Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1324 The Snow Moon Castle

It can't be said that there are no, the main reason is that they will be transformed by genetic modification modules as soon as they are hatched, and become flame velociraptors, bee-stinging pterosaurs, and sprinting dragons...

As for the orc warriors, almost all of them were mobilized, with tens of thousands of wolf cavalry and more than 7,000 troll hunters. If the frost wolves were added, their total number would reach 30,000.

The remaining orc warriors are composed of witch doctors and thunder rhinoceros. Their number is less than three thousand, and their positions are relatively backward.

This is because they are new types of arms and are relatively high-level. Both the resources and the time required for production are very large, and the scale cannot be expanded for the time being.

Originally, the Route Army planned to go back and expand the West Wind Fortress after improving its own strength. No matter what, it had to spend all its strategic points and research points.

It's a pity that the incoming infected body disrupted Lu Jun's plan, so he could only put down what he was doing...

"Received, member 019 of the wind group and member 107 of the fire group will lead the Utahraptor to launch an attack!" Two unfamiliar voices responded to the army.

This is because there are too many dinosaurs in the army at present, and the types and strengths are uneven, so it is very inconvenient to control.

So the Lu army thought of a way to let every soldier of the rebel army be responsible for leading some dinosaurs.

In this way, no matter what order he sends out during the battle, the fighters of the Rebel Army can receive it in time and let the dinosaur complete it, just like now.

As the order was issued, two thousand Utahraptors rushed out at an instant speed and left the team.

It was the two members of the wind group No. 019 and the fire group No. 107 who led the team.

They have just joined the Resistance Army not long ago, they are newcomers, Lu Jun doesn't know what they look like, don't know their names, and they don't even know what level of abilities they have.

But Lu Jun is very clear that those who can pass the assessment and join the rebel army are not good people, and it is not a problem to lead some dinosaurs to fight.

As for why he only sent two thousand Utahraptors out, it was because with the strength of Utahraptors, it could only be described as more than enough to deal with a thousand blackthorn infected bodies.

In fact, only three hundred Utahraptors are enough for a real fight, and it is not difficult for Utahraptors to fight three.

But Lu Jun wanted to see the scene of instant killing with an absolute advantage, and did not intend to give the black thorn infected body any chance to escape.

And under the leadership of two rebel fighters, two thousand Utahraptors did not disappoint the army.

It only took them 30 seconds to run a distance of 500 meters, came to a group of black thorn infected bodies, and rushed on them fiercely.

Seeing that the Utahraptor came just like that, the blackthorn infected bodies hesitated, not knowing whether to retreat or rush, and wanted to use brain waves to ask for help from the corpse controller.

But before they had time to send out their brainwaves, the Utahraptor's attack arrived, almost one bite at a time to deal with the blackthorn infected body.

Although the blackthorn infected body is very flexible and can run and jump around, the sensitivity of the Utahraptor is not low.

In addition, the Utahraptor did not have any long-range attacks, and its teeth and claws belonged to melee combat, making it impossible for the blackthorn infected body to use its own abilities, and it was inevitable.

Before a minute had passed, the thousand blackthorn infected bodies on the field were almost finished by two thousand Utahraptors, which was extremely brutal.

Seeing your side's first wave of attack has won,

The morale of the rebels is high, as are the orc warriors and dinosaurs.

The corpse controllers at the rear probably also received the news that a thousand blackthorn infected bodies had all died, which made them furious.

Because they originally thought that the road ahead would be smooth. After all, with their number and strength, no creature would dare to come up to die.

Unexpectedly, they were wrong. The enemy not only dared to stop them, but even charged up and launched an attack, killing their scouts.

Although it was the Utahraptor who just fought with them, the corpse controllers can still feel that the manipulator behind the Utahraptor is a human being, which makes them itchy.

In fact, the death of a thousand blackthorn infected bodies is really nothing to a huge infected group, not even a drop in the bucket.

But these human actions are tantamount to provoking the infected group and the corpse controller, and even trampling on their majesty, which makes the corpse controller very intolerable.

So the next moment, the corpse controllers united and issued an order to mobilize 5,000 blackthorn infected bodies and nearly 10,000 flying infected beasts to rush to the position of the Utahraptor.

Because these two creatures are the fastest, they can reach the battlefield in a short time. Otherwise, if they send other types of infected bodies, they will probably be run away by the Utahraptor.

As for why they also have flying infected beasts, they are actually controlled by the corpse controllers along the way.

In the face of their powerful spiritual power, almost any infected beast below Tier S can join them unconditionally...

"Brother Lu Jun, there are thousands of black thorn infected bodies and tens of thousands of flying infected beasts rushing out of the infected group, and the target is our Utahraptor!" Xiaowan issued a timely warning again.

Hearing this, everyone in the rebel army felt that they should retreat, because the infected group seemed to be coming for real, and they should take advantage of it and run away.

But Lu Jun sneered directly, and pressed the short-distance communicator: "Member 019 of the wind group and member 107 of the fire group, you can continue to charge forward, those black thorn infected bodies can't beat you."

"And Xiaowan, you immediately bring our bee-stinging pterosaurs to support them, and you must intercept or deal with those flying infected beasts!"

After speaking, the army put the short-distance communicator into silence, without worrying about the battle situation ahead, and let the large troops continue to move forward.

Because in his heart, these black thorn infected bodies and flying infected beasts that rushed out were destined to die, and they could not threaten them at all.

At the same time, he secretly laughed at the stupidity of the corpse controller for issuing such an order. He wished that the corpse controller would continue to send small groups of infected bodies to die.

After receiving the order from the Route Army, the two members of the rebel army in front were surprised and panicked.

If it was said that when they rushed up just now, they fought more and beat less, and they were sure of winning, then this time they continued to charge forward, they fought more with less, and their life and death were uncertain.

And they also heard Xiaowan's warning just now, the other party has thousands of blackthorn infected bodies and tens of thousands of flying infected beasts that they can't fight...

But now that the army has issued an order, no matter how many ideas they have, they can only execute it. After all, this is their mission.

So the next moment, the two members of the rebel army stared at each other, and led two thousand Utahraptors to continue to charge forward, regardless of life or death.

Xiao Wan, who was at the top, also sent out a brain wave quickly, signaling the bee-stinging pterosaur behind to follow up, and flew forward with her, preparing to contact the flying infected beast. Please Baidu "Throwing Book Network" Thank you for your support!

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