Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1388 Transformation Completed

Hearing the constant gunshots from inside the building, Bing Xie couldn't calm down at all. Just when he was about to send his guards into the building, his confidant finally rushed out.

"What's the situation inside? Is that person dead? Why didn't Fire Scorpion and Robber Scorpion come out?" Bing Scorpion asked anxiously before his confidant approached.

Hearing Bing Scorpion's question, Bing Scorpion's confidant was terrified, out of breath, and said, "Master Bing Scorpion...we can't stop that person at all, he is a monster! Lord Fire Scorpion and Lord Robber Scorpion He has already been killed... Our elite members and ordinary members are all dead too... That person has already reached the second floor... I think he will rush out soon... Lord Bingxie, let's run..."

Hearing his confidant's words, Bing Xie froze for a moment, then grabbed his confidant's collar angrily and shouted, "Impossible! Both Fire Scorpion and Robber Scorpion are super superpowers of our scorpion group! Together, they can even reach B-level. Monsters can be killed! How could they die here!"

Hearing Bing Scorpion's roar, Bing Scorpion's confidant looked aggrieved, and said in a crying voice, "Master Bing Scorpion...they are really dead...all our people are dead...we can't catch that person Yes...he's a monster...a monster...we can't even hurt him..."

Seeing his confidant's unlovely expression, Bing Xie sighed deeply, loosened his confidant's collar, adjusted his mood, calmed himself down and said, "Does that person have any accomplices? How did he kill so many of us alone? And what is his ability?"

Seeing that Bing Scorpion had calmed down, Bing Scorpion's confidant also organized his words before slowly saying, "My lord, that person's supernatural power seems to be a shield, a shield that will not be damaged no matter how you attack, it can protect all All attacks were intercepted, he did have three accomplices, but two of them were women, and one was a frail and skinny man who stood behind him all the time..."

Hearing his confidant's answer, Bing Xie didn't know what to say. At first he thought Lu Jun was not that strong, but after listening to his confidant's description, he realized that Lu Jun was stronger than he imagined.

But Bing Xie's confidant saw that Bing Xie had stopped talking, so he couldn't help reminding, "My lord... you should leave quickly... Otherwise, we won't be able to protect you when that person comes down..."

Hearing his confidant's words, Bing Xie smiled wryly and said, "Oh, let's go? Do you think we can still go? I brought more than 500 members and two supernatural beings over here, but they all fell here. Now if If we run away again, what will other forces think? What will our internal people think? Our soldiers and scorpions can't afford to lose this person, and our scorpion group can't afford to lose this person."

Hearing Bing Scorpion's helpless words, Bing Scorpion's confidants stopped talking. Indeed, they had no way out, and they had only two choices, either to catch Lu Jun or die here...

"Okay, let our people cheer up and set up a defense line at the entrance of the building.

I want to see if this person is as strong as you said. " Bing Xie said to his confidant with a solemn expression.

Although he is a little frightened by the strength of Lu Jun now, he is still a supernatural being, and he still has confidence in his supernatural power.

As long as he can block the road army and persist until his own reinforcements come, Bing Xie thought to himself.

When Bing Scorpion's confidants heard Bing Scorpion's words, they immediately turned around and waved to Bing Scorpion's guards, signaling them to prepare for defense. There is a way...

Just when Bing Xie and the others were waiting at the door with their weapons ready to fight to the death, a dozen modified vehicles suddenly drove over from a distant street corner, and the logo of the Scorpion Group was engraved on the front of the car.

Seeing this, Bing Xie was overjoyed, because these were the vehicles of their Scorpion Regiment, which also meant that their support had arrived, and they didn't have to face the road army alone!

Sure enough, when the dozen or so vehicles arrived in front of Bingxie, they stopped one after another, and a middle-aged man who was close to 2.2 meters stepped out from the front truck.

The moment he saw this middle-aged man, Bing Xie was stunned for a moment, then quickly walked up to the middle-aged man and knelt on the ground, "Master Black Scorpion, you are here..."

But before Bing Scorpion could finish his sentence, the middle-aged man nicknamed Black Scorpion raised his long legs high and kicked Bing Scorpion to the ground, "Trash! You can't handle even a little thing! Hundreds of people can't even catch one person! Do you know how much time we will waste?! Do you know how many crystals we have to give the Silent Crusaders?! You know..."

Hearing the uninterrupted roar of the black scorpion and feeling the pain from being kicked, Bing scorpion lowered its head and did not dare to take a breath.

Because Black Scorpion's position in the Scorpion Group is higher than him, and his strength is also stronger than him, no matter how Black Scorpion beats or scolds him, he can only listen and cannot resist. This is the rule of the Scorpion Group.

After the scolding was almost finished, Hei Scorpion stopped, looked down at Bing Scorpion with disdainful eyes and said, "Tell me, what's the situation now, hurry up, don't waste my time."

Hearing Hei Scorpion's question, Bing Scorpion immediately stood up and told Hei Scorpion everything that happened during this period, most of them were talking about how powerful the Lu army was, how they killed their people, what's the matter? abilities and such.

After listening to Xiaowan's words, Lu Jun also fell into deep thought, thinking to himself, no wonder it's past five o'clock and Wood and the others haven't come back yet, because they were trapped.

Although Lu Jun still has some things he can't figure out, but now is not the time to think too much, he must hurry to support Mu Mu and the others to get back the spar.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun had a plan in his mind, and it happened that Ruan Bing also healed Xiaowan's wound at this time, which also meant that they could act now.

The girl in red didn't know what Lu Jun and Xiaowan were talking about, and she was in a fog, but she had a feeling that today's matter didn't seem to end so soon.

At this time, the thin monkey in charge of security suddenly walked up to Lu Jun nervously and said, "Boss, I just saw a lot of trucks parked outside the building. It seems that the Scorpion Group has new support. Do we want to start from here?" Go out behind the window? There are less defenses over there."

Hearing the thin monkey's reminder, Lu Jun didn't answer directly, but looked down at Xiao Wan who had just stood up and said, "Can you still take us to the place where Wood and the others are trapped?"

Hearing Lu Jun's question, Xiaowan nodded firmly, saying that she remembered Lu, and her wound would not affect her battle.

Seeing this, Lu Jun loaded the Situ 8000 with ammunition and said with a sneer, "In this case, let's kill all the way."

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