"The employee wearing glasses will definitely have some damage to his eyes because he works on the computer all day, and even his myopia will worsen, which is basically considered an industrial injury."

"So in the future, all medical expenses for employees who have eye diseases will be reimbursed by the company, including medicines such as eye drops."

"And employees who are already myopic at this time, if they want to change their glasses, all will be reimbursed by the company. In addition, employees who do not want to wear glasses and are preparing for surgery will also have their surgery expenses reimbursed by the company."

"Of course, you may need to rest for a while after the surgery, but don't worry, the position will always be kept for you, and there will be no situation where other people will replace you, so employees who have ideas can rest assured to go for surgery, and your salary will be paid on time."

After Chen Mo finished speaking, he thought about it again. He really couldn't think of a place to spend money, so he left the employee studio directly.

Leaving a group of employees sitting in their seats in shock.

Myopia is also considered an industrial injury?

It sounds even more outrageous than the cervical spondylosis just now!

If these words were said by any boss other than Mr. Chen, they would think it was a pie in the sky.

But it was different when it came out of Mr. Chen's mouth. Mr. Chen always kept his word. He had fulfilled all the welfare promises before. They had no doubts.

"Mr. Chen, no more."

Outside Cangxue Game,

Fang Chang and Wei Yan sent Mr. Chen to the door.

"No more."

Chen Mo waved his hand with some tiredness. He found that he had never been happy since he came to Cangxue Game.

He looked up at Fang Chang's glasses and said.

"Really not going to have an operation?"

"Mr. Chen, I have no plans to have an operation yet."

Fang Chang refused directly. Since he came out of the employee studio, Mr. Chen suggested that he have an operation and keep his position.

But he refused without thinking. His project has reached a critical moment now. How could he have an operation and delay the progress of the game?

"Okay, then change a pair of glasses."

Chen Mo said halfway, thought about it and changed his words.

"How about this, you find a better glasses store, take all myopic employees, and change a pair of new glasses uniformly, and choose the best lenses for me."

After leaving Cangxue Game,

Chen Mo did not return to the garment factory, and directly asked Yang Dahai to drive home.


Garment factory,

Salesman's office.

Wu Yu sat on the chair with a sad face, looking at Li Shen opposite and sighed.

"Brother Shen, what should I do? It's been a month, and our sales department hasn't found an agent."

"Take it slow, the garment factory has just transformed, and there will definitely be difficulties in the early stage, which is inevitable. Mr. Chen has given you a year's salary and minimum living allowance, and he obviously knows this."

"And don't worry, after my short video account is established, I can help you promote it in the video to see if anyone is willing to be an agent."

Li Shen said confidently.

"Then I'll trouble you to promote it more, Brother Shen." Wu Yu thanked.

"Why are you being polite to me? I'm doing this for Mr. Chen. By the way, the machinery factory will deliver the machine to the factory tomorrow. Professionals will come to help with the debugging. It may take two days, and they need to stay in our factory for one night. There are a few vacant rooms in the staff dormitory."

"I need to go out to purchase a batch of fabrics, so please help me entertain them."

Li Shen said slowly.

Now that the garment factory is transforming, the fabrics can no longer be as uniform as before, and many types are needed.

The newly recruited fashion designers have sent him a lot of fabric requirements, and he needs to go out to purchase them in person.

"Okay, Brother Shen, leave this to me."

Wu Yu agreed to this matter directly after hearing this.

"Okay, then you go ahead and do your work, I won't bother you anymore."

After saying this, Li Shen got up and left, and then went to the door of the new workshop to wait.

Not long ago, he received a call from Pang Tao, saying that Mr. Chen had adopted a few more dogs, and he would send them over soon.

He knew that Mr. Chen still wanted to adopt more dogs, after all, the dog cages next to the new workshop were already prepared.

It's a bit far-fetched to call it a dog cage, it's better to call it a dog house.

After all, whose dog cage has a yard, and whose house has windows, and even bricks on the outside.

It's simply a rural courtyard that has been shrunk several times, and it's the kind that has several families in a row.

It took about ten minutes to wait.

Pang Tai drove the car and stopped outside the new workshop, with more than ten dogs in the truck bed.

Li Shen walked out when he heard the sound of the car, and greeted Li Shen who had already got off the car.

"Brother Tao."

"You've been waiting for a long time."

Pang Tao looked at Li Shen who greeted him and replied with a smile.

"I just came here too, let me help you."

Li Shen looked at Pang Tao dragging a dog to the bottom of the car, and stepped forward to help.

Pang Tao saw this and hurriedly stopped him.

"Let me do it. You are not familiar with dogs and I am afraid of hurting you. Just lead the way. The doghouse is there."


Li Shen did not insist after hearing that. He took the lead and walked in front. Finally, he stopped at the doghouse on the side of the workshop.

"Brother Tao, there are four doghouses in total. You can arrange how to put them."

Pang Tao pulled the dog to the doghouse and was stunned by the appearance of the doghouse.

Is this a doghouse?

His bungalow at the rescue station was not tiled, but this doghouse was tiled.

Looking at the silly Labrador behind him, it was really a lucky dog.

Just as Pang Tao put the dogs one by one in the doghouse, Li Shen had already taken out his mobile phone and started recording the video.

"Friends, our General Manager Chen has adopted a few more dogs from the rescue station. And these are the residences that General Manager Chen has prepared for these dogs. How about it, isn't it luxurious?"

"Our Changfeng Garment Factory is a very warm enterprise, both for people and pets."


Li Shen stopped recording until Pang Tao put all the dogs in the doghouse.

When he has time, he still needs to edit it before sending it out.

Pang Tao closed the dog door casually and asked Li Shen curiously.

"By the way, after you recorded the video at our rescue station, did the traffic increase?"

"It was very effective. Many people were attracted by those videos. Some people also wanted to donate to the rescue station, but I rejected them all."

Li Shen said with a smile.

He was mainly promoting the garment factory. If he accepted donations, the nature would be different.

It would easily lead to some people's misunderstanding.

It would not have a positive effect on the reputation of the garment factory.

"It's right to refuse."

Pang Tao nodded in agreement. Their rescue station had accepted donations before, and only he knew the disadvantages.

Those who donated would often pay attention to them and suspect that they had embezzled the donated money.

Even if you take out the purchase list, it's useless.

People who don't trust you will not trust you no matter what you do.

So later he refused to donate and only accepted some material assistance.

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