Shui Xuan'er, like a stranded fish, had to hold Shangguan Shaoheng hard. It seemed to climb like this and feel better.

I don't know how long it took before Shui Xuan'er felt able to breathe.

She sweated all over her body.

Shui Xuan'er felt that she had no strength at all, and she seemed unable to lift her fingers.

Like the same water, she was soft and boneless.

She could only instinctively and tenderly call Shangguan Shaoheng's name.

"Shaoheng, Shaoheng..."

Shangguan Shaoheng listened to Shui Xuan'er's delicate and soft voice, and she couldn't stand it anymore. The whole body's blood was boiling irritated.

Shangguan Shaoheng held Shui Xuan'er tightly, he wished he could rub Shui Xuan'er into his body.

Shui Xuan'er has a painful feeling, but she seems to be able to feel Shangguan Shaoheng's mood, so she is also responding to Shangguan Shaoheng.

Shangguan Shaoheng didn't let her go until she was really tired.

When the two men went to bed after taking a bath, Shangguan Shaoheng looked deeply at Shui Xuan'er, with strong emotion in his eyes.

I don't know how long it took before Shangguan Shaoheng closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Shui Xuan'er slept quickly, and fell asleep after lying down.

She naturally fell asleep in Shangguan Shaoheng's arms.

After falling asleep, Shui Xuan'er was confused. When she woke up again, she found out that she was inside the old house.

No, to be precise, this time she seemed to have appeared on her in ancient times.

She seemed to have become a ray of thought in the ancient queen of the country, she could feel what she thought and thought, and could see everything she experienced.

These can be compared to the authenticity of reading ancient books in ancient houses.

And sometimes, she can also become transparent, she can float in other places, and see everything around her clearly, as if she were watching a TV series.


Ancient Shui Xuan'er put down the book in his hand in the room and went to the window to look at it. The direction she was looking at was the direction of Qingzhuyuan.

There is a place where Shangguan Shaoheng lives.

She disguised herself as a playboy, but in fact she was responsible for the king's palace.

She needs to be patient and has to pretend to be like that.

The Shangguan family is a well-known family in their country. The richest man has a special status. The emperor's previous approach to Shangguan Shaoheng was also to start the Shangguan family.

She pretended to be pretended to be the beauty of Shangguan Shaoheng, and made him get him into the palace.

She knew that Shangguan Shaoheng seemed to have kung fu, talent and ability, but she didn't understand why he entered the palace.

After a long time, Shui Xuan'er also had to be convinced by Shangguan's charm.

She actually has a feeling of affection for him, maybe it used to be, but now it is getting worse, and her feelings are uncontrollable.

She secretly treated Shangguan well.

Although she is the queen of King's Palace, she is also a little girl. She is only 16 years old, and she is eager to be cared for.

But she knew that those people looked down on her mocking her and secretly said that she was a bastard.

Faced with these gossips, she endured.

In order to secure the King's Palace, and in order to protect the King's Palace, she had to continue to hold back.

She couldn't let the queen really fight against the king's palace.

Today the empress is very distraught, very suspicious, and has good tactics.

So she had to pretend.

Even in disguise, the empress never gave up on temptation, and sent people to kill her again and again to test her.

For the son of Shangguan, she is because the family of Shangguan has kindness to her mother, and her mother told her before she died, so she remembers this kindness and she naturally wants to protect the family of Shangguan.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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