"By the way, how is your pet park project going?"

The two found an open space and sat down.

Li Shen turned his head and looked at Pang Tao and asked. He remembered that when he went to the rescue station to shoot a video last time, Pang Tao told him a lot about the rescue station's plan.

I don't know how it is being prepared now.

Pang Tao sighed when he heard Li Shen's question.

"Overall, everything went well, but today Mr. Chen went to visit the pet park and finally canceled the plan for the pet show that I was most optimistic about."

"In my entire plan, the pet show is the most critical part of attracting tourists. If it is cancelled, I am afraid that the pet park will be much less attractive."

"Mr. Chen, why did you cancel the pet show?"

Li Shen was a little confused when he heard this. He thought this plan was pretty good and there were no loopholes. Why would Mr. Chen cancel it?

"Mr. Chen thinks that training pets for performances is too cruel, so he canceled it."

"Is that so? Mr. Chen is still too kind. He can't bear to see those stray cats and dogs suffer like this."


The two sighed together.

Li Shen fell into deep thought. Since pet performances are not allowed, what should he use to attract tourists?

This pet park is also Mr. Chen's project. Although he is not the person in charge of this pet park, he also wants to contribute as much as possible.

Mr. Chen does not allow pet performances because he is worried that pet training is too cruel, so he should create some performances that do not require too cruel training.

But what performances do not require cruel training and can still be attractive?

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind, and then he looked at Pang Tao with joy.

"Brother Tao, I have a good idea here, which should be able to replace pet performances. Do you want to listen to it?"

"Tell me quickly."

Pang Tao hurriedly spoke when he heard that Li Shen had a plan to replace pet performances.

Along the way, he didn't know how many brain cells died, and he didn't think of a plan to replace pet performances.

He didn't expect Li Shen to think of it, which surprised him a little.

"Mr. Chen's meaning is very clear. He is not rejecting pet performances, but he is worried that training pets will hurt them."

"So pet performances are okay, but they need to be gentle and not too cruel."

Li Shen first expressed his guess, and then continued.

"And just now I thought of one, basically no training is needed, and the performance effect can be achieved."

"What is it?"

Pang Tao saw that Li Shen was hesitant to say what the plan was, and couldn't help asking.

Li Shen smiled at Pang Tao's anxious look.

"Pet fashion show."

Pet fashion show?

Pang Tao didn't understand what it meant for a while.

Looking at Pang Tao's puzzled expression, Li Shen explained.

"After the pet park is completely built, we can ask the fashion designers of the clothing factory to design some clothes for pets, and then put these clothes on the pets."

"During the performance, just like those models, people will lead the pets to walk around on the stage for display."

"I believe that in this way, many people who like cats and dogs will come to watch."

"How about it, is this plan feasible?"

Li Shen turned his head to look at Pang Tao, he still had one thing to say.

If this plan works, and there are really many people paying attention to this pet fashion show, then their clothing factory can completely develop a new field, producing and selling pet clothes.

Pang Tao's eyes gradually lit up after hearing Li Shen's explanation.

This pet fashion show is completely feasible!

He has already thought about how to promote this fashion show before it is held.

You can take a few beautiful photos of a few pets wearing fashions, then make a batch of flyers, and then invite a group of people to go to the city to distribute flyers.

As long as the number of flyers is large, he believes that it will definitely attract a group of people.

He also thought of some other ways to make the pet park profitable. He could pick a few cute and good-looking pets and make them into celebrity pets.

Then make some peripherals or figurines and sell them at the counter of the park, or use them as prizes.

The prizes are easy to understand. If you visit the park a certain number of times, you can get a celebrity pet figurine for free.

This can also motivate tourists who want figurines to visit the park.

The more Pang Tao thought about it, the more he felt that this pet fashion show had great development value. He looked at Li Shen with gratitude and said.

"Li Shen, thank you so much. This pet fashion show plan is very good."

"I won't stay for long. I have to plan this plan carefully when I go back."


Li Shen nodded and watched Pang Tao drive away. He also had to go back to edit the video.


The next day,

In the morning,

Wu Yu and Jiang Cheng were waiting at the door of the new workshop early. He had just contacted the delivery person from the machinery factory and it would take about ten minutes to reach the garment factory.

And the person in charge this time was actually an old acquaintance, Zhao Yang, who was responsible for receiving them when they went to the machinery factory for training last time.

Unexpectedly, this time, it was the other way around, and I was the one to receive them.

Thinking back to the last training, Zhao Yang told them how good the food and accommodation were in their machinery factory.

When Zhao Yang comes today, he will take him to see the food in their garment factory, what the staff dormitory looks like, and of course the workshop.

Not long after,

Two large trucks slowly drove over from a distance, and finally stopped at the door of the new workshop at Jiang Cheng's wave.

Behind the large trucks, there were two small cars.

Zhao Yang and several workers got off the small car, looked around, and saw Wu Yu coming from a distance.

"Brother Yang, long time no see!"

Wu Yu stepped forward and greeted him.

"Let me introduce you, this is Jiang Cheng, the head of the production department. You will follow Brother Jiang's instructions on where to put the unloaded machines."

"Brother Jiang, this is Zhao Yang, who is also the person in charge of this team."

After hearing Wu Yu's introduction, Jiang Cheng shook hands with Zhao Yang gently.

"Welcome to Changfeng Garment Factory. Wu Yu will arrange accommodation for you and the machine commissioner. I will be responsible for directing the handling and placement of the machines."


Zhao Yang nodded after hearing this, and then called all the workers who were unloading the truck over to let them listen to Jiang Cheng's instructions.

After Jiang Cheng took the workers away, Wu Yu looked at Zhao Yang.

"Brother Yang, I will take you to the staff dormitory first, put away the things you brought, and then take you to the cafeteria for dinner."

Although it was not mealtime yet, the cafeteria also prepared meals for these people.

But this matter has been reported to General Manager Chen and has been allowed.

Zhao Yang nodded after hearing this.

"Okay, when I was at the machinery factory, I heard from your employees that the accommodation and food in your garment factory are better than ours. I want to see it today."

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