Shui Xuan'er gradually recovered her mind. She remembered that she came to see the ancient house and went back to the hotel to fall asleep. Then she dreamed about everything in ancient times.

The old house was actually the place where she lived in the ancient times as the queen of the country.

Now all memories of ancient times are available, and all doubts are solved.

Shui Xuan'er had a feeling of relief, but also a complex feeling.

The feeling in her heart was very complicated, and it was impossible to tell what it was like, just like Zhuang Zhou Mengdie, it was obviously unreal, but the existence of the ancient house reminded her that it was real.

Shui Xuan'er thought of these involuntarily.

Just when she was thinking about this, she felt some pain in her waist, and she found that she was being held tightly by Shangguan Shaoheng.

"Um... Shaoheng..."

Upon hearing Shui Xuan'er's voice, Shangguan Shaoheng realized that he seemed to be out of control. He hurriedly gently released Shui Xuan'er's waist, but still holding her.

At this time, Shangguan Shaoheng's eyes were red, with a crimson color, and he seemed to cry too.

Looking at such Shangguan Shaoheng, Shui Xuan'er felt a little trance, as if he had seen the ancient Shangguan Shaoheng.

Shui Xuan'er couldn't help reaching out to touch Shangguan Shaoheng's eyes, and said hoarsely: "Shaoheng, your eyes are red, are you crying?"

"Xuan'er, I remember everything before, I remember everything in ancient times."

His memory was vague before. This time he returned to the hotel from the ancient house. After falling asleep, he remembered everything.

Shui Xuan'er sat up and stretched his hand to hug Shangguan Shaoheng's neck. "I remember, I remembered it. The ancient house is the King's Palace, where I used to live."

No wonder, when she went to the ancient house, she felt so strange and familiar.

No wonder she would recognize the writing, it turned out that she was the Queen of King's Palace.

She really is the hostess of the ancient house.

It's just that the time that has passed so long in ancient times has been thousands of years.

The ancient house has a history of thousands of years.

Unexpectedly, in this era, the ancient house is still well preserved.

Shui Xuan'er has a feeling of incomprehension in his heart. Obviously people now have a feeling of traveling through time and space.

"Xuan'er, I'm sorry at that time."

"Don't say sorry, you treated me well later, we still have children."

Yes, they later have children.

They lived for quite a long time, but in ancient times, when she was old, she went first. Shangguan Shaoheng held her and died.

She can feel his feelings for her.

Although Shangguan Shaoheng listened to Shui Xuan'er's comforting words, he still felt a little self-blamed.

"But at first, I didn't have those memories, I didn't remember anything, and I hurt you."

Shangguan Shaoheng said everything about modern times. At the beginning of modern times, he even left the water Xuan'er for so long, so he didn't care.

Shui Xuan'er now has those memories, and her heart is widened. Instead, she comforts Shangguan Shaoheng: "These are all gone, and you have been very good to me recently."

"Xuan'er, I will treat you well in the future."

Shangguan Shaoheng still remembers that in the ancient times, when Shui Xuan'er was in his eighties, his whole heart hurting could not be beaten. Later, he held Shui Xuan'er without food or drink, and followed her went.

Shui Xuan'er smiled at Shangguan Shaoheng, and then took the initiative to kiss and kiss his lips. "Well, I believe you."

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