A Moben is carrying a kind of enchanting beauty, especially the eyebrow cinnabar mole is enchanting and moving. His eyes are slanting and he has a thrilling beauty.

What's more, he is a woman, even more gorgeous.

Bai Yuexi stared at Amo in a daze, looking at him in women's clothing, she couldn't help her heartbeat speed up, and she had a strong sense of throbbing.

Especially Amo's eyes are really fascinating.

Bai Yuexi has a feeling of involuntarily indulging in the eyes of Shang Amo.

She just thought his eyes were so touching.

After Amo was replaced by Bai Yuexi as a woman, he was still very unnatural and his ears were slightly red.

He was just about to ask Bai Yuexi, but he saw Bai Yuexi looking at him fascinatingly, and her eyes seemed to be shining bright and moving.

Such Bai Yuexi is also beautiful.

Amo looked at Bai Yuexi's eyes, and his whole body was stiff, not knowing what to do.

Bai Yuexi stared blankly at Amo's eyes, then reached out and gently touched Amo's eyes.

At this time, Bai Yuexi's actions were completely natural.

She was amazed by Amo's eyes, so she conditioned to touch Amo's eyes.

Bai Yuexi exclaimed involuntarily: "Amo's eyes are really beautiful!"

Praised by Bai Yuexi, Amo was a little bit embarrassed and somewhat embarrassed, and her face was slightly red.

His lips moved slightly, "Miss!"

Hearing Amo's voice, Bai Yuexi suddenly recovered.

After Bai Yuexi recovered, she realized what she was just doing and her hand was still on Amo's eyes.

Bai Yuexi blinked and blushed suddenly, "Ah, Amo, I just, just..."

Bai Yuexi shyly wanted to explain something, but didn't know how to explain it.

She just touched Amo's eyes uncontrollably.

A Mo smiled softly at Bai Yuexi: "If the lady likes it, you can do anything."

Such a word by Amo made Bai Yuexi miss her heart.

From Bai Yuexi's point of view, Amo can touch people's hearts even if he doesn't move!

Bai Yuexi coughed to hide his embarrassment.

She said, "Amo, clean up your hair first."

With that said, Bai Yuexi started to get Amo's hair into women's hair, and then put on Amo's makeup.

Bai Yuexi concealed her appearance slightly for Amo, and she also put on makeup herself, and then pretend to be a little bit, the two seem to be really Miss and Maid.

But she made Miss Amodan, she disguised her maid.


"Amo, you have to listen to me. I must have such an arrangement for this arrangement."

"How can I let the young lady be wronged!"

In Amo's opinion, Bai Yuexi pretends to be a maid and calls her Miss. If she still takes care of her on weekdays, he feels that Bai Yuexi has been aggrieved.

Bai Yuexi looked at Amo and sighed in his heart, thinking that Amo was really thinking about her everywhere, he ignored him.

"However, I don't feel wronged and made Amo disguised as a woman. I think it made Amo wronged."

"No, Amo is happy with the young lady, Amo is not wronged."

When he said this, A Mo's expression was firm.

He looked at Bai Yuexi seriously and passed his emotions to Bai Yuexi through his eyes.

Bai Yuexi looked at Amo deeply. After a while, his lips moved. "Amo, do you believe me that way?"

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