At this distance, it was too late even if the discharge worm wanted to avoid it, so it could only bite the bullet and collide with the dinosaur corps and the orc warriors, and began to fight hand-to-hand.

Although the combined number of Dinosaur Corps and Beast Warriors is not even two thousand, facing more than 40,000 discharge worms is not enough.

However, both the dinosaurs of the Lu army and the orc warriors are very strong, and they are extremely capable in hand-to-hand combat, not to mention the Ankylosaurus and Triceratops who are very good at short-distance charges.

Therefore, in the case of a head-on confrontation, the discharge worms in the front were defeated in an instant, causing the dinosaur corps and the orc warriors to rush into the worms smoothly and began their slaughter.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jun was overjoyed. He immediately turned his head and said to the members of the rebel army beside him, "Go back and kill them! Hit them with abilities! Don't worry about consumption!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Jun turned on his own dragon form, grew a dragon tail and dragon arms, and rode an ostrich-like dragon to take the lead in rushing forward.

In fact, he just asked everyone to retreat, not because of fear, but to lure the discharge worms to chase them out, and wanted to increase the distance from the Lightning Tower so that they could fight back.

Originally, Lu Jun thought that the discharge worms would be very cautious and did not dare to chase them out. After all, these discharge worms are intelligent.

But he didn't expect these discharge worms to see a large number of companions die, they were already out of breath, and rushed out without hesitation in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that these discharge worms were so violent, Lu Jun directly ordered the dinosaur corps and the orc warriors to fight back, so there was the scene just now...

Seeing that the road army had rushed out, the rebels quickly followed, rushed to the dinosaur corps and the orc warriors, and joined together.

Immediately afterwards, the rebels fully activated their abilities, throwing all the attacking abilities towards the swarm of discharge worms, causing huge casualties to the discharge worms in an instant.

Although the number of discharge worms is large enough, they can surround Lu Jun and others to attack, and they can also use discharge tentacles to continuously discharge.

But all their electric discharge attacks were blocked by Lu Jun's particle shield, so they couldn't do anything to Lu Jun and others in the encirclement.

Instead, they were massacred by the rebels, orc warriors, and dinosaur corps under the army...

It may be that they feel that they have fallen into the strategy of the Lu army, or they may not want to lose too much. After besieging the Lu army and others for a while, the discharge worms left a large number of corpses of their companions and slowly crawled back. Withdrew within the protection range of the Lightning Tower.

Seeing that the discharge worms learned to be smart, the army stopped attacking, but let the rebels stand in place, took out their guns, and shot at the discharge worms from a distance. Anyway, his initial goal has been achieved, completely Do not worry.

In this way, in the following time, Diandou Chong, Lu Jun and others fell into a stalemate.

Because of the protection of the Lightning Tower, the army did not dare to attack the worm nest with a large force, and the worms seemed to be waiting for something, and had no intention of attacking actively...

However, what the discharge worms didn't know was that during this period of time, Xiao Wan and the bloodthirsty king bat had rushed to the right side of the nest with the swarm of digging sand worms.

Looking at the tall Lightning Tower and the very weak defense below, Xiaowan didn't hesitate too much, and directly let the underground digging sandworms drill under the Lightning Tower and start digging.

Although there are still some discharge insects stationed on the right side of the nest, they can also see Xiaowan flying in the air and feel the abnormality underground.

But they couldn't attack Xiao Wan,

There was no way to go underground to check, and I didn't know what would happen next, so I could only be wary of Xiao Wan from a distance of tens of meters.

Just when the discharge worms began to think about what Xiao Wan was going to do, they suddenly saw a crack in the ground and a big pit appeared, and then the two lightning towers fell into the big pit and disappeared behind them. in the field of vision...

Faced with this situation, the discharge bugs stationed here were taken aback, and immediately surrounded the big pit, looking at the scene below.

When they saw a group of digging sandworms digging a hole underground with their worm eyes, they immediately knew Xiaowan's plan, and began to gather lightning with their tentacles, preparing to follow the big pit to attack the digging sandworms below.

Seeing that the method of digging holes was effective and destroyed two Leiguang towers in an instant, Xiaowan was relieved at first.

Immediately afterwards, she picked up the safari submachine gun placed behind her, and shot at the electric discharge worms below, because she knew that these discharge worms could not interfere with the digging sandworms digging pits.

Lin Xiaobai, who was standing on the back of the Bloodthirsty King Bat, saw Xiaowan's actions and understood Xiaowan's Xiaowan. At the same time, she raised the explosive crossbow in her hand and shot fiercely at the discharge worm below.

With a burst of crisp gunshots and violent explosions, the discharge worms stationed below fell one after another in the flames.

But there are quite a lot of them after all, and it is difficult to stop them by relying on the firepower of Xiaowan and Lin Xiaobai alone. Some of the discharge worms still attacked the digging sandworms.

Moreover, the discharge worms saw Xiaowan's idea of ​​thundering the photoelectric tower, and immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, and sent out a call for help, calling the discharge worms directly in front of the nest in front of them to come back for help.

Feeling the brainwaves from the worms, Xiao Wan knew that they had to fight quickly, so she and Lin Xiaobai immediately increased the output of firepower, and at the same time asked the sand worms to speed up the speed of digging.

Another member of the Resistance Army who was also on the back of the Bloodthirsty King Bat was not idle either. He directly activated his ability, Rain of Recovery, and let drops of green rainwater pour on the ground.

Since the effect of Reviving Rain is to restore friendly wounds and slow down enemy targets, it is still very useful at this time. Some discharge worms are directly interfered by Resuscitating Rain.

Although the digging sandworms stay underground and cannot directly enjoy the effect of the recovery rain, the rainwater can flow into the big pit or seep into the ground.

When the green rainwater flowed over the bodies of the digging sandworms, they were all refreshed, and their digging speed was much faster.

Those injured digging sandworms were recovered, allowing them to continue digging pits with the main force.

In this way, under the condition that the ground-digging sandworms worked together, the thunder towers sank into the ground one after another, unable to exert their due effect.

The discharge worms stationed here are also less and less, until they all disappear in the fierce flames...

And the discharge worm who was confronting Lu Jun and others on the front of the nest was shocked when he received the message on the right asking for help, and wanted to mobilize troops to support them.

Lu Jun and others standing in the distance saw this scene and knew that it was probably Xiaowan who succeeded.

That being the case, they had to continue to help Xiao Wan delay the time, so Lu Jun and the others immediately put on a posture of a general attack, so frightened that Dian Dou Chong dared not mobilize troops at will.

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