Wu Jian looked at the bleeding in his chest constantly. He knew that if he didn’t talk about it, he would be dead now. No, he looked at the coldness of the young master. He knew that if he didn’t tell him honestly, the young master would not let him be so cheap. Dead.

He has been with the young man for so many years, and he also knows the young man's temperament and character.

The young master is usually indifferent on the weekdays, and does not take anything in the eyes of anyone, but once the young master has something that the person cares about, and once he shoots, it is absolutely ruthless.

The power behind the young master is also very strong. The Shangguan family has a punishment building that specifically punishes people. After entering, they will not be punished without peeling the skin and dying several times.

He had seen it, so he shivered in fear.

And the look of the young master, he had a feeling of being overwhelmed with breath.

The aura on Master is too strong.

As a last resort, he could only say: "It is the queen, the young master, the queen forced the subordinates to do this. The subordinates thought that the young master had a deep affection for the queen, and definitely wanted to help the queen."

Shangguan Shaoheng obviously had no patience. He waved his hand directly, and someone fed the poison to Wu Jian.


Wu Jian found that his whole body was the same as a broken bone and the same pain as an ant gnawed.

He was trembling with pain and screaming.


Wu Jian can only explain everything.

The empress didn't worry about him, and then called Wu Jian, saying that if Wu Jian did things well, Wu Jian would be included in the harem in the future.

He was worried that at that time, he could not bear the young master, the empress said, when the Shangguan family was gone, a Shangguan Shaoheng had no power and power, and he could not deal with him. Perhaps in the harem, Shangguan Shaoheng's status was not as good as him. .

The empress gave him a bag of forgetfulness, which would make people forget the past months.

The past few months will make Shangguan Shaoheng forget Shui Xuan'er.

But it will not forget all the past with the empress.

The Empress said that the people in the King's Palace have been lovers of all generations, and once the emotions will not change, Wang Shui Xuan'er will definitely find the young master.

As long as he took advantage of the opportunity, he took the medicine in the tea, which was poison.

Chronic poison, even if the lord is not dead on the battlefield, will also be poisoned and die.

And Wang Shui Xuan'er knew it was poison, but because Shangguan Shaoheng gave it to her, she would drink it.

The empress guessed Shui Xuan'er's thoughts.

The reason why the empress understood so much was because Wu Jian disclosed everything about Shui Xuan'er to the empress.

Including the disguise of the prince, he revealed it.

But no one knows, Shangguan Shaoheng will remember everything.

There is no antidote to Forgetting Powder, it can only be said that Shangguan Shaoheng's affection for Shui Xuan'er is still very deep.

Especially stimulated by Shui Xuan'er's death, anxiously attacked, it naturally came to mind.


Wu Jian said a lot, and Shangguan Shaoheng could hardly hear it.

He coughed painfully and then a spit of blood spurted out.

Several subordinates were shocked when they saw the young master vomiting blood. What happened to the young master?

"Ha, ha..."

Shangguan Shaoheng listened to this, and a **** tear came out of his eyes.

Shangguan Shaoheng now wants to kill, but he actually wants to kill himself most.

He naturally remembered that when Shui Xuan'er was injured, he asked the doctor to enter the house. At that time, Beicui beside Shui Xuan'er came to him, but he ignored him.

Also, Shui Xuan'er was thin, he still remembered.

Before she went on the expedition, she was even thinner.

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