Nan Jiateng thought of himself as a freshman, and he also wished he could slap himself.

Nan Jiateng's eyes had a panicked look. He still grabbed Cha Qingluo's hand hard, "It was me bad at that time, you can beat me and scold me, just don't cry, don't feel uncomfortable, you look like this , I will be distressed."

"You don't feel distressed at all, what do you distress, Master is the one who treats me well..."

Cha Qingluo didn't know what was wrong with her. She was very chaotic. She seemed to vent all her emotions to Nan Jia Teng.

But looking at his sore eyes, her heart hurt even more.

Why is my heart sore and so stuffy that I can't breathe.

Nan Jiateng stretched his hand and hugged the tea in his arms, "Qingluo, I know you are uncomfortable now, just don’t say that, you know what you mean to me, you know what I mean to you Feelings, how can you say that, you know I will also be heartbroken..."

Nan Jiateng said these words hoarsely, holding tightly the tea dill and holding it very hard.

At this time, Nan Jiateng hated to rub the tea into the body.

Cha Qingluo struggled hard, but she didn't have Nan Jiateng's strength, she could only lean on his arms.

Slowly, she was tired, and she began to cry in Nan Jiateng's arms, tears constantly flowing out.

Nan Jiateng felt the moistness of her neck and knew she was crying.

Nan Jiateng couldn't watch the tea pouring.

Seeing Cha Qingluo crying, Nan Jiateng's heart hurt terribly.

For him, Tea Qingluo's tears dripped on his heart and burned his heart.

Nan Jiateng gently touched Cha Qingluo's hair and kissed her heart.

"Qingluo, don't say those words just now. I was bad when I was a freshman. I will treat you well in the future and make up for it, OK?"

Cha Qingluo listened to Nan Jiateng's words, her heart trembles, her tears flow more.

She didn't know why emotions became like this.

Maybe she was bored, maybe it was because of Master.

"But Master, what should he do?"

Perhaps it was because Cha Qingluo suddenly realized that Yang Manqin was much better to her.

Perhaps it was because she knew that she and Nan Jiateng were well together, sorry Master.

Perhaps it was because of this that she was angry with herself.

But he couldn't help turning his emotions to Nan Jiateng.

But thinking of the many scenes in her freshman year, she remembered how Master treated her well.

When she was sad at that time, it was Master who bought her snacks and food for her.

Nan Jiateng touched Cha Qingluo's hair and said, "You can rest assured that we will save him."

Cha Qingluo instinctively believed Nan Jiateng's words.

Cha Qingluo nodded and came out of Nan Jiateng's arms, she wiped her tears herself, "I want to be alone, I want to go back."

She wants to go back to t country.

Nan Jiateng couldn't let Cha Qingluo stay alone at this time. What he feared most was that Cha Qingluo disappeared from his sight.

He knows that Cha Qingluo's mood is very unstable now, he must look at her.

"Qingluo, I was bad when I was a freshman. You hate me for being mad at me. You can beat me and scold me. Don't torture yourself.

Cha Qingluo tilted her head and looked at Nan Jiateng with tears in the corners of her eyes, "Nan Jiateng, you have never spoken to me like this before. Your words really moved my heart. How good I say."

"Isn't it too late to say it now? Qingluo, you are just emotionally unstable now, just calm down later."

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