When Bai Yuexi spoke, she deliberately showed that she didn't understand anything.

Speaking is still not logical.

Looking at Bai Yuexi, the emperor no longer doubted anything.

So Bai Yuexi took the imperial edict and went back.

After going back, Bai Yuexi took Amo directly, and Ying Wei and his party quickly returned to Bai Yuezhou.

This time, when Bai Yuexi faced the emperor, he also knew that the emperor was insane, but at the same time, the emperor was also a very cruel person.

And it is the character that must be reported.

When looking at people, his eyes are cold like a snake.

Such a person, her Bai family is naturally to guard against.

It is necessary to quickly develop the forces of Baiyue Prefecture. Only with strong forces can we protect the peace of one side.

In order to protect the person she wants to protect.

So when he was on the road, Bai Yuexi was writing a plan on his lap.

She wants to use many modern things.

She plans to open many commercial streets to develop the economy.

In addition, she drew down some modern agricultural tools, and wanted Gongsun to skip to develop better agricultural tools.

She plans to develop agriculture and commerce in Baiyue Prefecture.

Then secretly training in secret.

She has a modern way that can be fully applied.

She also asked Gongsun to make more powerful weapons and tools.

Bai Yuexi was busy writing and writing on paper.

Amo worried that it would be bad for her eyes to write and write like this when she was on the road.

But Bai Yuexi is very stubborn to do this.

Because she knew that the time was also very tight, maybe when Zihua State was in chaos, Baiyuezhou was in danger.

If the emperor remembers to hate his father, at this time, he deliberately united foreign enemies to secure a father's charge of treason, and the entire Bai family will be destroyed.

Since Bai Yuexi has come to this world, she will not allow this to happen. She must protect the people around her and protect the Bai family.

The Bai family also needs to grow.

Bai Yuexi comes from the modern age and has no foolish loyalty. Even if it is a rebellion, she feels nothing.

As long as the superior can make the people live a good life, the superior is good.

Water can carry a boat and overturn it.

Along the way, they naturally also encountered assassination.

In such an environment, Amo also exercised a stronger willpower.

In actual combat, his martial arts moves became more and more skillful.

Amo's moves are very fierce. He will kill the assassins regardless of his injuries.

Because he knew that he had to make himself stronger and stronger to protect Bai Yuexi.

Seeing A Mo injured, Bai Yuexi was really angry.

Bai Yuexi knew that this time it was the other forces who wanted to kill her, which instigated the Bai family's dissatisfaction with the emperor, and caused the entire Zihua Kingdom to quickly mess up.

But with Bai Yuexi, no one can kill them.

But with more and more assassins, Bai Yuexi had to disguise his party.

Bai Yuexi this time taught the Twelve Shadow Guard and Amo Yirong and disguise.

A group of people scattered and converged in Baiyuezhou.

Bai Yuexi and A Mo pretend to be a lady and a maid.

Bai Yuexi thought for a while and let Amo pretend to be a lady.

Although Amo is a little awkward, what Bai Yuexi asked him to do, he will still do it, as long as he can protect Bai Yuexi.

So Bai Yuexi dressed up for Amo as a woman.

When he really dressed Amo as a woman's dress, Bai Yuexi was shocked.

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