Bai Yuexi can also feel Amo's emotions at this time.

She smiled softly at Amo and then patted Amo on the back. "Amo, I said I would accompany Amo to Nanyun Academy."

What Bai Yuexi said to Amo was naturally what she wanted.

She didn't expect Amo to be so excited.

She can also feel Amo's need for her at this time.

And to prepare these things for Amo, she feels that Amo can use them, and she will also be very happy.

Being needed is actually a happy thing.


Before going to Nanyun City, Bai Yuexi's shadow guard returned with a bag.

Inside the bag is the sweet potato potato that Bai Yuexi asked his subordinates to look for.

Bai Yuexi drew pictures of sweet potatoes and arranged for his subordinates to look for them.

Seeing his subordinates find these, Bai Yuexi was naturally excited.

She hurriedly wrote down the planting method of potatoes and sweet potatoes, and then let the special people teach the people to grow.

She even made Baifu fund, let people buy a lot of sweet potatoes, make seeds, and let the people grow.

She believes that the next agricultural output in Baiyue will have new highs.

Bai Yuexi thought about the future development of Baiyue Prefecture, and was very excited.

She felt it was a matter of pride to help the entire Baiyuezhou get rich.

Let people popularize both sweet potatoes and potato varieties.

After arranging things in Baiyuezhou temporarily, Baiyuexi and Amo took several shadow guards to Nanyun City.

Nanyun City is a generation to the south. There was no war in that generation, and the management was stricter. Now it is peaceful.

So going to Nanyun College is relatively safe on the road.

Furthermore, Bai Yuexi's harsh and cruel methods used to deter some people.

Let the parties do not dare to do anything to Bai Yuexi for the time being.

What's more, A Mo is still the person protected by Bai Yuexi.


After the group arrived in Nanyun City.

Bai Yuexi had already made arrangements for accommodation.

She made people buy a house in the prosperous area of ​​Nanyun City.

In the future, if Amo came out of Nanyun College to transfer to the city, it would be more convenient for him to live in a residence.

It can be said that what can be thought of for Amo, Bai Yuexi also thought of it for Amo.

But now it's time for Amo to prepare for the exam.

Because Nanyun College is very famous, the time before Nanyun College's entrance examination is the most lively time in Nanyun City every year.

Many students gathered in Nanyun City.

Many students can be seen in the teahouse restaurant.

"Nanyun Academy has always had very difficult exam questions, and they were all given out by several prestigious instructors, and the questions are not allowed to be disclosed."

"Being able to become a mentor at Nanyun Academy is a capable person, and the benefits are also good. If you really come to Nanyun Academy to become a famous teacher, it is also possible to become a mentor."

"The study room of Nanyun Academy contains a lot of books and can learn a lot."

"The key is to pass the assessment to enter the college..."

"Everyone has been studying hard recently, and I don't know what the question from the college this time is..."

Many students gathered to discuss the examination of Nanyun Academy.

When Bai Yuexi, A Mo, and Gong Sun Lue came out to eat, they heard the discussion of many people on the tip of their ears.

Suddenly her eyes flickered, wondering if she could become a tutor at Nanyun Academy, would this be a lot more convenient?

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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