Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1387 New Dragon Species

Lin Xiaobai re-blessed Anan and others with the ice shield to protect Anan and others from ordinary bullets.

With the help of Lin Xiaobai and Ruan Xue, Anan and the others recovered and quickly gained a foothold.

But this time, Anan and the others no longer continued to be attacked by heavy weapons, but chose to rush into the patrol team to fight and fight hand-to-hand with members of the patrol team.

This will not only give full play to the advantages of their melee ability, but also make the heavy weapons in the distance have some scruples and dare not fire at will.

Sure enough, when the members of the Silent Crusaders who manipulated heavy weapons saw Anan and the others fighting with the patrol, they stopped firing, for fear of accidentally injuring their own people.

When he found out that his plan had taken effect, Anan had no more scruples. He and Da Xiong directly overturned an off-road vehicle in front of them, crushing several people to death in an instant.

Seeing that Anan and the others were killing indiscriminately, but their own side had no countermeasures, the person in charge of the Silent Crusaders commanding the battle became anxious, and immediately asked the patrol to retreat, wanting to distance themselves from Anan and the others before making plans.

But how could Anan and others allow the Silent Crusaders to succeed? No matter how many steps the patrol team took back, they followed as many steps as they followed, killing people while following them. painful...

And when Anan and the others were fighting with the Silent Crusaders, Mu Mu didn't stay idle. He used his second ability again, and sneaked to the place where the Silent Crusaders erected heavy machine guns by sneaking for a short time.

When he came to the desired position, Mu Mu suddenly attacked and attacked from behind, killing the person controlling the heavy machine gun and the person responsible for loading the ammunition in an instant.

However, Mu Mu didn't just kill people. He was also afraid of getting on the console of the heavy-duty machine gun. He personally controlled the heavy-duty machine gun and pulled the trigger, firing directly towards the surroundings.

Wood's firing target is also very particular. He first aimed at the positions of other heavy weapons and destroyed all the heavy weapons erected around them. After all, only heavy weapons can pose a threat to Anan and the others.

Then Mu Mu poured firepower on the patrol team of the Silent Crusader, blowing up two off-road vehicles of the patrol team in a blink of an eye, killing dozens of people in the patrol team.

The person in charge of commanding the patrol team to fight was still thinking about how to get rid of Anan and the others. The next moment he saw his own people dying in droves, he couldn't react for a while, because it all happened so suddenly.

But the person in charge of commanding the battle had undergone rigorous training after all, he quickly recovered and saw the wood manipulating the heavy cannon.

see this,

The person in charge of the battle immediately dispersed the patrol team, and while looking for cover to hide, he attacked the wood's position, because he knew that the wood must not be allowed to attack again.

When the patrol team heard their commander's words, they immediately followed suit, ran away in all directions, and fired a few shots at the position of the wood from time to time.

However, their approach did not achieve results, because it was impossible for them to hit the wood in this situation. Instead, they made a mess of their own team, and the originally perfect defensive formation collapsed instantly.

Seeing this situation, Mu Mu, Anan and others became even more reckless in attacking, besieging the patrol team and others from both sides, intending to take this opportunity to severely damage the patrol team.

The person in charge of the Silent Crusade who was in charge of the battle looked at the disintegrated formation of his side, and felt very anxious. Knowing that his order was wrong just now, he wanted the patrol team to reorganize and fight.

But in this situation, no one would listen to him. The patrol team all ran away in a swarm, trying to stay away from here. After all, life-saving is the most important thing.

Seeing this scene, the person in charge of the battle knew that the situation was over, and immediately contacted his superior and the surrounding patrols for support, otherwise they would not be able to hold on.

Although it is embarrassing to do so, after all, he commanded hundreds of people and was defeated by Wood and the others, but it is more important to grab Wood and them than shame, so the person who directs the battle can only do this.

But even if the person in charge of the battle calls for support, it will take several minutes for other patrols to arrive at the fastest. As long as they can survive these few minutes, they may usher in victory.

However, during this period, Mu Mu and the others did not intend to let go of the Silent Crusaders, and the attacks in their hands never stopped, and the firepower of the heavy machine guns swept across the entire block.

The firepower of heavy-duty machine guns is destructive in front of the fragile human body. From time to time, an off-road vehicle explodes, and people from the patrol team die every second. Bright red blood and broken bodies can be seen everywhere.

The original neighborhood battlefield has become a hell on earth, and even the Silent Crusaders who commanded the battle were shot to death by stray bullets...

Looking at the chaotic neighborhood full of gunpowder smoke and corpses, the surviving passers-by in the distance were all staring blankly at this scene, as if the entire world view was subverted with this scene.

Because instead of dying as they expected, Mu Mu and the others defeated the patrol team, and it was a big defeat. More than half of the more than 50 patrol teams were killed or injured, just like bereaved dogs.

Passers-by don't know how Mu Mu and others did it, nor do they know what irreconcilable contradictions Mu Mu and others have with the Silent Crusaders.

But passers-by understand what all this means, and at this time they can't help showing a little respect for Mu Mu and others from the bottom of their hearts...

But this scene didn't last long, because the heavy cannon in front of Mu Mu soon ran out of bullets, and the duration of the abilities of Anan and others was about to expire.

Without the blessing of supernatural powers, they would not have this kind of fighting power. It would be troublesome if they were surrounded by silent crusaders here.

So after understanding his situation, Mu Mu quickly made a decision, kicked over the heavy cannon in front of him, picked up some of the guns and ammunition that fell on the ground, and led Anan and others back to Lin Xiaobai. They are ready to stick to their positions and wait for the army.

When the Silent Crusaders saw that Mu Mu and others had withdrawn, they were overjoyed, stopped fleeing, slowly gathered the remnants, and began to treat the wounded who were howling on the ground.

Some of the patrols that still have combat effectiveness reorganized the defense line, surrounded the hiding place where Mu Mu and others were hiding, and kept putting pressure on Mu Mu and others.

But now that Mu Mu and others have picked up a lot of guns and ammunition, they are not afraid of the patrol team at all. It is estimated that it will not be a problem to guard for ten or twenty minutes...

The soldier scorpion who had been staying outside was the most anxious at this time. He didn't know what happened inside the building, because the fire scorpion and robber scorpion he sent in hadn't returned yet, so he could only keep sending his men in and calling for backup .

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