The sound rang at the gate, and Bai Yuexi's heart jumped up and down very quickly.


Bai Yuexi put on his coat and ran out of the door in anxiety.

She ran faster, opened the door in an instant, and ran into her arms.

She smelled a familiar breath and knew that she had hit Amo's arms.

Amo also heard the voice and was a little worried and uneasy. Let's take a look at Bai Yuexi's room first.

In many cases, Amo first thought of Bai Yuexi, but also worried about Bai Yuexi.

He had also just arrived at the door, and before he could knock on the door, Bai Yuexi ran out of it and ran into his arms.

A Mo settled in shape, reached out and gently embraced Bai Yuexi, "Miss, I heard the voices outside the tower, is there a war?"

Amo knew that it was the sound of the trumpet of the war horn.

Bai Yuexi's face changed, "Amo, I heard it too. I asked my mother to ask, I was a little worried."

Obviously when the New Year's Eve passes, how can there be war here at the Border Pass?

Could it be that Bei Yaoguo suddenly came over?

Father should be over the city wall, Bai Yuexi is really worried.

In the moonlight, Amo can see Bai Yuexi's pale face.

Looking at Bai Yuexi like this, Amo was worried and distressed.

A Mo reached out and took Bai Yuexi's hand, "I will go with you."

"it is good."

Bai Yuexi also knew that at this time, A Mo's eyes were firm.

Originally a little flustered emotion, because seeing Amo, calmed down a lot.

The white mother was also packed at this time, and the whole person was fully armed, with a weapon in her hand, ready to go to the side of the city wall.

As soon as she went out to see Bai Yuexi, she said, "Yue Xi, it's dangerous here. You will go home all night and let Amo accompany you back to Baiyue City."

Bai Yuexi is the most worried about Bai Yuexi at this time.

Seeing Bai Yuexi, also nervous.

This war is coming, she must protect her daughter anyway.

"Mother, did you fight?"

Mother Bai looked at the calm Bai Yuexi and knew that this daughter was intelligent and capable, she also grew up, and the war happened, she could also tell her, "Yes, this night, Bei Yaoguo launched the main war, dozens Thousands of soldiers and horses are attacking us and are here, and now it is a question of whether we can keep our current strength. Your father has asked for support overnight...

This time the war is on its way, it’s different from the usual friction, it will be very dangerous, you go back quickly..."

Mother Bai also came from the gate, and she has been at the border for so many years, knowing the war.

So she has been clear about the situation.

She told the story to Bai Yuexi, and wanted to make Bai Yuexi more careful and go back quickly.

Bai Yuexi listened, his face pale.

She is a person receiving modern education.

Modern times are peaceful times.

But here is ancient.

And when she read the book, it was also written in the book, and the continent was chaotic during the war.

The light flashed in her mind.

She remembered that Baiyuezhou bordered here. In this battle, the strength of the two sides was quite different, especially Bei Yaoguo or the prince personally led the soldiers, and their main generals attacked, and Zihuaguo did not have military support here, Bai The clan didn't hold the border, but in the end the prince of the Zihua Kingdom took this as a reason and charged the Bai clan with a crime of treason.

Thinking of this, Bai Yuexi's eyes sank.

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