When saying this, Amo also looked at Bai Yuexi deeply, with a red light in her eyes, as if with water light.

In his eyes there was pleading and humility.

Such an Amo is actually very beautiful, with amorous feelings.

Especially the cinnabar mole of his eyebrows, has a thrilling beauty.

Such an Amo can really inspire the soul.

He understands Bai Yuexi and knows how to grasp Bai Yuexi's heart more tightly.

Know how to make Bai Yuexi touched.

Bai Yuexi stretched out a hand in distress and wiped away the water from the corners of his eyes. "Amo, don't cry, I always have Amo in my heart!"

A Mo heard this sentence and shook his head. He looked at Bai Yuexi deeply, his eyes as if locking Bai Yuexi.

"No, Amo wants Miss to love Amo!"

Not like, but love.

He is very greedy, but in the face of Bai Yuexi, his heart is uncontrolled.

From a very early age, he had an overbearing idea of ​​Bai Yuexi, overbearing and possessive.

So dark.

He also knew that he was very selfish, but he just wanted to occupy Bai Yuexi.

But at that time they were still very young, he did not dare to determine his position in Bai Yuexi's heart.

So he suppressed all emotions.

He kept getting closer to Bai Yuexi, constantly making her used to herself.

In fact, in sinking, he first indulged in sinking.

And he wants to pull Bai Yuexi together.

Because in his dark world, Bai Yuexi is his beam of sunlight, illuminating his sunlight.

He is so greedy, and craving becomes obsession, and then he wants to grasp tightly.

Bai Yuexi's heart shook fiercely when he heard Amo's words, and he felt something surging all over his body.

Feeling that Amo's words alone made her numb.

Was it confessed?

Bai Yuexi looked at Amo, her lips trembling, she didn't know what to say.

She had just guessed, but she dared not think about it.

Because Amo didn't say it, she didn't dare to guess.

But at this time, Amo said the words directly and clearly.

It really made her trembling uncontrollably.

"Amo, you...you...do you know what you were talking about?"

"Miss, I know, I know what I'm talking about, Amo wants Miss's love!"

When he said this, Amo's eyes were very serious.

Bai Yuexi shivered uncontrollably to Shang Mo's eyes.

At this time, the emotion in A Mo's eyes was so obvious.

Amo didn't dare to show anything in front of Bai Yuexi before. He suppressed all emotions. His eyes always carried a misty light, making Bai Yuexi unable to see his true hidden emotions.

But at this time, his dusty eyes had a clear light, and the emotion in his eyes showed like a flood.

Bai Yuexi's eyes were as if submerged by the flood.

When Bai Yuexi's stunned recovery failed, A Mo lowered her head slightly, provoked Bai Yuexi's chin, and leaned her head down.

Then the lip fell on Bai Yuexi's lips.

Bai Yuexi just felt the current surge from the corners of his lips, across the body.

She sighed inwardly. Amo is really a goblin, a goblin's goblin, how she can withstand it, her heartbeat at this time is also for him.

Amo also saw Bai Yuexi's expression, his eyes dimmed, and then gently rubbed Bai Yuexi's hair, "Miss?"

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