Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1322 Encirclement and Suppression

After finishing speaking, Lu Jun also took out more ammunition and firearms from the armed module, with some infection virus antibodies attached: "These are also given to you, we are friends, so don't say whether you can change it or not."

In fact, judging from the number of sea crystals left by Hongyue in Wucangyu, the value inside is far greater than these materials.

Lu Jun originally wanted to give Hongyue more, but the people in black robes didn't have the ability to store items, and they couldn't take away too much, which was just right.

"Thank you! We will always remember this friendship in our hearts." Hongyue asked the black-robed man to come over to carry things while talking, and she didn't mean to be polite to Lu Jun.

In other words, with these things, she will be more confident going back to find Zhang Kuang for revenge.

After the people in black robes moved all the items on the field, Lu Jun gave a smirk and looked at Hongyue: "I also have a small request, I don't know..."

"Tell me, as long as I can do it." Hong Yue replied before Lu Jun finished speaking.

But for Lu Jun to ask her for something, Hongyue still feels quite strange...

"We've known each other for so long, maybe we won't have a chance to meet again in the future, let me see how you look." Lu Jun said directly.

This sentence attracted the attention of all the people in black robes on the field, because they had never seen Hongyue's appearance.

Not to mention Hongyue, even their members have not seen each other, this is the secret of each of their eight members.

"I..." Hongyue hesitated for a moment, as if a little uneasy.

"It's okay if it's inconvenient, I just said it casually, ahaha..." Lu Jun immediately replied, as if he was embarrassed by his rudeness.

"No, I am willing, just wait for me."

After finishing speaking, Hongyue waved her hand to signal the surrounding black-robed people to leave.

Lin Yilan and Centurion Xuexiong also sensibly moved away together, leaving only Lu Jun and Hongyue in this position.

Seeing that there was no one else around, Hongyue slowly raised her hand to take off the black robe on her face, revealing her true face.

Because of hiding under the black robe all the year round, Hongyue's skin is not eroded by wind and rain or exposed to the sun, and it is abnormally fair.

Especially those light blue eyes, flawless like moonlight, with a blush on his cheeks, and an air of isolation from the world all over his body.

Lu Jun was really amazed by Hongyue's face, he didn't come back to his senses for several seconds, but it's a pity that this face has to be hidden under the black robe all the time.

Looking at Lu Jun who was in a daze in front of her, Hongyue couldn't help chuckling, she suddenly approached Lu Jun, put her cheek against Lu Jun's ear, her lips and teeth moved slightly: "I will give you my biggest secret, don't forget me... ..."

After finishing speaking, before Lu Jun could react, Hong Yue quickly covered the black robe again, turned around and walked back.

Although he really wanted to do something to make Hongyue stay, but Lu Jun knew that everyone has his own destiny, and he cannot force it.

Maybe this parting will never see each other again, or they may meet again soon. In the world, who can explain the shackles of fate clearly...

After Hongyue moved away and gradually disappeared from his field of vision, Lu Jun said slowly: "I will never forget, goodbye..."

Fortunately, Lin Yilan and Centurion Xuexiong came over in time and brought Lu Jun back to his thoughts.

"She's gone." Lin Yilan said softly, she could feel Lu Jun's slight loss.

"Yeah, there are only two of us left..." Lu Jun smiled wryly, and put his elbow on Lin Yilan's shoulder.

"My lord, I'm standing beside you too..." Centurion Snow Bear was a little dissatisfied with being ignored.

"You are a bear, can you be like a human?" Lu Jun kicked Centurion Xuexiong lightly, and turned his head to Lin Yilan, "Let's go, open your portal, let's go home."

"Ah?" Lin Yilan was a little surprised by Lu Jun's words, "I can't take us back directly, after leaving Qingfengyu for too long, all space points will automatically disappear..."

"Um...then we can only fly back." Lu Jun scratched his head and said.

But he suddenly remembered that he still had Centurion Snow Bear with him, and kicked Centurion Snow Bear again: "But you are so fat, you can't fly, what's the matter?"

"My lord, our snow bear family lives in an extremely cold area, and we need fat to maintain our body temperature, and I don't want to..." Centurion Snow Bear was obviously aggrieved.

In the end, in desperation, Lu Jun could only call out all the Fengshen pterosaurs, and let the six Fengshen pterosaurs take turns to fly while holding Centurion Snow Bear, while he and Lin Yilan sat on one Fengshen pterosaur.

In this way, Lu Jun, Lin Yilan, and Centurion Xuexiong spent the next time on the road.

Due to the distance of thousands of kilometers, it would take a long time even by flying.

So taking advantage of his free time, Lu Jun directly entered the armed module and opened the supply boxes of all levels obtained these days.

According to statistics, the road army's trip to Wucangyu plus the previous battles gained a total of

It can be clearly seen that the number of D-rank creatures in this world has been significantly reduced, and the supply boxes obtained are only a few hundred.

The number of Tier B and Tier A creatures has obviously increased many times, and the overall number gradually tends to exceed Tier C and Tier D creatures.

This also means that the monsters in the world are getting stronger, anyway, much faster than humans.

It is estimated that it will not be long before there will be no D-rank and C-rank creatures in this world.

At that time, the scenes everywhere must be B-level walking everywhere, A-level like pigs and dogs, and the living environment of human beings is getting worse and worse...

As for the supply boxes that the Route Army got this time, there were not many supply boxes, because the Route Army seldom had "insiders" in this battle.

In the early stage, he relied on the black-robed men without member rings and the warriors of the elves. He was not rewarded for killing the enemies with these creatures.

Fortunately, in the end, the combat power of the army increased, and the dragon training module was unlocked, killing many monsters, otherwise the supply box would not have so many...

In the end, after some opening, the rewards of the D-rank supply box obtained by Lu Jun were 222 eggs of the mutant Velociraptor, 107 eggs of the mutant Beitian pterosaur, and 120 eggs of the mutant Osteosaurus. sixteen.

One hundred and twenty sticks of D-level infection virus antibodies, four hundred and ninety dragon coins, and four hundred and fifty dragon points.

The rewards obtained from the supply box of C-rank dragonriders include 1,458 mutant armored dragon eggs, 764 mutant triceratops eggs, 5,446 dragon-shaped weapons, and C-rank infection. 1,420 virus antibodies.

There are 81,380 dragon coins, 148,500 dragon titles, 597 dragon saddles, and 521 special grenade bags.

As for some small items, Lu Jun didn't even look at them, and those things no longer aroused his interest.

One hundred and twenty sticks of D-level infection virus antibodies, four hundred and ninety dragon coins, and four hundred and fifty dragon points...

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