So the Army sent Da Xiong, Beishi, Butcher, Mu Mu, and Anan back to the stone room in front, and took out all the Guardian's Hammer and Guardian's Shield they could find.

After finishing these, Lu Jun picked up Ruan Bing who was still in a coma, let Mu Mu and others carry the Guardian's shield on their backs, dragged the Guardian's hammer, and walked slowly into the portal in front of them, ready to leave remains.

As soon as he walked into the portal and came to a passage full of light, Lu Jun found that he could use the functions of the system. Put the light ball into the ability module to start detection.

"Detection completed, ability name: Absolute Defense, ability category: brain domain ability, ability effect: use brain power to prop up several particle shields, have super defensive power, and can block any form of attack, specifically The defense value depends on the brain power value and the brain domain value, and increases with the increase of the brain power value and the brain domain value."

After reading the introduction of this ability, Lu Jun quickly thought in his mind whether he should absorb this ability, because he is now a third-level brain domain ability user, and he can absorb the third ability.

And from the numerical point of view, the ability of absolute defense is very strong, which is very suitable for him who currently lacks defensive methods. This ability is probably also very helpful for team battles.

After some thinking, Lu Jun planned to absorb this ability, because he couldn't find a better ability than this for the time being, and the end of the world is getting more and more dangerous, time waits for no one, he has to seize everything that can improve his strength Chance does.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun turned around and put the unconscious Ruan Bing into Ruan Xue's arms, and said to the people behind him, "Wait for me first, I have something to do."

After speaking, Lu Jun maintained this posture, closed his eyes, and with a thought, he stood on the spot and began to absorb the ability of absolute defense.

The people next to him heard Lu Jun's words and didn't know what Lu Jun was going to do, but they didn't choose to ask more questions, let alone disturb Lu Jun, but stood quietly behind Lu Jun and waited.

Since this is the third time for Lu Jun to absorb the ability, he is familiar with the road, so he did not experience any discomfort, and it only took about three minutes to completely absorb the ability of absolute defense.

After absorbing the power, Lu Jun checked his body and smiled confidently. Now he is a third-level power user with three brain domain powers. It is estimated that he will face several A-level creatures alone next time. No problem.

Mu Mu also felt that Lu Jun's momentum had further strengthened, so he happily asked Lu Jun, "Brother Jun, have you broken through again?"

Hearing Mu Mu's words, Lu Jun grinned and nodded, hugged Ruan Bing, who was still unconscious, from Ruan Xue's hand, and continued to take him away towards the glowing passage. This time he didn't stop, and walked out along the passage ruins.

Mu Mu and the others were also very excited when they saw Lu Jun admitting that they had become stronger, but they also felt a sense of anxiety in their hearts. The reason for the excitement was that Lu Jun's becoming stronger meant that the upper limit of their team would become higher.

The reason for the anxiety is that the road army is getting stronger, but most of them are still standing still, and they are almost unable to catch up with the road army. This is not the result they want to see, so they have to work harder, everyone I thought to myself...

Lu Jun didn't know what the crowd was thinking. He had just led the crowd out of the ruins and returned to the ground when he heard a burst of gunshots echoing around him, as if hundreds of people were shooting at the same time.

Moreover, a bullet flew past Lu Jun's scalp, and he could feel the heat of the bullet passing through the air. If he hadn't stopped in time,

Definitely going to get hit by bullets.

Mu Mu and others who came out with Lu Jun also saw the bullets flying all over the sky, and immediately raised their guardian shields to block Lu Jun, forming a tight circle.

With the protection of the Guardian's Shield, Lu Jun immediately glanced at the surrounding situation, and found that they were still at the position where they entered the ruins before, and the rebels and the Blackstone Consortium were also there.

It's just that the people of the Rebel Army and the Blackstone Consortium are in a very bad situation at this time. They are being besieged by hundreds of people uniformly dressed in white with blood-red crosses engraved on their clothes.

These people are well equipped, on par with the rebels. They have heavy machine guns, anti-tank rockets, and even anti-aircraft machine guns. As a result, the bloodthirsty king bats flying above cannot support the rebels and others.

Fortunately, under the command of Ake, the people of the Rebel Army and the Blackstone Consortium had a very tight line of defense, which could almost be described as watertight, relying on the vehicles and the supernatural beings in the team to defend the enemy's attack.

But judging from the situation on the battlefield, the rebels and the Blackstone consortium are already at the end of their battles. Among them, one-third of the wounded have reached one-third, and even several superhumans have been seriously injured. It is dilapidated, and it is estimated that it will be completely defeated within three minutes.

Lu Jun didn't know why the rebels fought with the group of people in white clothes, but when he came out of the ruins happily, he saw the scene in front of him, which made him extremely angry. The only thought in his mind now was , These people in white are dead!

However, Lu Jun did not take the lead in attacking the person in white clothes, but directly used the third ability he just obtained, absolute defense, to prop up a particle shield ten meters high and thirty meters wide, covering the surrounding All people and vehicles of one's own side are shrouded in it.

The bullets fired from a distance kept bombarding the particle shield, making circles of ripples on the particle shield, which looked like raindrops falling into a lake.

Although the enemy's firepower was very fierce, the particle shield did not shatter, and it could even block the attacks of heavy machine guns and anti-tank rockets, leaving the enemy completely helpless.

In fact, this is exactly the horror of the Absolute Defense ability. Not to mention these bullets and shells, even the slightly weaker S-level attack Absolute Defense can block it. Of course, the Lu Army doesn't know this yet...

Seeing that Lu Jun had cast his ability, Ruan Xue also immediately used the ability she had just obtained, Wood's Recovery, intending to help all the wounded on her side recover from their injuries.

The moment Ruan Xue used Izuki's recovery, a light green halo lit up from Ruan Xue's body, and then continued to expand until it covered everyone around.

Anyone who was covered by Wood's Resuscitation felt refreshed and regained their vitality, while those with wounds felt that the blood no longer flowed from the wound and began to recover slowly.

The moment Ruan Xue used Izuki's recovery, a light green halo lit up from Ruan Xue's body, and then continued to expand until it covered everyone around.

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