Bai Bai and Bai Mu were excited when they saw Bai Yuexi.

Bai Yuexi looked at his parents' loving eyes, and his heart was also very warm.

Bai Yuexi brought Amora over to show his parents.

White Father and White Mother looked at each other and probably understood something.

For them, identity is not important. What matters is that their daughter is happy and their daughter likes it.

And looking at Amo, Bai Baibai is also very satisfied.

It's just that Amo is too bright and has a thrilling beauty.

But Amo looked at Bai Yuexi's eyes, so affectionate and single-minded, so that they are also at ease.

The key is that Bai Yuexi likes it.

They are more open-minded and will not interfere too much.

Bai Yuexi told his parents about the things in the college and the things along the way.

The white father and the white mother listened attentively, all listening with relish.

As long as it is related to Bai Yuexi, bit by bit, they want to know.

Amo listened quietly while sitting beside him.

Just looking at Bai Yuexi and listening to Bai Yuexi's words, Amo was satisfied.

From time to time in the house came cheers and laughter.

Bai Yuexi and Amo lived in the city of Bianguan in this way. When everything was fine during the day, she and Amo strolled around the city.

The inner city environment of Bianguan is relatively simple, and it is incomparable with the prosperity of Baiyue City.

But the folk customs here are still very simple.

Everyone lives step by step.

Bai Yuexi was accompanied by Amo, and she didn't think it was strange here. Instead, she had a play mentality.

She knew that later Amo would unify the continent, and by then, it would become the border between two land, and if there was economic exchange, it would be prosperous.

In Bai Yuexi's view, this town will become a commercial center in the future.

Bai Yuexi's mind is running fast, and there are some business ideas in his mind.

She wanted to use her abilities to make the continent more prosperous, so that after Amo became the emperor, she would better manage the continent.

A Mo looked at Bai Yuexi somewhat distracted, and asked, "What is Miss thinking?"

"I'm thinking, here in the border town, it might become very prosperous in the future."

"Miss said that it will become prosperous when it becomes prosperous."

Amo knows Bai Yuexi's ability, she is full of wisdom and ability, and has a pair of hands that turn decay into magic.

In Bai Yuexi, he can see the miracle happen.

She seems to have charm and magic on her body.

With her there, the learning atmosphere of the academy has become better.

And although she is the youngest mentor, none of the students are dissatisfied.

At first, I refused to accept it, but later I was convinced.

"Amo, do you believe me that way?"

"As long as it is a lady, Amo believes."

Believe everything about her, believe her ability.

Bai Yuexi touched her chin with one hand, and Yingying's smile flashed in her eyes. She felt that listening to Amo's words would always make her feel better.

After a few laps on the street, Bai Yuexi thought about how to plan this town.

In the evening, she excitedly returned to the house with Bai Yuexi.

But that night, with the cold wind, Bai Yuexi always slept unsteadily.

Suddenly there was a horn sound of drumming at the city gate.

Bai Yuexi's face changed, and she instantly sat up from the bed, "What the **** is going on? Is there a war?"

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