Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1323 Restoring Tranquility

"But it wasn't snatched by the Silent Crusaders, but more than ten days ago, our caravan had contact with the city of Ori. They exchanged tens of thousands of sets of stone shields and stone spears with food, spar and other materials. .”

"At that time, we had only come to Qingfengyu not long ago, and we were in urgent need of supplies, so I simply exchanged them with them. This transaction lasted for many days, so I only knew that there was an Ori city around here."

"However, I didn't give them the most important stone armor. Stone shields and stone spears are common goods. Stone armor is the core of our technology, and we are still improving."

Zhifu's words are all true. After all, he, Lao Wu and Baqi are also regarded as a cooperative relationship, so there is no need to cheat.

Moreover, he is quite friendly to people he is familiar with, and he is not as difficult to get along with when we first met.

"It turned out to be like this...Then they are still quite miserable. They were wiped out just after changing their equipment..." Baqi couldn't help sighing.

But if he knew that the entire city of Ori and the Silent Crusade were in the hands of the army, he would probably cry out in surprise...

While they were talking, the remote observation boards of the people in black robes were gradually being assembled.

I saw that the small board with the width of a palm turned into a large board with a width of two meters and a length of three meters after all the boards were assembled.

"This... how do we see it? Where's the image?" Zhifu reached out and touched the remote observation board, then turned to ask the fifth child.

But the moment he touched the remote observation board, his fingers felt tingling as if he had been electrocuted.

Immediately afterwards, the remote observation board in front of him suddenly turned black, and some vague figures appeared inside, as if there were many creatures walking around.

This made Zhifu instantly understand that the remote observation board had started to operate, and immediately stepped back a few steps, widening his eyes, for fear of missing any information.

Ten seconds later, the image on the remote observation board gradually became clear, allowing Zhifu to see the entire Westwind Fortress from the "God's perspective".

I saw that there were many slave laborers who were urgently building spike towers and building defense lines, and some supernatural beings from the rebel army were also helping.

There are even some sprinting dragons around who are responsible for carrying supplies, and everything looks very orderly.

"What the hell are these things?!" Zhifu couldn't help asking questions because he had never seen a slave laborer or a dinosaur from the Lu army.

"We didn't lie to you, there are many such messy creatures in Westwind Fortress, all of which are controlled by the army, so it's weird." Baqi explained beside him.

In fact, he didn't know what kind of creatures it was, but he knew that it was these creatures that made Westwind Fortress indestructible.

"These are their working units." Lao Wu slowly stepped forward, wanting to supplement Baqi's explanation, but he immediately noticed something was wrong, "Huh? Why is it so little? Where did their combat units go?"

Because there are obviously many creatures in Westwind Fortress, and it is estimated that there are more than 50,000 creatures in total.

The West Wind Fortress in the remote observation board currently has less than 20,000 creatures, and they are all working units, which makes Lao Wu feel very strange.

After all, the infected body is about to attack, Lu Jun and others should do their best to defend.

But now not only can't see their defensive figures, but they don't even have many defensive troops, which is very puzzling.

Have they given up on defense? This is the first thought of the fifth child.

But that doesn't make sense either,

Abandoning defense should mean withdrawing all troops, there is no reason to keep working arms.

With this kind of doubt, Lao Wu suddenly realized something, immediately took a few steps forward, put his hand on the remote observation board, and flicked it to the left.

At this time, the remote observation board is like a map, where you move it, the image will appear there.

In the next moment, the scene of Westwind Fortress disappeared, and the image changed to a group of dinosaurs running fast.

"We found them!" Lao Wu shouted, and began to adjust the image of the remote observation board to the best position.

"Where are they going? Fleeing?" Zhifu said subconsciously.

Because there was no defense before the battle, but a large-scale march, everyone would think of fleeing.

"No, their working units are still in Westwind Fortress, and the rebels will not abandon their own people." The fifth child also knows the way of the road army very well.

After speaking, he continued to tinker with the remote observation board, hoping to obtain more information.

Baqi next to him watched all this with wide-eyed eyes, full of doubts in his eyes, not knowing what the rebels were doing.

About five seconds later, Lao Wu suddenly noticed something. He took a step back and raised his finger to point at the remote observation board: "How is it possible?! They are heading towards the infected group!"

Reminded by Lao Wu, Baqi and Zhifu also saw that Lu Jun and others were indeed heading towards the side where the infected group attacked.

"They don't want to consume the strength of the infected body before the infected body arrives..." Baqi thought of a terrible possibility and brought it up.

"I dare not rule out this possibility..." Lao Wu looked at Baqi and nodded.

"This method is very useful for dealing with infected groups, and we have used it before, but at that time, it was based on the limited number of infected groups, but they were facing millions of infected groups, which was almost unlimited. They relied on How dare you do that?!" Zhihuo questioned beside him.

Because this is so crazy, it's almost like leading someone to rush to death.

"Just because he is Lu Jun, he is a lunatic, there is nothing to dare..." Lao Wu smiled wryly, and did not hide his "admiration" for Lu Jun at all.

Although they were enemies, he had fallen into Lu Jun's hands many times, and he even wished to swallow Lu Jun alive.

However, Lao Wu had no choice but to accept Lu Jun's strength and handling style. This was the most difficult enemy he had ever encountered in his lifetime.

"Then this is our chance! Their main force has gone out, and Westwind Fortress is empty. As long as we choose to attack at this time, these working units will definitely be unstoppable. We estimate that we will be able to take Westwind Fortress within an hour!" Zhifu clenched his fists and expressed his thoughts.

And this idea is undoubtedly very attractive, after all, the information obtained from the remote observation board is like this.

No matter how strong the defense of West Wind Fortress is, it is impossible to block their hundreds of thousands of soldiers with more than 10,000 working units.

When the West Wind Fortress falls, they will "cooperate" with the infected body to encircle and annihilate the Lujun and others, and this battle will surely be won!

After speaking, Zhihuo prepared to go down the mountain to "shake people", intending to attack according to his ideas.

But Lao Wu quickly stopped Zhifu, and shook his head: "Let me tell you this, your idea is very good, and it may be effective against others." Please Baidu "Throwing Books" Thank you for your support!

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