Bai Yuexi said these words, his eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

It was also because Amo mentioned something and reminded her of it.

A Mo listened to Bai Yuexi's words, and the corners of his mouth also evoked a gentle curvature, with a gentle smile, and his eyes seemed to be soft and watery.

Such Amo, in front of Bai Yuexi, the breath is so gentle and soft.

Such Amo makes Bai Yuexi feel comfortable.

Bai Yuexi felt that there was a warm current around her, making her very comfortable and comfortable.

A Mo looked at Bai Yuexi and said, "Miss is very smart."

Bai Yuexi stepped forward with a happy hand and said, "Amo is clever. As soon as Amo tells me, I know how to do it!"

A Mo looked at Bai Yuexi's happy face, and naturally became very well.

Amo continued to say: "You can make all kinds of medicines, you can use this way to make them your fine work."

Amo has experienced a lot since he was a child. He doesn't think there is anything wrong with this way. It is very normal to control a person with drugs.

At the beginning, he was almost turned into a medicine man, but he escaped.

Later, I met Miss Bai Yuexi. After that, the lady treated him so well, and he almost enjoyed the treatment of the young master.

In A Mo's heart, Bai Yuexi is more important to him than life.

Bai Yuexi nodded, she understood what to do.

She is very good at this.

So Bai Yuexi quietly counteracted these detailed works and let them do things for her.

And after interrogation, Bai Yuexi also knew the forces behind these people.

Bai Yuexi understands more clearly that Bai Yuezhou is in a dangerous situation now.

She read this book. Later in this book, the war in Baiyue Prefecture continued, and the people were seriously injured.

Moreover, Bei Yaoguo also directly entered Zihua from the border of Baiyue Prefecture.

Baiyue Prefecture has almost become the land of the North Yao State.

Later, when Amo became a king, he killed Miss Bai, and then reunited Bai Yuezhou, and then Bai Yuezhou returned to normal.

Now that she has become the eldest lady of the Bai family, she wants to shoulder her responsibilities.

After dealing with the matter here, Bai Yuexi and A Mo returned to the Bai Family of the Bai Family.

Bai Yuexi first went to see her grandmother.

She talked to her grandmother about the road and talked about the development plan of Baiyuezhou. She didn't go back to rest until late at night.

In Baifu, Bai Yuexi as a whole can really relax.

Perhaps it is because Bai Yuexi is very safe in her own home.

After taking a rest, Bai Yuexi began to arrange for people to start construction planning in a large area on the east side of Baiyue City.

She combined modern architectural styles with ancient architectural styles and built commercial streets and inns there.

In the generation of open space in the west, Bai Yuexi let people build schools.

In this era, there are very few schools everywhere, so there are only one or two colleges with very few Confucius.

Bai Yuexi is ready to let Baifu pay the money, and ask the teacher to teach in the college.

In any era, she feels that cultivating talents is an important part of local development.

In various places in Baiyue Prefecture, Bai Yuexi began planning the site, building commercial streets according to design drawings, and colleges were built everywhere.

At the same time, Bai Yuexi also started arranging people to look for potatoes and sweet potatoes everywhere. This kind of thing has a high yield and can be grown locally.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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