After hearing the question that Bai Yuexi cared about, Amo was stunned for a moment, and then he recovered slightly.

He looked down at himself, was he thin?

He didn't notice it himself.

During this time, Amo was thinking of Bai Yuexi every day, and then no matter how much he learned to practice martial arts, he could not care about eating well.

Maybe he didn't even realize that he was thin.

Bai Yuexi looked up at Amo's eyes and felt distressed.

Amo doesn't care much about himself.

So, let Amo go to Nanyun Academy like this, Bai Yuexi was really not at ease.

"Amo, in a few days, we will start our journey to the area of ​​Nanyun City. It will soon be the time for the annual entrance to Nanyun Academy. We have to arrive there half a month early so that we can prepare earlier."

Hearing Bai Yuexi say to us, A Mo's heart trembled, and he reached out to hold Bai Yuexi's hand, "Does Miss go with A Mo?"

Bai Yuexi said that he went to Nanyun Academy with him.

It was just that time, the situation in Baiyue Prefecture was about to hit, and Baiyue Prefecture faced many dangers. At this time, Baiyuexi should be staying in Baiyue City.

He thought Bai Yuexi would not go to Nanyun Academy.

Bai Yuexi looked at A Mo's unbelievable eyes, and his heart was awkward.

"I promised Amo what I will do, I will go to Nanyun Academy with Amo."

Hearing this sentence, A Mo's eyes were red, touched, and Bai Yuexi's hand tightened.

In fact, Amo didn't know that Bai Yuexi was so busy during this time to pour out time to accompany Amo to Nanyun City.

I will start my journey in a few days, so Bai Yuexi also prepared something.

She prepared some clothes for Amo, all seasons.

She also specializes in Gongsunluo's modern suitcase, making a suitcase with her own hands, all of which have wheels to slide on.

And she also got the lock, so that when Amo was studying at Nanyun College, she could store things while staying.

Of course, no matter how busy Bai Yuexi is, he also made his own schoolbag, which is the kind of shoulder strap schoolbag.

This era is not yet there. Everyone travels in this era, they are all wrapped in ambitions on their shoulders. It is always inconvenient and there are few things to pack.

But for the backpack, Amo can put a lot of things, and she can also put books on weekdays.

The clothes, daily necessities, and some medicine bottles that Bai Yuexi prepared for Amo are all used when you have a fever or a cold or fall.

She is fully prepared.

When she said the same to Amo, she didn't know what to say when she was moved.

He could only look at Bai Yuexi deeply, with the magic of swallowing in his eyes, as if to put Bai Yuexi into his heart.

Bai Yuexi was seriously saying this to Amo. Suddenly, Amo stopped talking. She was a little strange. When she looked up, she turned to Amo's red eyes with water.

At that moment, Bai Yuexi thought Amo was crying.

Bai Yuexi reached out and wiped the water from the corners of his eyes for Amo, "Amo, if you shed tears, others will think I am bullying you!"

Seeing Amo weep, Bai Yuexi felt distressed.

A Mo wanted to say something, but his throat choked.

He can only reach out and hug Bai Yuexi.

"Miss, Miss..."

Amo called Bai Yuexi over and over again. Although he didn't say anything, all emotions were in his voice.

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