Richest Man: I really don’t want to make money

Chapter 323 Yao Beiguo's ability

Flipping through the pages,

Soon, a lot of "talent" information was recorded in the notebook.

But the only thing that surprised Chen Mo was that the "talents" currently recorded were all professional players guarding the water dispenser, but he didn't find a suitable one among the management.

The management of these clubs all had their own glorious deeds.

Even if the current performance of managing the club is not very good, there is no big mistake, or a decision that is detrimental to the interests of the club.

This is not easy to deal with!

Chen Mo frowned slightly, but continued to flip through.

After a while,

Just when Chen Mo had given up on the selection of the club management.

The latest page of information did show: club management who has not yet taken office, and former professional players.

Looking at the title of the latest page of information.

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, then turned to the second page, and read a few pages.

He couldn't help showing a happy expression on his face.

The last few pages record the management that has left but no one wants them, as well as the retired players who are too old or have made some mistakes in the game, and of course some professional players who are not accepted by the club.

This is not the club management that has not yet taken office, and the former professional players.

This is clearly his "talent" chapter!

What reason can there be for the management that no one wants to leave? It's not that the business ability is too poor and no club is willing to take it in.

And he also found a top "talent" among them.

There is actually a person who works in four clubs, and then two of the four clubs are disbanded and two are transferred.

This is a killer!

If he is recruited to become the management of his club, it is simply perfect.

He will definitely get this "talent".

Then there are those retired and older players. These people are much more reliable than those water dispenser players.

Water dispenser players mean that there is still a chance to enter the arena. Even if the strength is poor, it is estimated that it will not be much worse.

But these older players are different from those who have announced their retirement.

What are these people? They are the players who have been eliminated after the precipitation of time and the great waves!

The players who have been eliminated have already proved that their strength can no longer keep up.

If they are persuaded to come back and become professional players of their club, it is undoubtedly very reliable.

Looking at the information of "Talent Chapter".

Chen Mo couldn't help laughing. He found that if he could gather all the candidates in the "Talent Chapter" information, he would not worry about his club not losing money.

After reading it in detail,

Chen Mo sorted all the selected candidates on a page of paper.

Of course, the candidates on it are also in order.

The first one is naturally the one named Yao Beiguo.

Then there are those retired old professional players and some other club managements that no one wants.

Finally, there are the water dispenser players.

Looking at the sorted talents, Chen Mo directly called Shen Rou over.

"I have basically selected the candidates for the club. The list is on a piece of paper. The first names will be given priority."

Chen Mo said, handing the paper full of names to Shen Rou.

"Get in touch with these people as soon as possible and invite them to join our BL game club. Also send invitations to those retired professional players and get in touch with them to see if they have any idea of ​​coming back."

"By the way, Yao Beiguo at the top is invited. If he has any idea, invite him to the company and I will have a meeting with him."

Chen Mo emphasized Yao Beiguo's name.

"I know, Mr. Chen. I'll do it now."

Shen Rou took the list and returned to her office.

She was very curious about what talents Mr. Chen had selected.

Looking at the top, the biggest, and the most conspicuous name on the list.

Yao Beiguo!

This person was named by Mr. Chen, and I don't know what's so special about this person.

Shen Rou became more and more curious and found the detailed information of this person through the name.

She read it carefully and fell silent.

This Yao Beiguo is indeed very unique, but this unique point does not seem to be very good for the company.

He managed four game clubs, and then all four clubs were gone.

Not to mention the problem of business ability, just this luck is very good!

She couldn't figure out why Mr. Chen would focus on this person.

Then she took a quick look at the information of other members on the list.

Although she didn't know much about the game club, based on her experience, the ones Mr. Chen chose didn't seem to be very outstanding.

Shen Rou looked at the whole page of the list, lost in thought, and came back to her senses after a long while.

She couldn't figure out why Mr. Chen chose these people.

But since it was Mr. Chen's decision, there must be reasons and reasons, but she just couldn't think so far ahead.

Shen Rou sighed deeply, feeling a little disappointed.

As Mr. Chen's assistant, and having worked for so long, she still couldn't see through Mr. Chen's intentions.

She was such a failure as an assistant!

If only she could be like Wei Yan, who could always see through Mr. Chen's intentions.


There was no way.

Since she couldn't see through Mr. Chen's intentions, she could just do as he said.

In the rental house,

Yao Beiguo had a worried look on his face. He submitted two resumes last night.

This morning, he still received a rejection message. He was not even given an interview opportunity.

Sure enough, the thing he was most worried about happened. The resume of his club still affected his job search.

But there was no way. If he wanted to interview for some important positions, he had to write down all his work experience clearly, otherwise he would not be hired.

He thought about hiding this work experience, but now is an era of information exchange. If you really want to know you, you just need to spend time to check it out.

And when you go to that kind of big company for an interview, or that kind of important position, don't think that the other party will not check your information.

Yao Beiguo rubbed his head hard.


The phone next to him suddenly vibrated.

Yao Beiguo picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. It was an unfamiliar number.

Could it be a telemarketing!

Yao Beiguo thought to himself, but he still answered the call.

"Yes, that's right!"

"Let me go for an interview?"



After a while,

Yao Beiguo hung up the phone in disbelief. Someone actually asked him to manage a gaming club.

This is too unreal.

Who on earth is so desperate that he wants to ask him to be the manager of the club.

Could it be that the person who invited him didn't know that he managed four clubs? After all, if he really knew his information, why would he invite him?

Yao Beiguo was confused.

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