Shangguan Shaoheng stretched out his slender fingers like jade, gently wiped away the tears with Xuan'er, "Xuan'er, don't cry, you like to eat, I will buy it for you."

Shangguan Shaoheng actually couldn't see Shui Xuan'er's tears. When Shui Xuan'er was crying, he felt that Shui Xuan'er's tears seemed to drip on his heart and scorch his heart.

Shangguan Shaoheng looked at Shui Xuan'er's tears, and his heart hurt.

Shui Xuan'er took the initiative to stretch his hands around Shangguan Shaoheng's waist, "Well, you will buy it for me later."

This time, Shui Xuan'er decided to forget the memories that she had recalled, and she really didn't remember them.

Shangguan Shaoheng looked at the person leaning on his arms, and a soft light flashed in his eyes. He patted Shui Xuan'er's back gently, and moved gently, and then touched her hair.

Shangguan Shaoheng placed his chin on Shui Xuan'er's head, groping.

He was thinking that Shui Xuan'er's hand must not be released when shopping.

This time, he was bad. He should take Shui Xuan'er. If she was tired and didn't want to walk, he should walk with her on her back, so that she could hold her hand and watch her all the time.

Shangguan Shaoheng didn't know from beginning to end, just Shui Xuan'er deliberately hid.

He just habitually sought problems from himself.

Shui Xuan'er leaned in Shangguan Shaoheng's arms for a while and said, "I want to go home."

Upon hearing Shui Xuan'er say he wanted to go home, Shangguan Shaoheng immediately said, "Okay, let's go home."

Shangguan Shaoheng took Shui Xuan'er forward and squatted down the corner of the wall and said, "I will carry you back."

Shui Xuan'er listened to these words and watched Shangguan Shaoheng's movements.

"It will tire you."

"Fool, come up, you are not tired from carrying it."

Shangguan Shaoheng is still stubborn in some respects, and Shui Xuan'er can only lie on the back of Shangguan Shaoheng.

After really getting up, Shui Xuan'er felt a warm current flowing from his heart to his body.

She hugged Shangguan Shaoheng's neck, and her nose was sour. Today Shangguan Shaoheng is really good for her.

She can feel it.

At this time, Shui Xuan'er had no other ideas. Her only thought was to live a good life with Shangguan Shaoheng and their children.

From this day on, Shui Xuan'er really forgot the past, cherished life, and lived a happy life with Shangguan Shaoheng every day.

Even taking care of the baby, Shangguan Shaoheng personally, Shui Xuan'er can be a lot easier.

Later they also had a son and a daughter.

Shangguan Shaoheng and Shui Xuan'er have two sons and one daughter.

The family lived happily together.


Modern Shui Xuan'er looked at this, and tears kept flowing out.

She did not expect that the ancient Shui Xuan'er and the ancient Shangguan son were such a past. Now she has all seen it and remembered it all. This is her ancient memory.

Touched, sour, and sweet, and finally my heart is warm.

"Xuan'er, Xuan'er, wake up..."

Modern Shui Xuan'er dreamed of this while she was sleeping, and she heard what seemed to be calling her in her ear.

She opened her eyes in a trance and saw that she was in the hotel.

She was still in a trance, and some did not regain her mind. She even thought she was in the ancient world.

But she blinked and looked at the ceiling. The whole person was awake a little bit, and she realized that she was really modern, this is a hotel.

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