Nan Jiateng's eyes sank directly, and he couldn't help but hold the tea-pulling hands hard.

How much he cares about tea pouring, he has so much vinegar in his heart.

Cha Qingluo was still in a trance, her hand hurt so badly, she suddenly recovered.

She was about to get her hand out when she was upset.

But Nan Jiateng held it very tightly.

Cha Qingluo couldn't help but anger suddenly: "In freshman year, you ignored me, you were cold to me, even went to a picnic, you ignored me, I was alone, I’m going to be integrated into your group. It’s Master who came to accompany me. It’s Master, not you..."

With that, Cha Qingluo burst into tears and cried.

It turned out that she also had resentment against Nan Jiateng, hating him for being so indifferent and so indifferent to her in her freshman year.

Cha Qingluo's emotions suddenly rushed up and she couldn't hold her back. While shaking her mind in Nanjia Teng, she pulled her hand out at once and ran out.

Nan Jiateng looked at his own hand and felt that his heart was completely empty. Rao was the person he calmed down again, and he became panicked at this time.

Nan Jiateng did not care to apologize to Bai Qingmei, and chased him out directly.

Bai Qingmei naturally listened to the dialogue between the two.

He also knew the general situation of Yang Manqin.

This situation is indeed very strange.

Suddenly he seemed to think of something, his face changed.


At this time, Cha Qingluo only felt a headache and felt panic. She started to run out. She wanted to find a place to calm down and calm down.

Nan Jiateng quickly chased behind, grabbing Cha Qingluo's wrist, "Qingluo, where are you going?"

Nan Jiateng was holding Cha Qingluo's hand at this time, and he was working hard. His voice was hoarse and low, and he was even a little flustered.

He thought he was calm and calm, but in the face of tea pouring, he felt a little overwhelmed.

He didn't know what to do with her.

Cha Qingluo turned his head and looked at Nan Jiateng bitterly, "Don't you care!"

At this time, Cha Qingluo's mind was full of Nan Jiateng's indifference to her in freshman year.

She still remembered that he had asked her to go for a picnic at that time, but he was detached from her, and there were two girls in his department running against her.

When she reached the top of the mountain, she didn't know who to talk to, and watched a group of them eating a lively barbecue.

She didn't even know what to eat.

She still remembers the feeling at that time, painful, very painful.

If it wasn’t for Master’s arrival, she wouldn’t even know if she would eat barbecue.

She felt a pain in her heart, so dull that she couldn't breathe.

Nan Jiateng's eyes that hated Shangcha Qingluo deeply, and his heart seemed to be stung, "Qingluo, do you hate me?"

Cha Qingluo almost shouted at Nan Jiateng: "How did you treat me before, how did you treat me, do you know? Do you remember?"

With that, Cha Qingluo reached out and pushed Nanjia Teng.

"At that time, it was Master who treated me well. It was Master who protected me."

With that, Cha Qingluo began to cry.

Looking at Cha Qingluo, Nan Jiateng seemed to realize something, "Qingluo, do you want to find him?"

When he said this, Nan Jiateng also seemed to use a lot of energy.

No one knows how much he cares about tea pouring.

That's why he was so afraid of being so flustered.

In his freshman year, he seemed to have forgotten many things at that time, but now that he remembers, he also remembers that he was not very good with tea pouring.

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