Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 7304: Poke through that layer of paper

When saying this to Bai Yuexi, Amo's eyes were very deep, with a dull light.

A Mo's eyes seemed to have magic power, with the power of swallowing, as if to swallow Bai Yuexi.

But when A Mo was talking, he also carefully observed Bai Yuexi's expression and expression.

He gets along with Bai Yuexi day and night, and he also knows Bai Yuexi.

So he can guess what she thought through Bai Yuexi's expression.

Bai Yuexi seemed to have guessed before, but she didn't dare to think deeper.

There may also be fear or fear and fear.

She didn't know it, or maybe she was nervous.

Perhaps because of the tension, she flinched a little and dared not pierce the paper.

But the moment when Amo's lips fell on his forehead, Bai Yuexi's heart seemed to be not beating for a moment, the brain was blank, and only the sound of hum sounded.

At that moment, she really forgot to breathe and forget the reaction.

There is a very wonderful feeling.

It seemed as though the current was flowing all over the body at once.

She felt her body froze, not knowing how to react.

Before she could react, Amo's voice came from her ear, very low and soft, and she plucked her heartstrings. When he was talking, his breath fluttered in his ear, which made her heart tremble, no Controlled throbbing.

Bai Yuexi's reactions at this time are all instinctive reactions.

She was shocked, her eyes widened, and her eyelashes were shaking.

She even held her breath.

What does Amo mean?

He just kissed her forehead, what does it mean?

Bai Yuexi is very clever and has a quick mind, but this time, it seems as if she doesn't know how to think.

A Mo looked at Bai Yuexi deeply, and his heart was beating fast.

He didn't seem so indifferent on the surface.

He was really nervous and scared.

Only he knew that because he cared too much, he was too nervous and too scared.

But even if he was nervous, he wanted to poke through the paper.

Because he understood that his young lady was fifteen years old, had grown up, and came to Kwai Shui.

In her capacity, someone will soon say pro.

Two days ago, he saw someone entering and leaving Baifu, and it seemed that Zhang Luo was doing these things.

How can he not be nervous or not worried.

The lady is his, he is alone.

He is so dependent on the lady, how can he let the lady belong to others, she can only belong to him.

Otherwise, he has the urge to kill.

But he could not scare the lady, he was tentatively testing.

But the temptation just made him very excited. The young lady should also have feelings for him, right?

What he was most afraid of was that the young lady felt affection for him.

Now, he knows, maybe not.

The dark light flashed in Amo's eyes, he continued to say: "Miss saved Amo, Amo can't do without Ms. Miss also belongs to Amo, okay?"

When he said this, A Mo's voice was a little hoarse, with a humble voice.

He seemed to be lowly praying for something.

Bai Yuexi heard this sentence, his body shook, and then suddenly recovered, "Amo, you..."

She leaned her head and looked at Amo's eyes, seeing the red glow in Amo's eyes, her heart hurt.

She was most reluctant to make Amo sad.

"Amo, I'm beside Amo."

"However, Amo is greedy, Amo wants to make the lady all have Amo, only Amo."

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