Richest Man: I really don’t want to make money

Chapter 158: This is considered a work-related injury

When Wei Yan and the other three heard Mr. Chen's question, they looked at each other and smiled unconsciously.

"Brother Yan, it's up to you to speak."

Zhao Bowen spoke, and Fang Chang nodded in agreement.

Chen Mo's heart skipped a beat when he saw the expressions on several people's faces.

Wei Yan said with an expression of congratulations.

"Mr. Chen, there is indeed a happy event that I need to report to you."

"We authorized a game club to hold an offline competition of Tianlong Games some time ago, but unexpectedly, the live broadcast of this game was recommended by Hutou Live on the home page."

"In just one week, the number of players playing Tianlong Games has reached two million."

"And because of the entry of these new players, Tianlong Games' revenue has also experienced a short-term surge in the past few days. Now the game backend has more than 4 million in revenue."

Chen Mo suddenly felt his head buzzing as he listened to Wei Yan's words.

The number of players in the game has reached two million?

In this short period of time, more than one million people were added directly.

According to previous statistics, the number of people who have opened monthly cards is about 50%.

Then there are two million people, and one million people will open monthly cards.

Even if a monthly card costs 10 yuan, there is still an income of 10 million.

This does not include the revenue from weekly cards and daily cards.

In other words, the game will have a revenue of at least 10 million per month in the future.


He had just spent all the system funds.

"Mr. Chen, this is just the beginning. Now those live broadcast platforms have begun to have anchors playing our games live, and they will definitely continue to attract players."

Seeing that Mr. Chen didn't respond for a while, Wei Yan continued.

Chen Mo heard Wei Yan's words, looked up at him, gritted his teeth and uttered two words.

"very good!"

He originally thought that Tianlong's monthly income of more than 5 million was enough to cause a headache, but now he would be doubled.

Plans have changed,

We need to spend more money!

There is no way, it is a fact that Tianlong makes money, and the system does not allow him to take this game off the shelves, so he can only find a way to spend money.

The coffee shop needs to wait until it opens to see the situation. If it is determined that it is losing money, then decide to open a second one.

Corner Park has just invested in it, so if you want to invest more, you will have to wait for a while.

Now if I want to spend money, I can only find it at Cangxue Games and Clothing Factory.

Although employees' wages have just been increased, if there are no special circumstances, there will be no way to increase wages in a short time.

But if you think of a way, you should be able to make a fuss about welfare.

Thinking of this, he asked.

"Is there anything our company needs to spend money on right now?"

"Mr. Chen, everything in Cangxue Games is currently running normally, and there is nothing to spend money on."

Wei Yan quickly replied.

"I'm not just talking about company operations, but other company-related expenses."

"For example, if the employees have any demands, etc..."

"Forget it, you take me to the staff office, and I'll ask those employees."

Chen Mo looked at the puzzled expressions of Wei Yan and the others and knew that he wouldn't be able to find out anything from these three people.

"Mr. Chen, let me call all the employees to a studio first."

Zhao Bowen said and quickly left the office. Now Cangxue Games has a studio upstairs, and he needs to gather people together first.

Come to the staff office,

Chen Mo looked at the more than fifty employees present in the studio and spoke slowly.

"Everyone should be relaxed. There is nothing important. I just want to see if everyone has any demands for the company or if they have any suggestions. You can speak enthusiastically."

The studio fell into silence for a while. All the employees looked at Mr. Chen excitedly, but no one spoke.


Now that the company's treatment is so good, who can't think of raising opinions?

Chen Mo frowned slightly. Don't these employees have any appeal? His eyes wandered over the employees.

Since you won't say anything, I'll have to name them.

"Tell me, what areas do you think the company needs to improve on?"

He casually pointed at an employee.

"Chen...Mr. Chen, I think the company is already very good. There is nothing that needs improvement."

Xu Yuan stood up nervously. He did not expect Mr. Chen to directly name him.

"You are thinking carefully, such as what benefits you need, or what appeals you want."

"Mr. Chen, the treatment the company has given us is already very high. We really have no demands."

Looking at the employee's look, Chen Mo knew that he couldn't ask for anything. He was about to ask him to sit down, but his eyes fell on the plaster on the employee's neck.

"What's wrong with your plaster? Is it injured?"

"Mr. Chen is fine. I just have cervical spondylosis in the past two days. I will put some plaster on it to relieve the pain."

Xu Yuan reached out and touched the plaster on her neck and said nonchalantly.

Cervical spondylosis is already the most common problem for people like them who often sit in front of the computer, and it is nothing at all.

Hearing the employee's words, Chen Mo's eyes lit up instantly.

He suddenly thought about how to spend money.

The employee looked at it and laughed.

"Cervical spondylosis, this should be caused by sitting at the computer for a long time, this is already a work-related injury."

"Since it is a work-related injury, the company should be responsible, so in the future, all your expenses for cervical spondylosis will be reimbursed by the company."


Xu Yuan opened his mouth in shock. Is this cervical spondylosis a work-related injury?

He has never heard of that company defining a programmer's cervical spondylosis as a work-related injury.

Not only Xu Yuan was shocked,

All the employees present, including Fang Chang and others, all had shocked expressions.

Chen Mo looked at the shocked look of the employees and continued to speak.

"Considering the nature of the work, people who don't have cervical spondylosis should also take precautions."

"After today, the company will organize everyone to go to the massage shop for professional care massage twice a week, and the company will reimburse the expenses."

"Fang Chang, you arrange the time, and be careful not to occupy the employees' rest time."

"Okay, Mr. Chen."

Fang Chang nodded hurriedly, and before the shocked expression on his face completely dissipated, he heard Mr. Chen speak again.

"Also, count the number of employees, and then buy a batch of massage pillows so that they can lean on them and massage while working."

"In addition, employees should undergo a full-body checkup every three months."

Listening to Mr. Chen's words, I don't know how to describe my mood at this moment.

It's so happy to work in Mr. Chen's company.

Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction. This plan can also be used in the other three companies.

This is undoubtedly another big expense.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Just as I was thinking, I saw all the employees stood up at the same time and shouted in unison.

"Sit down."

Seeing this, Chen Mo hurriedly waved his palm and signaled the employees to sit down. He was really a little uncomfortable with the employees' appearance.

But after seeing an employee wearing glasses, he suddenly had another idea.

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