But they chose a position farther away from the road army to advance, because they were afraid of encountering the road army again.

If there is a misunderstanding in the army, it will not be fun to kill them directly...

Lu Jun didn't pay attention to what An Hao and the others were thinking. He and Lin Yilan went all the way into the Frost Forest for about five kilometers.

I didn't encounter any monsters along the way, only some dried or frozen bones.

There are various animal bones and human bones, and it can be seen that there are often battles here.

What's even more strange is that there is no wind and snow in the Frost Forest, as if those branches blocked the wind and snow.

And Lu Jun always felt that there were creatures watching them around, but he couldn't tell what it was, and this feeling made him very annoyed.

Lin Yilan set up teleportation points and markers along the way to prevent problems like getting lost.

As they went deeper into the Frost Forest, Lu Jun and Lin Yilan suddenly encountered a thorny forest. There were a lot of sharp thorns growing on the thorny forest, which seemed to grow naturally.

But judging from the shape of the thorn forest like a city wall, Lu Jun felt that the thorn forest seemed man-made, at least made by intelligent creatures.

"Tell me, could this be the territory of the snowy elves?" Lin Yilan couldn't help asking.

"It's possible, let's see if these thorns can be cut off. We have to make a hole to make it easier to get in." Lu Jun waved the bloody skate in his hand and said.

"Okay, you left and I right, let's try together." Lin Yilan responded to Lu Jun, she couldn't wait to know what the snowy elf looked like.

After speaking, Lin Yilan took out her skates and began to chop the thorns ahead with Lu Jun.

Originally, Lu Jun thought that there would be monsters behind the thorns, or some unexpected situations, so he was more cautious.

But when he made a big cut, he found that nothing happened, it seemed that the thorns were ordinary plants.

Seeing this, both Lu Jun and Lin Yilan heaved a sigh of relief, and carefully slipped into the broken hole.

When they entered, they realized that the area surrounded by the thorn forest was actually another scene.

Although it is still covered with snow, green plants can be seen from time to time, without that kind of desolation, which makes people feel alive.

And as they go deeper, there are more and more green plants, as if they entered another world from the Frost Forest.

But what Lu Jun and Lin Yilan didn't know was that not long after they left, the thorns that had been torn open actually grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and recovered intact in just a few seconds...

There were also a few white figures dancing on the bare branches, following Lu Jun's advancing route, as if they had followed Lu Jun and Lin Yilan for a long time.

It's just that these figures are too small, and there are white snow and trees to help them cover, so that they can perfectly blend into the environment, making it difficult to be found.

And as Lu Jun walked farther and farther, he also found that the surroundings were getting more and more wrong.

Because he and Lin Yilan would always hear the sound of "swish, swish, swish" in the forest, a bit like the footsteps of some creature, and a bit like the sound of flesh rubbing against tree trunks.

But no matter how Lu Jun searched, he couldn't find the source of the sound. The sound was sometimes near and sometimes far away, which was extremely strange.

Fortunately, Lu Jun and Lin Yilan have experienced many things,

He was quite courageous, and was not frightened by the sound, and continued to move forward calmly.

However, it was precisely because of this that they unsuspectingly stepped into a trap that had been set up long ago.

However, no one answered their questions at this time, and the next moment, Lu Jun picked up Shen Mo's ice skate that fell on the ground, and shook off the blood on it.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jun stood up and pointed to An Hao and the expedition team in front of him: "Do you still want to snatch me? Hurry up if you have one, I'm in a hurry."

Hearing Lu Jun's calm tone, everyone in the expedition team immediately recovered from their daze and subconsciously shook their heads.

Because they didn't mean to rush the army, they just didn't stop Shen Mo's behavior.

Coupled with the fact that Shen Mo, a level 2 superhuman, died in front of them for no apparent reason, how dare they provoke Lu Jun...

"We really didn't mean to offend you. I tried my best to persuade you just now, but I still caused you trouble. I am very sorry." An Hao bowed deeply to Lu Jun, expressing his apology.

Although they didn't join Shen Mo in robbing the road army, Shen Mo was their man after all and had a relationship with them.

Moreover, An Hao felt that Lu Jun might be a Tier 3 supernatural being, and he was afraid that Lu Jun would take his anger out on them, so the apology he should have had to be said.

Looking at the apologetic An Hao and the expedition team, Lu Jun remained expressionless, without saying anything, and began to bend down to search for usable items on Shen Mo's body, right in front of the expedition team.

Lin Yilan was also helping at the side, and she was the only one who saw clearly Lu Jun's hand movements just now, that is, Lu Jun first cut Shen Mo's throat with the ice blade, and then collided with Shen Mo's ice blade.

It's just that Lu Jun's physical fitness is too high and his action speed is too fast, so that everyone couldn't see clearly what Lu Jun did.

After searching Shen Mo's equipment, Lu Jun still didn't say a word, and led Lin Yilan towards the Frost Forest.

As for why he didn't kill An Hao and the following expedition team, it was because he wasn't fully sure to kill them all.

Although it seemed easy when he just killed Shen Mo, the actual situation was very dangerous. If he was a few tenths of a second behind, he would be the one who died, so he didn't want to take too many risks.

Moreover, An Hao and the members of the expedition team didn't seem to have any hostility toward him, there was no need to kill them all, let alone continue wasting time here, it was enough to kill Shen Mo to frighten him.

Seeing Lu Jun leaving like this, An Hao had a hesitant expression on his face, and finally couldn't help but bend down, and said respectfully, "Your Excellency, are you a powerful third-order ability user?"

Hearing An Hao ask this question again, Lu Jun stopped again and said without looking back: "I am an ordinary person, but if you dare to bother me again, I will kill you all."

After saying this, Lu Jun and Lin Yilan left without looking back, and entered the Frost Forest.

While An Hao and the others looked at Lu Jun's back, they couldn't help but shuddered, because they just felt a chilling aura, which made them virtually more certain that Lu Jun was a third-order superhuman.

It's just that Lu Jun is relatively low-key and unwilling to disclose it, An Hao and the others thought to themselves.

After a little discussion, An Hao and the others ignored Shen Mo's body and also entered the Frost Forest.

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