a job."

Huang Luoxiu didn't understand things like finding a job. After all, as the young master of the Black Dragon Party, he didn't have to think about it at all.

It was also through Zi Lingxi that he understood the mentality that normal college students would have when they graduated.

"It's not difficult to find a job. The key is that everyone wants to find a good job. Many girls, it should be to find a professional counterpart, good treatment, a good company environment, a relaxed job, and preferably a rest day... "

"Is that so?"

"I don't know very well, anyway, if I am looking for a job, I should think this way, and several female students around me think the same way. I don't know anything else."

Huang Luoxiu nodded, indicating that he understood.

"But I have an older brother. I don't have to find a job. The company we started before has also changed into a group and entered the international market. I just get a lot of dividends, haha..."

Thinking, Zi Lingxi couldn't help but laughed.

With that said, Zi Lingxi took the initiative to go to the emperor Luoxiu's cheek, "I know this is the credit of my brother. If it were not for the silent support behind my brother, my company's development might not be so smooth! I am now a rich man. "

"Well, rich man."

From Huang Luoxiu's point of view, Zi Lingxi's little dividend, he didn't pay attention to it, for those of the Black Dragon Party, it was really just a little bit.

But after all, Zi Lingxi made her own hard work, so she would be so happy.

Seeing Zi Lingxi happy, Huang Luoxiu was in a good mood.

Zi Lingxi said so, Huang Luoxiu listened quietly.

Huang Luoxiu didn't say much, but Zi Lingxi said a lot, and Zi Lingxi said a lot in a while.

When she spoke to Huang Luoxiu, she was neither tired nor sleepy.

"After Qingluo graduated, it was time to hold a ceremony with Nan Jiateng. Didn't the two get married before? Just after Cha Qingluo graduated, the two held a wedding and Cha Qingluo went directly to Nan's family and became Nan's. The family's young grandma helped Nan Jiateng to help the family industry. Before Qingluo, I always thanked me. In fact, it was also because you helped them. Later, Cha Qingluo was also valued in the Nan family. This is also a good thing, brother, thank you ."

"Fool, what did you say to your brother, thank you."

"I'm just happy for Qingluo. Qingluo said that she would worry about being discriminated against when she entered the Nan family without her family background. Now no one dares to discriminate against her because she has a relationship with the Black Dragon Party. The three party words are really cool and domineering!"

Huang Luoxiu looked at Zi Lingxi like a child and said, "In the beginning, I still thought about leaving my brother."

"I didn't. I was confused at that time. I wouldn't leave my brother. I am now my brother's wife. My brother wants to treat me well."

"Not good to you now?"

"Okay, of course, so I can't help but laugh."

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