Looking at the problems on the laptop in front of him, Jiang Cheng had a headache. He was still very good at managing some employees in the workshop or solving some machine faults.

But he is asked to manage the company or deal with some problems faced by the company.

He felt that his brain was a little weak and he couldn't think of any good solution.

Time passes,

It was already afternoon when I came back from the group headquarters.

He organized employees to hold a long meeting in the conference room, so it was soon time to get off work.

I looked at the time,

Jiang Cheng sighed, picked up his notebook and walked towards the staff dormitory.

He didn't go to the cafeteria. He couldn't think of a solution to the problems he faced today, and he simply had no appetite.

Back to the dormitory,

He sat down at a small square table. Beside the table was a single row of bookshelves filled with books, all bought by his wife Wang Juan.

He reads these books every day, of course under the supervision of his wife.

Say it in your wife’s words.

"Mr. Chen thinks highly of you and wants you to be the general manager of the garment factory. In terms of strength, you are not qualified."

"Being the general manager involves a lot of luck, so if you want to be worthy of this position, you have to study hard."

"Many of those books are about economics and management, which he reads a lot. But under the supervision of his wife, he still has to read them every day."

Before long,

There were messy footsteps in the corridor of the staff dormitory.

Jiang Cheng glanced at the time and knew that these were the employees who lived in the dormitories and had gone back to the dormitories to rest after dinner.

About half an hour later, the dormitory door was opened and his wife Wang Juan walked in.

"Why didn't you go to dinner?"

Wang Juan looked at Jiang Cheng who was sitting at the square table and put a packed lunch box on the table.

"I have no appetite and don't want to eat." Jiang Cheng shook his head lightly.

"If you don't have an appetite, you have to eat. I've already sent you a meal. If you have any questions, think about it after you eat."

Wang Juan directly opened the packed lunch box on the square table and pushed it in front of Jiang Cheng.

Seeing this, Jiang Cheng slowly put the notebook aside and started eating.

"Tell me, what problem did you encounter?"

After Jiang Cheng finished eating, Wang Juan asked.

After being married for so many years, she knew very well what kind of character Jiang Cheng was. In his current state, he definitely had something on his mind.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while after hearing this, and finally recounted the problems the company was facing now.

Then he looked at his wife and said tentatively.

"Tell me, should I report this matter to Mr. Chen and see how to solve it?"

"No, you are now the general manager of the company. If you can't solve this small matter and still have to report it, what do you, the leader, do?"

Wang Juan shook her head without hesitation.

"But how to solve this problem?"

Jiang Cheng smiled bitterly. He also knew that this matter should not be reported to the superiors.

But he thought for a long time and really couldn't think of any good solution.

Wang Juan also fell into deep thought. She slowly picked up the notebook where Jiang Cheng recorded the questions and looked at it carefully.

After a while,

He raised his head and said slowly.

"The biggest problem here is the redundant workshops. I think we can talk to the manager of Li Maode Park to see if we can rent more workshops."

"I also want to rent more workshops, but the key problem now is that there are no extra vacant workshops in the park."

Jiang Cheng showed a wry smile. He also wanted to rent a workshop in the park, but the key was that he didn't have one.

Wang Juan shook her head when she heard this.

"There are no idle workshops now, so we should find ways to create spare workshops and let other companies leave this industrial park."

"But how to get those employees in the park to leave? We can't drive them away. And even if we do, they won't necessarily leave."

"You don't have to rush, you can just let them leave voluntarily."

"How is this possible? Who would be willing to move the company if nothing happens!"

Jiang Cheng looked confused.

Wang Juan smiled.

"Of course there is a way, but it requires the cooperation of the park manager Li Maode. As long as the news that our garment factory will be expanded and that a large number of workers will be needed spreads, I believe that the companies in the park will definitely be unable to sit still. Leave the park voluntarily.”

Listening to his wife's words, Jiang Cheng figured it out instantly.

The previous case at the machinery factory happened right before our eyes. i.c.

If word spreads that the garment factory is expanding and needs a large number of employees, the bosses in the park will definitely be restless.

After all, their company is located in a park. After hearing the news that the garment factory needs a large number of employees, employees in other companies must be thinking of changing jobs.

Those bosses definitely don’t want to stay in the park anymore. Not to mention employees changing jobs, it is very likely that the newly recruited employees will also change jobs after getting to know the garment factory.

If you want to fundamentally solve the problem, there is only one way, and that is to stay away from Changfeng Clothing.

Wang Juan saw her husband's expression and knew that he had figured it out, so she continued to speak.

""But before doing this, you still need to apply with Mr. Chen. We must ensure that after other companies move out, we, Changfeng Garment, will rent out all the vacated workshops, otherwise Li Maode will not cooperate. "

"Okay, I'll report to Mr. Chen tomorrow."

Jiang Cheng nodded, knowing that what his wife said made sense.

After all, Li Maude's income is linked to the rented workshops.

If they don't guarantee to rent all the vacant workshops, Li Maude will definitely not agree.

But he must get Mr. Chen's consent before he dares to ask Li Maude for the order to rent all the workshops.

However, Mr. Chen said in the meeting that all the vacant workshops in the park will be rented.

So if there is no accident, Mr. Chen will definitely agree to tomorrow's application.

After thinking about this clearly, Jiang Cheng looked at his wife with an incredible face.

He didn't expect that this method was thought up by his wife.

"Wife, how did you do it? How could you come up with such a method?"

"Read books? Do you buy those books for decoration? I ask you to read books every day, and I have read many books."

Wang Juan said unhappily.

She didn't go to school again after finishing elementary school because her family had no money.

However, during this period, in order to supervise Jiang Cheng to read and study, she would also read books beside him. It would be fine if she didn't read them. Since she started to read them, she felt that the things in the books were very interesting.

Even if she didn't supervise Jiang Cheng, she would read them in her free time during work and rest.

"Wife, you are really great?"

Jiang Cheng smiled and solved a difficult problem at work, and his mood was much better.

"Why are you smiling foolishly? Hurry up and read and study. And... after reading the book, it's time to hand in the homework."

Wang Juan said and walked into the bathroom.

When Jiang Cheng heard the three words "hand in homework", his original smile froze instantly.

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