Shui Xuan'er looked at the vegetables she cut and the noodles she cooked, her expression moved.

She seemed to realize something, and her hands were shaking.

Shui Xuan'er knew she had never made noodles before.

But when she actually cooks noodles, her movements are very skilled, and she has a strange feeling herself, just like she has made noodles many times.

As if she was very skilled, she didn't have to think about what steps to take, and she did it naturally.

When she had almost cooked the noodles, she scooped a little soup with a spoon and tasted it.

After tasting the taste, Gu Ningshuang was shocked.

This taste is so familiar, as if she had eaten this noodle.

It is as if she is the one in ancient times who is eating noodles made by Shangguan son.

She thought it was a taste subconsciously.

Shui Xuan'er's heart shivered fiercely, and the hand holding the spoon shook.

Shangguan Shaoheng didn't know when he was standing at the kitchen door, and saw the process of Shui Xuan'er making noodles. He was also a little shocked in his heart, and some phantoms appeared in his mind.

Some scenes began to flash in front of Shangguan Shaoheng.

Shangguan Shaoheng involuntarily walked behind Shui Xuan'er, stretched his hands around her waist, lowered her head and placed her chin on top of Shui Xuan'er's head, "Xuan'er..."

Just a soft cry, as if hiding too much affection.

Shangguan Shaoheng's voice is hoarse and low, with magnetism, and can also touch people's heartstrings.

Shui Xuan'er's heart trembled, and said softly: "I will put the noodles out first, we will eat the noodles later."

Shangguan Shaoheng rolled his throat, "Okay."

When eating noodles, Shangguan Shaoheng and Shui Xuan'er sat at the table. The two looked at each other, and there were a lot of emotions in their eyes.

Shui Xuan'er's lips moved and said, "Shao Heng, do you have anything to tell me?"

Shangguan Shaoheng took a deep breath and set his mind in his mind: "I didn't expect Xuan'er to make noodles. The noodles are delicious and taste good."

When speaking, Shangguan Shaoheng's emotions were surging.

Shui Xuan'er's eyes flickered and explained: "Shao Heng, do you believe? I haven't actually made noodles before, but the strange thing is that I would do it, and there is a scene in my mind as if I did Many times, noodles are like... it’s as if I am the ancient woman who eats noodles again and again."

Listening to these words, Shangguan Shaoheng's expression moved, and his hands holding chopsticks were tense.

He took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and then served Shui Xuan'er with vegetables, "eat more dishes."

Shui Xuan'er's eyes moved, and he gave Shangguan Shaoheng a dish.

The emotions of the two people are still different from those of normal days. Perhaps they can only face each other honestly if they really solve all the mysteries.

When sleeping at night, Shangguan Shaoheng embraced Shui Xuan'er and loved her fiercely again and again.

Shui Xuan'er was somewhat overwhelmed by Shangguan Shaoheng's enthusiasm, "Well... Shaoheng... sleepy..."

Shangguan Shaoheng kissed Shui Xuan'er's eyebrows, kissed her lips, coaxed her and said, "Good boy, it will be fine in a while..."

Shangguan Shaoheng had a lot of uneasiness in his heart. He knew subconsciously that in ancient times, if he was the son of Shangguan, he couldn’t bear Xuan'er.

So at this time he wished he could vent all his enthusiasm, he wished he could pass all his feelings to Shui Xuan'er to let her know.

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