After a while,

Yao Beiguo gradually recovered from his shocked expression.

If it was 10 million, he would still need to calculate whether the budget would be enough.

But 100 million would definitely be enough, or even less.

After all, the list of members given by Mr. Chen are basically retired professional players or water dispenser players.

These people have one thing in common, that is, the cost will not be very high.

The biggest expense is probably the club's venue rental, decoration and some computer equipment.

But 100 million would definitely not be enough.

"Mr. Chen, a budget of 100 million is a bit too much."

"My request is very simple. The club to be established, whether it is venue, decoration, or computers and other equipment, give me the best..."

"Let's do this, you make a budget for me."

Chen Mo suddenly stopped halfway through his speech, and then changed his statement.

He thought about it,

It would be better to supervise it himself this time. After all, the end of the month is the settlement time for special tasks. In order to avoid some accidents, he can only check it himself.

And this 100 million is the system funds he has to spend after deducting some other expenses.

He didn't expect to set up a game club and consume all the 100 million system funds.

But if he could spend as much as possible, he still had to spend more, so he gave Yao Beiguo a budget of 100 million, so that he would not save money and spend as much system funds as possible.

"Okay, Mr. Chen."

Yao Beiguo hurriedly agreed. There was no problem with making a budget.

The two talked for a while,

Yao Beiguo said goodbye and left the office directly, took the elevator, and walked outside the building.

The same dazzling sunlight, and the vehicles coming and going.

The mood at this time was completely different from the mood when he came out of the nng game club last time.

At that time, he was confused and didn't know what the future would look like.

But this time it was completely opposite. He saw hope, although this time was also very difficult. After all, it was still very difficult to let those retired professional players return to the field and get results.

But this time was still a little different. He had a budget of 100 million.

He believed that with the support of the 100 million yuan budget, he would definitely find a way to make the game club achieve results.

After returning to the hotel,

Yao Beiguo immediately found the list of personnel that Mr. Chen gave him.

Of course,

He first looked at the list of personnel of the management instead of the retired professional players.

After all, he is only one person now, and if he wants to support a big club, he must still need help.

And Mr. Chen stipulated that he could only choose from these personnel lists.

There was no other way, so he could only choose relatively better ones among these people.

He flipped through the information page by page, and soon his eyes fixed on a person's name.

Tao Ze!

Looking at this name, Yao Beiguo was a little surprised.

This person used to be his partner. I remember that he should have run the second game club at that time.

However, when the club was disbanded, he went to another game club, and there was no contact afterwards.

I didn't expect to see him on this list.

After a quick look at Tao Ze's information, I found that after entering the previous game club, he left after two years of service for unknown reasons.

The information did not show the reason for leaving, and it was not known whether he resigned or was fired.

Anyway, after leaving this club, Tao Ze has not worked in any game club.

However, when they were partners, Tao Ze's business ability was still very good, and he had his own ideas in management and decision-making.

After thinking about it,

he looked through the information of other managers. According to the information, these people's abilities are basically the same. Either they made some mistakes, or they were not very capable.

After comparing before and after,

he finally set his sights directly on Tao Ze. He didn't know much about other people, but he was more familiar with Tao Ze. Although he didn't know why he worked in that game club for two years and then didn't work in any game club.

But he was still clear about Tao Ze's ability, and there was absolutely no problem in being his assistant.

After making a decision,

Yao Beiguo took out his mobile phone and dialed the number on the information.

"Hello, who?"

The phone was connected, and an impatient voice came over.

Yao Beiguo subconsciously moved the phone away and frowned slightly. Hearing the voice and tone of the other party, he obviously drank alcohol and was a little drunk.

What's going on? He looked at the time. It was only 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Drinking at this time, and drinking too much, is a bit wrong!

Yao Beiguo thought about it, and then slowly spoke.

"I am Yao Beiguo, I want to meet you, is it convenient?"

"Who is Yao Beiguo? Oh! You want to come and drink with me, then come over, I'm..."

Tao Ze said drunkenly, and finally gave his address.

The phone was hung up soon,

Yao Beiguo looked surprised. After Tao Ze told him the address, he didn't expect that Tao Ze was actually in Jiangcheng City at this time.

With this kind of work, things will be easier to handle.

No matter what, I want to see this Tao Ze. At this time, the other party is obviously experiencing something. If I go over to help him now, if the other party can join the game club in the future, they can also cooperate better. Isn't it?

With this mentality, Yao Beiguo rushed there directly according to the address given by Tao Ze.


Jiangcheng City,

In a high-end community,

Yao Beiguo found Tao Ze's residence according to the address.

Following the elevator to the sixth floor, as soon as the elevator door opened, a slightly mocking voice came over.

"Tao Ze, the more you act like this, the more I look down on you. Yes, I fell in love with Mr. Wang. I admit that I betrayed you emotionally. He is a young man from the Ruishang Group. His family is better off than Is it wrong for me to choose a better future if you have money?”

"As for you, you were doing well as a manager in the game club, but you actually quit your job as a club manager for me and came to Jiangcheng to be the director of a small company. Your income is not more than half of what you were before."

"And now you have even quit your job as a supervisor and are drinking and getting drunk in this rental house. Do you think that this will make me sympathize with you and change my mind about you? It's ridiculous."

"I came here today to formally inform you that I have no chance. There are two thousand yuan here. You don't have a job now. These two thousand yuan have allowed you to hold on for a while."

Yao Beiguo walked out of the elevator door and looked at the half-open door in front of him. The sound came from the half-open door.

He looked at the house number again, it was the address Tao Ze gave him.


Yao Beiguo hesitated a little, should he listen to these words?

have no idea,

Do you want to go in?

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