The queen of the country, Shui Xuan'er, looked at the direction of Qingzhuyuan, and a slight arc was raised in the corner of her mouth, and her expression was a little confused and trance.

Maybe her protection, maybe her mind, others will not understand.

Maybe even Shangguan's son thought she was a real dude.

Shui Xuan'er touched her face. She applied a lot of powder on her face and wore a lot of hair rings on her head.

This decoration concealed her original beauty. Everyone looked at her decoration and looked at her dress.

But she had to give people the feeling that maybe only in this way would the empress dispel further doubts.

The Queen of Dingguo has been looking at the direction of Qingzhuyuan, and there are many complex emotions in her eyes.

When the Queen of Dingguo walked away, the maid next to her came in. "Your lord, everything you arranged for has been sent to Qingzhuyuan."

Shui Xuan'er, the Queen of Dingguo, nodded. "Well, it's fine. There is still a pavilion in Qingzhuyuan. You can arrange it and let people build it."

Bicui listened to the words of the prince, and grumbled dissatisfiedly: "Your prince, why are you so good with the prince of Shangguan? The prince of Shangguan does not necessarily appreciate it. He may not be able to accept the goodness of the prince. The subordinates are angry for the prince. Son, only the prince you are really good to Shangguan son, to protect him."

Bicui has been with the prince for so many years, she is loyal to the prince, so she has always been in the position of the prince to see things and consider things.

Every time the prince asked her to arrange for someone to send something to Qingzhuyuan, she had to complain a lot.

Shui Xuan'er, the Queen of Dingguo, looked at the maid's breath and smiled, "Bicui, I just do what I should do."

"The prince said it was for graciousness, but the subordinates knew that the prince was different from the prince of Shangguan. As long as the prince of Guanguan looked at it, he would know that the prince was good, and he would know that the prince was disguised. The outsiders did not know, only It is said that the prince's dumb grass package is the first of the prince's talents and talents. No woman can compare, not even the empress."

Listening to these words, the queen of the country, Shui Xuan'er, sighed helplessly, "Bicui, how many times have you been told to you?

"But his subordinates distressed the prince."

Everything should be shouldered by the prince. The prince is also a little girl. She is only 16 years old, and she also needs to be cared for and taken care of.

In the past, the prince camouflaged during the day and trained at night. With such high-intensity training, the prince persevered.

At that time, the prince's body was all wounded, and she quietly gave the prince's medicine, and even the doctor did not dare to ask, fearing that someone would know that the prince was disguised.

Hearing the words distressed, the eyes of the queen of the country, Shui Xuan'er, became wet.

Her emotions touched, and even if the emotions touched, she endured it without crying.

She always told herself that she was the queen of the country, she couldn’t cry, she couldn’t be weak, she couldn’t cry.

So she won't cry.

Shui Xuan'er looked at Bicui with red eyes: "Bicui, these years, as you grow up with me, you are actually very hard."

Bicui said, "No, it is an honor for the subordinates to meet the master like the prince. The subordinates vowed to follow the prince."

Shui Xuan'er listened to Bicui's words and smiled. Yes, she still had faithful subordinates.

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