But before he had time to issue an order, he suddenly saw the security captain running into a dark hole while he was not paying attention, and disappeared from his sight.

And while running, the security captain yelled with all his strength: "The enemy is invading! Come on! The enemy is invading! Come on..."

Because the space in the passage is relatively narrow and a bit closed, the captain's roar is particularly loud, and there is an echo, and I don't know how far it will spread.

Immediately afterwards, Baqi heard a rush of footsteps coming from the corpse transportation passage, and it seemed that many people were approaching them.

It seems that there are many people stationed in this passage, not just corpses as the captain of the security said. It is estimated that these people are coming because they heard the captain of the security.

Seeing this, Baqi and Lao Wu immediately realized that they had been cheated, and shouted at the same time: "No! There is a scam! Get back!"

But as soon as they finished speaking, the sound of gunfire suddenly sounded from behind them, and the few fallen warriors who stayed at the back fell to the ground in response, with no signs of life.

Seeing that the gunmen who had just let them go started attacking them, Yaqi was very puzzled, not knowing what went wrong.

But at this time, he didn't have so much time to think, so he could only let the men in black robes under him use their abilities to fight back at the gun-wielding warriors behind.

As more than a dozen various abilities flew over, more than half of the gunmen in the rear immediately lost and fell into a pool of blood. Baqi and others were able to take advantage of this opportunity to run back.

Seeing that Baqi and the others were so fierce, the gunmen behind were startled, and immediately closed the secret door together from the outside, and locked it tightly.

Seeing that the only back route for his side was closed, Baqi's heart tightened, and he immediately asked the black-robed man around him to smash the secret door with all his strength, trying to break the secret door from the inside.

But I don't know what kind of material this secret door is made of. It is very strong. After being smashed by various abilities for two rounds, there is no sign of damage...

Seeing that the damned door was so hard, Baqi felt anxious and wanted to directly open his third ability to break through the secret door.

But at this time, the soldiers stationed in the passageway for transporting corpses had already arrived upon hearing the sound. There were hundreds of them, all of them were the city defense forces of the Silent Crusaders, and they all had guns in their hands.

When they saw so many inexplicable people appearing in the passage, combined with the previous voice,

Immediately realizing that these people were intruders, he immediately raised his rifle and pulled the trigger.

Facing the hundreds of bullets fired, the black-robed people remained calm, and the black-robed people with protective abilities immediately stood in front of them, preventing these bullets.

At the same time, the other men in black robes began to fight back with their abilities. Since they couldn't go out now, they could only survive by killing the city defense forces here.

Baqi next to him was not idle either, and immediately activated his snake surge ability, summoned dozens of fresh giant snakes, and attacked the city defense army who fired.

Seeing that Baqi and the others were all supernatural beings, the city guards were shocked, but they didn't mess themselves up, but shot the giant snake crawling in the passage to death first.

Immediately afterwards, he hid in the bunker next to him, avoiding all the abilities that shot at them.

Seeing that Baqi and others were ready, the security captain took a deep breath, walked slowly ahead, and led Baqi and others to advance in the dark.

While walking, Baqi and others kept guarding the surroundings, and Baqi even condensed his snake hands. As long as there was any trouble, he would kill the captain of the guard.

However, the situation that Yaqi was worried about did not happen, and the surroundings were so quiet that only the sound of footsteps could be heard when they were walking.

It was not until less than ten meters away from Ori City that more than a dozen armed soldiers appeared, turned on the gun lights and aimed at Yaqi and others, shouting: "Who is it?!"

Seeing this situation, Baqi and a group of men in black robes felt that there was a fraud, so they wanted to immediately use their abilities to kill the dozen or so fighters who had just emerged.

But the security captain who was at the front stopped the black-robed man and the gun-wielding soldiers in front, signaling both parties not to get excited.

Immediately afterwards, the security captain asked for instructions from Baqi, then walked towards the soldiers with guns, and began to talk to these soldiers with guns.

During this period, Baqi and Lao Wu have been listening carefully to the previous conversation, as long as the captain of the guard dares to say something nonsense, they will do it.

Fortunately, the captain of the guard did not talk nonsense, and had been giving "reasonable" explanations to the gunmen to let them go.

In the end, these gunmen seemed to have friendship with the captain of the guard, and they were actually allowed to go, and the process went very smoothly.

The moment the negotiation was concluded, a soldier with a gun turned his head and opened a dark secret door.

This secret door is three meters high, and inside is a passage tens of meters long, leading to nowhere.

But before entering Baqi, he could smell a disgusting smell of corpses, as if a pile of corpses had been rotting together for twenty days, the smell was indescribable.

Seeing that the secret door was opened, the guard captain immediately looked back at Baqi: "Okay, we have settled, they agreed to let us in, and let us out before dawn."

Hearing what the security captain said, Baqi didn't answer, but held his nose and pointed to the entrance of the secret door: "What's going on inside? Why is it so smelly?"

Seeing Baqi's appearance, the captain of the security guard couldn't help but smiled wryly: "I told you before, this is the passage for transporting corpses, and hundreds of corpses of various ways of death are piled up in it every day, and then transported out. It's normal to smell..."

Looking at the security captain who didn't seem to be lying, and those soldiers who had put down their guns, Yaqi no longer hesitated, and signaled the security captain to go ahead, and he and others followed behind.

And the captain of the guard was also very obedient, and walked forward at a brisk pace. His calm demeanor dispelled Baqi's last worries.

However, Baqi didn't completely trust the captain of the security team. He had already discussed with the other men in black with his eyes two minutes ago.

That is, as long as it is confirmed that this passage can enter the city of Ori, all the silent crusaders guarding the passage will be killed, and their people will occupy this passage to ensure their safety.

It's just that what Baqi didn't notice was that after they all walked into the corpse transportation passage, the gunmen standing behind suddenly gave each other a wink, and slowly surrounded the exit of the secret door.

As Baqi walked fifty meters into the corpse transportation passage, before he had time to see the internal structure of the corpse transportation passage, he inadvertently spotted the gunmen behind him blocking the secret door.

Seeing that his own back road was blocked, Baqi couldn't help feeling uncomfortable, and wanted to stop first and see the surrounding situation clearly.

If it didn't work, they just killed the security captain and the gunmen outside. After all, this somewhat passive feeling made him uncomfortable.

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