Seeing this scene from behind, Jiang Jiu stroked her forehead helplessly and opened her mouth to say something, but finally gave up.

After a few minutes,

Chen Cong looked at the death game interface and remained silent.

"You come and play, I'll go take a look elsewhere."

Back to the office,

Chen Cong felt a little depressed when he saw that Du Ziteng was still alive.

If you die early in this game, how long will you have to wait before you can play it again?


There are too few people trying it out.

Tomorrow we have to bring all the people from the Tianlong Guild over to try out the game. There are also many gamers in Mei Youqian's group, so he can help find a group of people.

As long as there are more people, wouldn't it be easier for me to find people to play with?


on Monday,

Chen Mo came to the office in a happy mood.

Just now, he exchanged all two prizes from the sports meeting into money. Now his personal assets have reached 40,000.

The system funding is also progressing very smoothly.

The pet park's additional investment of 5 million yuan has been spent, and the budget for employee salaries and procurement will also be released today. Now, at the end of the month, I have successfully spent the system funds to only a few hundred thousand yuan.

To fully convert the 1,500 system funds, you need to spend less than 150,000 at the end of next month's settlement.

If you continue like this, you will have a chance to fully convert the system funds.

Thinking of this,

He stood up directly and called to Shen Rou in the cubicle: "Let's go to the station."

"Mr. Chen, what are we doing at the station?"

Shen Rou followed Mr. Chen, a little curious.

"I found a teacher for the orphanage. She should be at the station around noon. We will pick her up and then arrange for her to be assigned to the orphanage to teach the children."

Chen Mo said as he walked outside.

Just yesterday, Yang Ju called and said that the transfer procedures for the kindergarten over there had been completed and she would come over today.

Now Yang Ju's parents have set off to investigate the conditions of people in need in various places.

Then he will have to handle the arrangements.

"The orphanage, hasn't it already hired a teacher?"

Shen Rou was confused.

After Mr. Chen funded the orphanage, he asked the orphanage to hire a kindergarten teacher.

Now there are only about 20 children in the orphanage, and one teacher is enough, not two!

After all, there is no need to teach children too many things.

"The two teachers are thinking about the future. Now that the foundation has been established and the investigation team has set out, some children in difficulty will definitely be found, so the number of children in the orphanage will definitely increase."

"At that point, one teacher won't be enough."

Chen Mo explained that this time the investigation team was not only investigating empty nesters, but also some children from impoverished mountainous areas.

Now that the foundation has been established, it needs to be done more comprehensively.

Shen Rou didn't say anything after hearing this. She knew about the foundation established by Mr. Chen.

As someone who has been following Mr. Chen, she naturally knows what Mr. Chen has done.

Help orphanages, help stray pets, help empty nesters...

Mr. Chen is constantly helping more people and animals in need. She has not calculated how much money Mr. Chen has invested in charity, but it is definitely not a small amount.

The company provides employees with benefits that other companies cannot provide.

Take the sports meeting just held the day before yesterday, for example, which cost more than 2 million yuan.

However, Mr. Chen, who did all this, lives in a rental house and just moved to a better community a while ago.

I lived in the oldest community before.

In terms of travel, the business car is always the first one. Logically speaking, it is normal for such a boss to have his own luxury car.

And when it comes to eating, I always eat food from the canteen, and I have never eaten in any high-end restaurant. However, during the company reunion dinner, Mr. Chen chose the high-end restaurant without any hesitation.

Thinking of these,

Shen Rou's eyes showed deep admiration. Mr. Chen is really great.


pet park,

Pang Tao and Xu Zhengming were sitting in a simple shed, drinking tea and discussing things.

The shed was built a while ago. After all, the weather is getting colder now. They have been supervising the work here. They must have needed a temporary place to stay and rest.

"Mr. Chen, we have invested another 5 million yuan. What should we do?"

Pang Tao took a sip of tea and looked up at Xu Zhengming.

The current construction of the pet park is completely designed based on the previous 5 million yuan. Of course, the daily expenses for food and drink for the pets have to be excluded.

Xu Zhengming thought for a moment and spoke slowly.

"Mr. Chen's additional investment must make our pet park better. If it doesn't work, let's expand it."

"Expansion, but now only this area of ​​the land belongs to us, and the surrounding areas belong to other people."

"You can rent it. As long as the price is right, I believe they are willing to rent it. And our pet park is still under construction, so we definitely need to do some work. When they rent us the land, we can give them work to do and get a salary."

Pang Tao's eyes lit up when he heard this. In this case, there is indeed a great chance to rent it.

After all, farming takes time, effort, and labor. More importantly, it depends on the weather. If the year is not good, not only will there be no harvest, but also the money for fertilizer and seeds will be lost.

You may lose money after working hard for a year. Even if you encounter a good year, there is basically not much left after deducting the cost.

So now in the surrounding villages, young people have gone out to work, and those who still farm are basically some older people.

These people are already old, and farming will definitely be very hard, but renting land is different. You can get rent every year, and you don’t have to worry about whether there is a harvest.

More importantly, if you want to make more money, you can come to the pet park to do odd jobs.

And this recruitment will definitely continue, after all, after the park is built, it will still need to recruit workers.

Their pet park pays rent and can also provide a platform for work.

This is a win-win situation.

But what else can be done after the expansion? Pang Tao hesitated and looked at Xu Zhengming in confusion.

"What about after the expansion?"

"After the expansion, there will be a lot of things to do."

Xu Zhengming said slowly.

"First, after the expansion, we have more space to make better divisions. It can be divided into an ornamental garden and an interactive garden."

"The ornamental garden is full of aggressive pets. These pets can only be watched outside and cannot be interacted with."

"The interactive garden is full of docile pets, and visitors can touch and interact with them."

"Second, since it is a pet park, pets cannot be only cats and dogs. The diversity of the pet park can be appropriately increased."

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