Shangguan Shaoheng thought of Shui Xuan'er's thin appearance, and when he thought of forgetting everything, he couldn't stand it.

A **** tear came directly from Shangguan Shaoheng's eyes.

Shangguan Shaoheng shivered and looked at the blood and tears flowing out, his hands were shaking.

"Xuan'er, Xuan'er..."

Shangguan Shaoheng almost mourned and shouted Shui Xuan'er's name.

All the shouts seemed to come from the throat.

Shangguan Shaoheng's body strength seemed to be hollowed out. There was only one Shui Xuan'er in his mind.

He couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe that Shui Xuan'er died like this.

No, she will not die.

He remembered how she looked when she came to him, he Xuan'er, his Xuan'er, how could he treat his Xuan'er like that.

All these people, all these people.

Well, very well, the queen dare to treat him like this, and the people who dare to move him, he dare to move the whole river and mountains.

In an instant, the momentum of Shangguan Shaoheng's body was completely released, which was different from the past indifference. This time, he had a cold breath all over his body, with a chill that swallowed everything.

His whole body seemed to breed a dark breath.

Shangguan Shaoheng's finger moved, and the table next to it all shattered to pieces.

The subordinates around them looked at the young master like this, and they were too surprised to dare to show it.

Shangguan Shaoheng evoked a bloodthirsty arc at the corner of his mouth, and said to the subordinate: "Send Wu Jian to the torture building, and give people a good hospitality. Don't let him die."


He will never let anyone hurt Xuan'er, including himself.

When he got revenge, he went to accompany Xuan'er.

Shangguan Shaoheng's eyes are dark and whirlpool-like, making people look at each other with horror.

Then Wu Jian listened to Shangguan Shaoheng's words and fainted.

But no matter whether he passed out, Shangguan Shaoheng would not let him die easily.

His heart hurts, Xuan'er, his Xuan'er...

He still remembers Xuan'er's smile, remembering what she said, she was thin, she was very thin, what she said before the expedition, her eyes before the expedition, he remembered clearly.

She blamed him.

Now he can't even apologize to her, how could she die, how could she die...

Shangguan Shaoheng's body was shaking with pain, he drove everyone out of the house, and he stayed alone in the house.

A few days later, when Shangguan Shaoheng came out again, everyone found that Shangguan Shaoheng's hair was white.

Seeing Shangguan Shaoheng's hair, everyone was horrified.

Shangguan Shaoheng looked at his white hair and smiled self-deprecatingly.

What Baifa did, he had to lose his life to Xuan'er.

If it weren't for him, how could Xuan'er die.

And the queen!

He should also seek revenge from the Queen!

Shangguan Shaoheng hates himself, if not for him, the queen will not have the opportunity to start against Xuan'er.

If he is vigilant enough, he will find Wu Jian's anomaly, but he does not.

After covering his hair, Shangguan Shaoheng went directly to Ding King's Mansion.

Today, King Ding Palace has become an empty shell, and many people are gone.

But when he walked in, he found that there were still people in Ding King's Mansion. These people came to sweep the King's Mansion spontaneously, to miss the King.

Shangguan Shaoheng was very strong, and he went directly to Shui Xuan'er's bedroom.

When approaching here, Shangguan Shaoheng seemed to see Shui Xuan'er sitting inside.

He stood here, his body shaking.

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