Richest Man: I really don’t want to make money

Chapter 270 Extreme Survival Offline Competition

late at night.

Tange Game Club.

All club members went back to their dormitories to rest. Only Jiang Jiu was sitting in the e-sports room, playing games on the computer, and kept explaining while playing.

"Brothers, there is a formation of four people on the opposite side. I just missed my step, they must have noticed me."

"They were about to rush upstairs. I set up a stand at the top of the stairs first. The moment they rushed up, they would definitely be dead in seconds."

"After knocking down one person, we don't want to fight. We jump out of the window first and go to the back window. There will definitely be one of them who will help the person who has been knocked down. The position of the help is most likely in the room behind. We use them to help If you enter through the window at the back, you can beat them to the punch..."


As Jiang Jiu continued to explain, the next plot development was exactly as he expected.

First, knock down one person, then go around and jump out of the window, a double kill.

The last person to destroy the team.

All plot developments were exactly as he expected.

"How about it, brothers, this wave of 1 wearing 4, do you have the strength?"

Jiang Jiu smiled and looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

During this period, he was live broadcasting almost every day. Due to the popularity of [Extreme Survival], his current number of fans is more than 700,000.

And as the popularity of the game increases, the number of his fans is also increasing.

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was boiling because of Jiang Jiu's operation just now.

"Fuck, Emperor Ganjiu is awesome!"

"Awesome, no one else can predict the opponent's psychology."

"It must be hanging, see through!"

"Actor, this is too exaggerated."

"Where did the troll come from? I've been watching it since the live broadcast of Emperor Ganjiu. I'm definitely not an actor."


"Thank you Brother Hua for the sports car, thank you all for the gifts, thank you!!!"

Jiang Jiu looked at the barrage and thanked him. He chose to ignore the trolls. At the beginning, he was quite concerned about these questioning voices.

But as time went by, I started to look away. There was no point in arguing with those trolls.

Those who believe in him will naturally believe in him, and those who do not believe in him will not believe it at all.

After about 10 minutes, the game ends.

The first of the four solos.

"Brother Jiu, it's time to play water friends."

"Yes, it's time to play water friends."

"Quick, let's start the water game."


Looking at the barrage, Jiang Jiu glanced at the time, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

In order to increase the fun of the live broadcast room, he will organize three water games after one o'clock.

The top three in each water friendly competition will receive bonuses of 500, 300, and 100.

Therefore, the audience in the live broadcast room has always been very enthusiastic about the water friends competition. .Ь.

"Now that the time is up, let's start the water friends competition. I will send the room link to the water friends group later."

"But before we start the game, I have something to announce."

"That's our Tange Club. We will hold an [Extreme Survival] bonus tournament on April 1st."

"The competition rules and requirements can be viewed on the official website of our Tange club. What I want to say here is that the rewards of this bonus competition are very generous."

"The first-place team will receive a bonus of 1 million yuan. The second-place team will receive a bonus of 500,000 yuan. The third-place team will receive a bonus of 300,000 yuan. The 7-10th place will receive a bonus of 50,000 yuan. 11-20 There will be a bonus of 5,000 yuan.”

"The teams that advance to the finals will be reimbursed for travel and accommodation expenses."

Jiang Jiu slowly said that this competition was a decision made by the club two days ago. After all, the popularity of [Extreme Survival] is currently at an extremely high level.

Holding the competition at this time can just take advantage of this wave of popularity to make the Tange Club famous.

"Anchor, let's start the water friends competition. You have told us the news of the competition so many times, we all know it."

"That's right, why don't you send out the link to the room quickly?"

"Let's get started. Compared to the 1 million bonus, I want to get the 500 yuan bonus now."


Jiang Jiu looked at the urging words on the barrage and smiled slightly.


Since he decided to hold the competition, he would talk about the competition every once in a while.

After all, those old fans know the news about the game, but newcomers will definitely come into the live broadcast room, so his words are for the newcomers who enter the live broadcast room.

The more people know about this competition, the more people will participate in the competition, and the more popular it will be.

However, his live broadcast is just a way of publicity. The most important thing is that Brother Hao is already preparing to contact Cangxue Games to see if an announcement and link about the competition can be placed on the [Extreme Survival] game interface.

In this way, everyone who enters the game will notice what is going on in the game.

In this case, there will definitely be more people participating in the competition.


Tomorrow Group,

Cangxue Games,

manager's office,

Fang Chang looked at Wei Yan and Zhao Bowen.

"What do you think? Should you agree to Tiange's request?"

Just this morning, Chen Cong from Tiange contacted him and wanted to arrange an announcement link for the competition on the [Extreme Survival] game interface.

And will pay a daily link fee of 50,000.

Although he is the main person in charge of the [Extreme Survival] project, he still needs to discuss with Wei Yan and Zhao Bowen before making a decision on cooperation with outside parties.

"We have cooperated with Tiange twice, and there is no problem with the reputation of the other party. When they held the Tianlong competition before, they did attract a group of new players to [Tianlong]."

"This time they hold the [Extreme Survival] competition, which is likely to speed up the popularity of [Extreme Survival]. I think they can arrange an announcement link for them, and make it clearer so that players can easily see it when they enter. arrive."

Wei Yan spoke slowly.

Although he doesn't understand the game, he still sees the issue of cooperative interests very clearly.

Not to mention the daily advertising fee of 50,000 yuan, just the impact on the popularity of [Extreme Survival] after the competition is held. Even if there is no charge, he can increase the announcement of this competition.

"I have absolutely no problem either."

Zhao Bowen nodded.

Profit drives people's hearts, and the bonus of 1 million is still very attractive. He believes that players who have not downloaded [Extreme Survival] will probably download and play it after knowing the bonus of this game.

Especially those players who like shooting games and are currently playing other shooting games.

"Okay, then I will reply to Tiange as soon as possible and agree to arrange a game announcement link for them in the game."

Fang Chang saw that the two of them had no objections, so he left directly and returned to his office.

While replying to the message, he also arranged for the project team to

"Manager Wei, I'm going back too."

Zhao Bowen said goodbye.

Wei Yan watched the two people leave, then turned on the computer and directly entered a game.

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