Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1596 Physical Exhaustion

After feeling that the city wall was in danger of being destroyed, the city defense troops immediately raised the few remaining signal guns, fired signal flares, and called for support.

Seeing the fierce battle ahead, Baqi was secretly excited in his heart, because the more chaotic Ori City was, the more chance they had to get in.

The men in black robes next to him also knew what Baqi was thinking, and one of the men in black robes suggested: "Master Baqi, should we attack with these monsters? Help them break the city?"

Hearing his subordinate's proposal, Baqi patted the man in black on the head directly and said, "Are you stupid? There are so many monsters and you need your help? You are a mindless thing."

After being scolded by Baqi like this, the black-robed people didn't dare to speak, for fear that Baqi would hit them directly.

But Baqi did not stop speaking, but continued: "Now their wall is in a hurry, and they must mobilize troops from other directions to defend. This is an excellent opportunity for us to sneak in."

"As for where to get in, I've thought about it too. It's the corpse transport passage where we were ambushed before."

"Because we have just been repulsed, the people there must not have thought that we would dare to go back. As long as we can succeed in the surprise attack, we will definitely successfully occupy there!"

Hearing Baqi's unusually bold idea, the eyes of the people in black robes around him, including the fifth child, brightened.

Although this method is more risky, they feel that their own side has a relatively high chance of success, and they can avenge their previous revenge by the way.

Seeing that his subordinates agreed with his method, Baqi raised his head slightly, feeling a little proud, and immediately led his subordinates to the position of the corpse transport passage.

When they arrived, they could see dozens of Silent Crusaders guarding the secret door of the corpse passage, and some members of the logistics corps were repairing the secret door.

Seeing that the Silent Crusaders had set up this kind of defense, Yaqi couldn't help showing a cruel smile on his face.

Although these people have guns, Baqi is not worried at all, because they are all supernatural beings, and if they are not ambushed, dozens of gun-wielding fighters are not enough to watch.

After confirming the defensive positions of all the Silent Crusaders, Yaqi quickly issued a mission goal, allowing the men in black robes and the fallen warriors to attack.

Hearing Baqi's order, the black-robed man and the fallen warriors activated their abilities one after another, and threw them at the Silent Crusaders from tens of meters away.

Because the sky was very dark and there was no lighted bonfire here, the soldiers of the Silent Crusaders didn't notice Baqi approaching them.

But at this time, it was too late to escape, they didn't even have a chance to shoot, and they were instantly killed by the attacking ability as soon as they met each other, and they fell to the ground one after another.

Hearing the movement outside, the soldiers inside the corpse transportation passage couldn't help showing their heads, wanting to know what happened outside.

When they saw the corpses all over the ground and the approaching Baqi and others, they quickly shrank back in fright, because they never thought that Baqi and others were back again.

Seeing the warrior who had re-arranged the defense inside, Baqi directly activated his third ability without saying a word, turned into a big snake more than ten meters long, and rushed into the passage...

Seeing a "monster" rushing towards them, the soldiers defending the passage immediately opened fire, trying to kill Baqi.

But Yaqi is a third-level supernatural being. The big snake he turned into has the strength of S-level, and dozens of bullets from rifles can't do anything to him.

However, in order not to be chased by the Silent Crusaders, Baqi led the crowd to run a long distance before daring to stop, even a little shocked.

After sweeping around and finding that no one was chasing them, Baqi suddenly grabbed Lao Wu by the collar, threw Lao Wu to the ground and roared: "I have wanted to kill him for a long time! You have to stop him!" ! And talk to me a lot! Now that we are in the dark, so many people have died, are you satisfied?!"

After the yelling, Baqi might feel that it was not enjoyable enough, so he started punching and kicking Lao Wu again, every time he struck hard.

Faced with Baqi's fury, Lao Wu dared not resist, let alone speak, and could only hold his head in one hand and be beaten silently.

After venting almost, Baqi slowly stopped, sulking at the side, pacing continuously, without saying a word.

Although he beat and scolded Lao Wu just now, Baqi knew that he himself was responsible for this matter and had little to do with Lao Wu.

But he couldn't admit his mistakes in front of so many subordinates, so he could only shift the responsibility to Lao Wu and let Lao Wu "take the blame".

Seeing that Baqi regained his composure, a man in black robe next to him said weakly: "Master Baqi...what should we do now...do we want to bring someone back to kill..."

Listening to his subordinates' questions, Baqi shook his head directly: "No, this city is heavily guarded, and there are weapons and supernatural beings. It is impossible for us to get in by force. We have to find another way."

Seeing what Baqi said, everyone fell silent, because they didn't have any good solutions, so naturally they didn't dare to speak.

"Or, I'll go." At this moment, the fifth child said, "My ability can penetrate any wall, and it shouldn't be difficult to go in alone to find the trace of the little girl. I will come out after confirming that she is inside. tell you."

After finishing speaking, Lao Wu got up from the ground and patted the dirt on the black robe, showing no embarrassment as he had just been beaten.

Listening to Lao Wu's volunteering, Baqi didn't answer, because he doesn't trust Lao Wu very much now, and he doesn't know whether he should let Lao Wu go.

In case Lao Wu hid in Ori City and couldn't come out after entering, then he had nothing to do with Lao Wu.

But the fifth child was not allowed to go in, and they couldn't confirm the situation in Ori City, which was the more uncomfortable place.

Just when Yaqi was entangled, there was a sudden burst of gunfire from the right side of Ori City, which made everyone very puzzled.

Because they all ran away, and they didn't miss anyone, who exactly were the Silent Crusaders attacking?

With this question in mind, Baqi led his men to grope in the dark, preparing to follow the gunfire to the right side of Ori City to find out.

When they came to the right side, they realized that it was a creature that they had never seen before attacking Ori City.

Each of these creatures is three or four meters tall, with two heads, and carrying a thick wooden stick, and is pounding on the right wall of Ori City.

As for the number of these creatures, Baqi couldn't see clearly, because the sky was too dark, but there must be tens of thousands of them.

Facing the sudden attack, the city defense army of Ori City was obviously flustered, so they could only keep burning torches to create vision, and then shot down with rifles.

Although these city defense forces still retain some firearms, their number is too small. With only a thousand people, they can't stop the attack of tens of thousands of monsters.

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