After receiving the information, Yao Beiguo opened it curiously and read it.

After a while,

A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. As for the information about these people, as a manager of four gaming clubs, he would never hire these people.

Want to say something,

He suddenly realized that he was also one of these lists.

If he rejects these people on the list, isn't he rejecting himself?


If the club really recruits all these people, it will be really difficult for the club to achieve results.

After thinking for a while, he looked up at Mr. Chen who was sitting opposite. He thought it would be better to explain these things clearly.

"Mr. Chen, if these people on the list are recruited, it will be difficult for the club to achieve results!"


Chen Mo looked at Yao Beiguo calmly, knowing that the other party would raise objections.

Yao Beiguo thought for a moment before speaking slowly.

"Mr. Chen, take these retired old professional players as an example. Their current strength is no longer as good as that of young professional players. If they are recruited back into the club, it will be difficult for them to achieve results in the professional arena."

"You are wrong to think this way. It is important for the game club to achieve results, but today's game clubs lack some human touch. When you get older and your strength cannot keep up, you have to retire. What is the difference between this approach and killing the donkey? the difference."

Chen Mo shook his head slightly, and then said with emotion.

"These old professional players have all fought hard for the club. Some of them have even led their team members to win championships. However, do they just give up just because their strength has declined?"

"It would be too cruel to give up a professional player who has achieved results for the club so easily, so I decided to give those retired professional players a chance to stand on the stage again."

Yao Beiguo fell into silence listening to Mr. Chen's words.

He didn't know how to tell it. E-sports is often like this. When your strength is not good enough, you will be eliminated.

Although it is cold-blooded, it is the fact.

To be more utilitarian, none of the owners who open these clubs are there just to make money.

If the club wants to make money, the professional team needs to achieve a good ranking in the professional arena.

Those retired players have obviously regressed in strength and it is difficult to gain a ranking in the professional arena, so no club will re-activate those retired old professional players.

But Mr. Chen's words touched him a little.


Although retired professional players are said to be retired, some of them retired on their own initiative.

Is it because the club couldn't see the value in this person and was forced to retire?

After thinking for a while, he finally spoke.

"Mr. Chen, it's better to find some powerful professional players. Those retired professional players can be recruited and serve as substitutes. If something really happens and it's urgent, they can take over as substitutes."


Chen Mo shook his head directly after hearing this.

"We can't do this. Since we have recruited these professional players back, we have the responsibility to let them enter the competition. Otherwise, after you recruit those retired professional players, you will use them as substitutes."

"This approach is undoubtedly an insult and is unacceptable."

"And if you recruit retired professional players, do you really have no chance of achieving results? I don't think so. Retired professional players will actually have many advantages of new professional players."

"Those retired professional players have a lot of competition experience. They will be calmer on the field and be able to deal with many emergencies."

"Another point is, have the retired professional players really regressed in strength? I don't think so. Their gaming skills have not fallen behind. The most common reason is that their reactions will be slower because of some age issues."

"But the problem of slow response can be completely compensated for by other aspects, such as experience, awareness, teamwork..."

"As long as these seniors stay in the club, they are the foundation of the club. Some new players can become more experienced under the leadership of those old professional players."

"So don't treat these retired professional players as useless, they are very important, so just do what I say."

Chen Mo thought for a while and couldn't think of any reason to make up, and then he decided to settle the matter directly.

Yao Beiguo fell into silence listening to Mr. Chen's story.

What Mr. Chen said is not unreasonable, but some things are only theoretical.

For example, can retired professional players come back and win the championship?

Theoretically, it is possible, but the chance is very slim.

No club owner would do something so cost-effective. After all, there are many new and powerful players to choose from, so who would choose those retired professional players.

But this matter was decided by Mr. Chen, and it seemed that he had already made up his mind, so there was no need for him to refute it.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I will try my best to handle this matter."

Yao Beiguo nodded and said.

"Well, I believe you, just go ahead and do it."

Seeing Yao Beiguo nodding in response, Chen Mo smiled with satisfaction.

Are these the employees he needs? They will do whatever he asks them to do. Is this the most reliable state?

Yao Beiguo looked at the thick list of names on the table and took a deep breath.

It is really a difficult project to use these people on the list to make the club achieve results!

Then he realized another problem and looked up at Mr. Chen.

"Mr. Chen, I wonder what the budget for establishing this club is."

The budget is a very big problem. The most critical reason for the failure of the four clubs he managed before was that the club owner did not want to continue investing money.

At this time, it is difficult for Mr. Chen's club to recruit these retired professional players to achieve results.

If there is a shortage of funds, I am afraid that this club may become the fifth game club he failed to manage. .

Yao Beiguo thought anxiously.

"Fund budget?"

Chen Mo looked up at Yao Beiguo and slowly stretched out a finger.

"Ten million?"

Yao Beiguo looked at Mr. Chen's outstretched finger and said tentatively.

He couldn't help but start calculating in his heart. If 10 million, is it enough for a club's expenses?

But before he could calculate, he saw Mr. Chen sitting opposite him shaking his head first, then gently shaking his fingers.

He opened his lips slightly and slowly uttered four words.

"One hundred million."

One hundred million!

Listening to the budget given by Mr. Chen, Yao Beiguo's eyes widened.

He never thought that Mr. Chen would give such a large budget.

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