"I see."

Seeing the other party's attitude, Yao Beiguo didn't want to continue to maintain his only smile, so he turned around and left.

Leave nng game club,

Yao Beiguo felt the dazzling sunshine and the cars coming and going on the street, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

He didn't know where to go.

This is already the sixth gaming club, and they all rejected him without exception.

If he continues to look for other clubs, there probably won't be any surprises and they will probably reject him.

Just these three words "unlucky\

,"It's lethal enough.

If he were the owner of a club and met an interviewer who owned four gaming clubs, he would probably refuse without hesitation.

No matter how capable he was, he probably wouldn't agree.

He shook his head helplessly, then sighed again.

It seems that I can only find other ways out. The game club has no chance at all.

And one of the issues he is most worried about now is that his experience in the game club will affect his interviews for other jobs.

We can only take one step at a time.

pet park,

Pang Tao and Xu Zhengming looked at the cat castle that had been put into construction with looks of anticipation on their faces.

After several negotiations with the designer, the final design drawing of the cat castle has been finalized, and construction has begun for several days.

Once the cat castle is completely built, the pet park will almost be ready for business.

"Mr. Chen, we have invested an additional 5 million yuan in project funds. What should we do with the 5 million yuan? Do we need to make some renovations and plans for the pet park?"

Pang Tao looked at the cat castle being built in front of him and said slowly.

Just this morning, I received news from the financial department of Tomorrow Group that Mr. Chen has invested an additional 5 million in the pet park project.

But now the construction of pet parks has been finalized, and some places with good buildings have begun to be greened.

If some changes are made to the pet park because of the additional investment of 5 million, I am afraid that the actual opening of the pet park will be delayed indefinitely.


According to the current progress, the pet park will be officially opened in another three months, almost August.

"Renovation will greatly affect the progress of the opening of the pet park. Since the pet park was established, it has been built for a long time, and the opening time cannot be delayed too much."

Xu Zhengming slowly shook his head. The pet park cannot be built forever.

Otherwise, if the pet park remains closed, there will be no way to make a profit.

Without making a profit, the pet park has been in a state of expenditure. Now that the construction of the pet park is almost complete, some stray cats and dogs have been put into the pet park for breeding.

There are also cat and dog rescue stations in other places, which also transport some stray cats and dogs that cannot afford them.

The wages of the staff who take care of these stray cats and dogs, the care of these stray cats and dogs, cat and dog food, and medical expenses.

All of this adds up to a considerable amount of support every month.


The opening time of the pet park cannot be delayed any longer.

"Then what should I do? The additional 5 million invested by Mr. Chen cannot be placed in the account!"

Pang Tao said with some embarrassment.

Xu Zhengming shook his head in disapproval.

"Mr. Chen did not say that the additional investment of 5 million must be invested in the construction of the pet park."

"Nowadays, the number of stray cats and dogs in pet parks continues to increase, and the daily expenditure is a large amount. Some time ago, we reported this matter, and Mr. Chen quickly invested an additional 5 million."

"Mr. Chen is probably worried that our current daily maintenance funds are not enough, so he added the five million."

Pang Tao listened to Xu Zhengming's conjecture and nodded in agreement, but soon he had doubts again.

"It is true that the number of stray cats and dogs in pet parks has increased a lot, but the expenditure of 5 million to maintain these stray cats and dogs is a bit too much. There is simply no need to use so much."

"Of course we won't need so much. This is Mr. Chen's other intention. The extra funds will definitely be invested in the construction of the pet park."

Xu Zhengming looked around the pet park and then said slowly.

"Of course, this construction will not affect the current pet park. We can completely build a new pet park outside this pet park, and then wait for the other pet park to be built before connecting the two pet parks."

"In this way, it will not affect the opening time of the pet park, nor will it affect the construction of the pet park. It kills two birds with one stone."

Pang Tao listened to Xu Zhengming's story with a look of surprise on his face.

This method is absolutely feasible.

Why didn't he think of it before? Isn't this similar to building a building? After building the first phase, build the second phase. The last two phases of the project have all been completed. The two phases of real estate were launched immediately.

"Then let's do it."

"Of course, I'm really looking forward to when the pet park opens!"

Tomorrow Group,

President's Office.

Shen Rou compiled the information she worked overtime yesterday, then simply typed it, and finally printed out all the information and put it in a folder.

He stood up and pushed open the side door, and entered Mr. Chen's office.

"Mr. Chen, the information you want has been sorted out and is here."

Shen Rou handed the prepared folder to Mr. Chen.

"Is it all complete?"

Chen Mo looked at the folder handed over by Shen Rou in surprise.

He gave the task to Shen Rou after noon yesterday. Now it was just after 10 o'clock. Has the information been completed so quickly?

It surprised him a little.

"It's all complete, including the management of each game club, and

Shen Rou smiled and nodded.

The personnel information of these game clubs is still easy to check. Through some software, and then contact people in the game club circle to inquire and supplement, these information can be completed soon.


Seeing Shen Rou nod, Chen Mo didn't ask any more questions.

What he cared about was not whether the information was complete, but whether there was any "talent" he needed in the information.

"Go and get busy first. I need to look at this information for a while. If there is any result, I will greet you. ”

"Okay, Mr. Chen. "

Shen Rou nodded, and then quickly returned to her office.

Watching Shen Rou leave,

Chen Mo slowly opened the folder and read it carefully.

It should be said that the information organized by Shen Rou looks very comfortable.

It is well organized, with the name of the club, who is the management, how many years they have served, and what their achievements are. It is written very clearly.

Then there are the professional players of each game in each club. He remembered it very comprehensively, including some water dispenser players. Isn't this what he wanted?

Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction, and then flipped through it.

Every time he met a "talent", he would record it and mark it.

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