Richest Man: I really don’t want to make money

Chapter 214 Sniper Kills Emperor Jiu

"Then try the survival mode."

Chen Cong nodded and did not insist on playing the biochemical mode.

After all, the ghost and biochemical modes are fun, so this survival mode must be fun too.

I couldn't help but look forward to it.

Entering the survival mode,

First, there are some teaching interfaces, shooting, zooming, vehicles, parachuting... and a series of detailed explanations.

This series of teachings took a full half an hour.

However, Chen Cong and Du Ziteng were not impatient at all, but very interested.

In fact, the things these teachings talked about were things they had never encountered in the shooting games they played.

Very novel.

After understanding all the teachings of the survival mode, the two had a certain understanding of this survival mode.

After confirming that the other people in the club had also watched the teaching.

They directly customized a room and pulled all the people in the club into the room.

There were more than 20 people in total.

However, the highest number of people in this survival mode was actually 100, and more than 70 human-machines were arranged, and the game started directly.

First, we came to a birthplace and entered the countdown.

After the countdown ended, everyone entered a plane, and the plane route was displayed on the map.

These contents were mentioned in the game explanation just now.

Chen Cong opened the map, randomly selected a location, and then directly chose to parachute.

Watching the characters in the game descend rapidly, listening to the whistling wind in his ears, and the buildings on the ground getting bigger and bigger.

Chen Cong's heart surged, and he actually felt like he was in the scene.

This game is too real.

After landing safely,

Chen Cong quickly controlled his character and ran towards a building in the distance.

According to the explanation in the teaching video, he needs to search for supplies first.

After entering a house,

Chen Cong didn't know what was useful, so he picked up everything he saw.

But soon he couldn't pick up anything, and the prompt was insufficient space.

Can't it be installed?

Chen Cong frowned, looking at the place where there were still a lot of supplies, and he was reluctant to give them up.

There was no way, he could only explore a little bit, what was useful and what was useless.

Although there was a teaching video, it only explained the general gameplay and some key things.

After searching non-stop, he finally found some ways. The space for carrying supplies is related to the backpack and protective gear. The higher the level, the larger the space.

Tap tap tap!

When Chen Cong was about to continue searching for supplies, a sound of footsteps came over.

Someone is coming.

Chen Cong suddenly became nervous and squatted in the corner of the room with a gun.

He had never experienced this kind of nervous feeling when playing other shooting games.

Basically, he went out to be strong, and after resurrection, he went out to be strong again.

It was already difficult to find fun, but this game made him experience the nervous and exciting feeling of just getting in touch with shooting games again.

Not long after,

he saw a person walking to the window. Seeing this, Chen Cong aimed at the muzzle and shot him to death with a burst of bullets.


Chen Cong excitedly controlled the game character to run out. The person outside had turned into a box. He came to the box and began to search for the other party's supplies.

Not long after.

The map suddenly showed that the safe zone was shrinking. Chen Cong took a look and found that he was not in the safe zone.

He knew he was going to the safe zone.

He hurriedly controlled the character to run into the safe zone.

Just as he ran to the road, the entire game interface went black. He died.

What happened!

Chen Cong was a little confused again. How could he suddenly die when he was walking on the road?

Soon the game entered the settlement interface, and he finally saw who killed him.

[Gan Jiudi] killed you, using the weapon M24 sniper rifle.

Gan Jiudi!

Sniped to death!

Chen Cong curiously clicked on the death replay.

Entered the replay interface.

He saw Gan Jiudi squatting on the roof, observing the surroundings, and soon saw a person running on the road. That person should be him.

Then he saw the picture suddenly enlarged, and his figure became clearer in the enlarged interface.

This is a zoom!

Having played competitive games, he naturally knew that this sudden change in the picture was the sniper rifle opening the zoom.

On the screen, there was no suspense next, and the precision was aimed at his head and shot him in the head.

Chen Cong exited the death replay.

Damn it, I was killed by Gan Jiudi, the old man.


I want to play sniper too.

"Old Du, start another game."

"I haven't finished yet, wait until I die."

Du Ziteng heard Chen Cong's words, said without raising his head, and continued to look at the computer screen.

It seemed that he encountered an enemy.

Seeing this, Chen Cong stood up and walked over, and saw Du Ziteng killed a person with a burst of bullets.

After watching for a while,

he saw that Du Ziteng would not die for a while.

He walked out of the office and came to the room next to it.

There were seven computers in this room, and at this time, the members of the club were sitting in front of the seven computers, all playing [Extreme Survival] attentively.

Chen Cong took a look, and these people were all dead.

Looking at the corner,

I saw the Emperor Gan Jiu Jiang Jiu using a telescope to observe the enemy's situation. He looked at the opponent's position and obviously changed his position.

But they were all at a high point.

It was this guy who shot him to death.

After thinking for a while, he smiled and walked over.

"Is the sniper rifle fun?"

"It's fun. This game is too hardcore. There are many medium-powered telescopes in this game. I just picked up a four-times telescope and an eight-times telescope. With an eight-times telescope, sniping at a high point is really one shot."

Jiang Jiu listened to the voice behind him and replied subconsciously.

But he soon realized that the voice behind him was too familiar, and looked up.

"Brother Hao, why are you here? Aren't you playing games?"

Chen Cong's face froze for a moment, and then he found an excuse.

"It's okay, I came to see how you guys are playing. This is a trial game, we need to find out some bad places or bugs."

"I know, brother Hao, I will pay attention to this."

Jiang Jiu nodded, and suddenly saw a figure appearing in the distance. He quickly controlled the character, opened the scope, aimed, and shot. The action was done in one go, and the man was killed in an instant.

Chen Cong saw itching to shoot from behind. Is this what a sniper should look like?

Killing people from a thousand miles away.

"Well, Jiang Jiu, get up for a moment. I think the sniper rifle is quite interesting. Let me feel it."

"Ah! Oh!"

Jiang Jiu looked at the game interface, hesitated for a moment, and finally got up and gave up his seat.

Chen Cong sat on the chair with a smile on his face and took over Jiang Jiu's game.

Jiang Jiu stood behind and watched quietly.

Soon another person appeared in the distant field of vision.

Bang bang bang!

Chen Cong excitedly opened the scope and shot.

Five bullets, five shots in a row.

All missed.

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