Bai Yuexi wanted to develop all aspects of Baiyue Prefecture.

And she also set up a special assessment department to select talents from all aspects.

Secretly, Bai Yuexi is even more recruiting.

Bai Yuexi found a place under the cliff in Baiyue City. This place is suitable for hiding and training.

She asked people to open up the place and start recruiting in secret.

Bai Yuexi also knows a lot about the training of troops.

She wrote down some modern training methods and applied them to this era. She let Yinger 2 be responsible for the training of these troops.

Bai Yuexi even sent the Shadow Guard to Bei Yaoguo to find Amo's sister.

Although there is no clue, Bai Yuexi still insists on letting Yingwei look for it.

As long as it was Amo's account, Bai Yuexi wanted to do well for him.

And Amo has no relatives anymore. She Yao helped Amo find her sister, so Amo has relatives still in this world.

She wanted him to feel more warmth.


Since Bai Yuexi returned to Baifu, the whole person has been busy, going to rest late at night and getting up the next day.

She felt that she had a lot of things to do, and she felt that time was not enough.

She must seize the time to develop Baiyue Prefecture. Only in this way can she better protect this land and protect this side of the people when the war comes.

Even Amo rarely sees Bai Yuexi every day.

Because Bai Yuexi always gets up early and returns late, and comes back at night, he always eats in the room. Otherwise, he can’t afford to eat, write planning drawings on the paper, or write training plans.

Because Bai Yuexi was in a hurry, her subordinates worked quickly.

Soon, the east and west generations of Baiyue City were almost completed.

Especially the college, which was built quickly.

This college is not quite the same as the college of this era.

Bai Yuexi is modelled on the construction of a modern school. The architectural style and the ancient style are combined, but there are clean and hygienic dormitories and a canteen.

There are daily schedules for classes.

And Bai Yuexi has already invited people of all abilities to take charge of all aspects.

Some are responsible for the liberal arts, some are responsible for martial arts, as well as many aspects of agriculture, politics, cooking, embroidery.

Bai Yuexi wants to develop everyone's skills.

The college is very large, so there are classrooms of all ages.

Everyone can choose the time to choose the course.

When the people in Baiyuecheng knew that the college was established and could enroll for free, they were all excited.

In this era, the cost of studying is very high. Pen, ink, paper, ink, and entrance fees are not affordable for ordinary people.

This time, Ms. Bai from the White House directly gave people free admission to study. Many people were excited.

For a time, the people in Baiyue City began to praise Bai Yuexi for coming.

"Who said that Miss Bai was a bachelorette, Miss Bai did so many things for the people, before others had deliberately spread rumors, Miss Bai was a good person!"

"That's right, the college was founded by Miss Bai, and recently Baifu has also issued some policies to encourage farming and reduce taxes..."

"There are also agricultural tools that are so easy to use that you can irrigate the fields. Recently, special people have come to the fields to teach you how to farm more reasonably."

"Some seeds have been sent..."

"And there are rewards for reclaiming land..."

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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