"Don't worry, I just noticed that these bone dragons are very densely positioned. As long as we can launch a large-scale attack in an instant, we can severely damage them. If the bone dragon is gone, the undead creatures on the ground have nothing to fear. Lu Jun said while stroking his stubble.

Seeing Lu Jun's method, Hongyue's eyes lit up immediately, because her lunar eclipse is a large-scale attack ability, plus the moon blade, as long as the timing is good enough, it might really be able to seriously injure the bone dragon.

And since she took the Fountain of Life, her brain power has been fully restored now, and she can use a whole set of supernatural attacks again.

But before Hongyue could speak, Lu Jun shook his head directly: "You alone can't do it, there are more than two hundred of those bone dragons, your ability can attack dozens of them at most, and the rest of the bone dragons can still attack." Instantly kill us."

Hearing this, Hongyue lowered her head slowly. Indeed, her attack range is indeed limited by herself...

"No, there are us, we can use combination abilities, endless thunder!" A man in black robe suddenly reminded Hongyue beside him.

After finishing speaking, the other men in black nodded at the same time. They did have a combination ability, which was used to deal with Naga last time.

Although their current number is not enough, and the power of the combined abilities they condense may not be enough, but it is probably no problem to deal with those bone dragons.

"What? Endless sky thunder? Combined abilities?" Lu Jun's expression was a little confused, because he hadn't heard of these terms.

"Oh, the Endless Sky Thunder is a supernatural scroll that our eight members discovered in the ruins a while ago. It needs to be used by multiple people. Its power and range are many times greater than ordinary supernatural powers." Hongyue quickly explained.

Even the undead creatures around the elf warriors were affected, and they were also frozen together, because these frosts do not distinguish between friend and foe.

This is the attacking power of the S-rank bone dragon. It is ruthless, full of destruction, and there is no room for people to struggle...

Only the rough-skinned and thick-skinned rock giants and elf warriors who were not in the frost range escaped by chance.

However, the bone dragon's attack did not end because of this, and they collectively condensed a stream of frost the next moment, and continued to attack the ground.

This frost attack covered a larger area than before, and nearly one-third of the elf soldiers died on the battlefield.

Faced with this level of casualties, the elf commander at the first line of defense was heartbroken, and immediately ordered the staghorn eagles and raptor druids who fled the battlefield to fight back.

The staghorn eagle and the raptor druid naturally did the same, and went around to the back of the bone dragon from the left, intending to sneak attack the bone dragon.

But the bone dragons seemed to have been alert for a long time, and the moment the staghorn eagle and the raptor druid moved, they also moved.

I saw that the bone dragons immediately gave up attacking the ground, and turned back to spit out frost, covering the positions of the staghorn eagle and the raptor druid.

The staghorn eagle and raptor druid obviously didn't expect the bone dragon's reaction to be so fast, and they had no time to dodge the frost, and were frozen straight.

Although there are a lot of them, five times that of the bone dragon, in front of the sheets of frost, even if they are ten times more, it is useless, and they are all killed in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that their flying troops couldn't even get close to the bone dragon, the elf commander in charge of the first line of defense was stunned. Without hesitation, he immediately asked the elves at the first line of defense to retreat.

After all, now they don't even have the only means of counterattack,

If you don't withdraw, you can only stay here and wait to die.

Hearing the sound of the retreating horn, the elves who were still alive at the first line of defense were ashamed, and their faces dimmed instantly.

Because they all know that the first line of defense on the south side is gone, and they have suffered heavy losses. This defensive battle is expected to become extremely difficult.

But they didn't have time to think too much, and they didn't care about the corpses of their companions, so they ran to the second line of defense collectively, wanting to continue to block the undead creatures at the second line of defense.

However, how could a creature that ran on its legs be faster than a flying bone dragon? All the fleeing elf warriors, including the elf commander, were killed.

In the end, only the rock giants could escape successfully, because they have resistant skin and can be immune to a lot of frost damage, and the bone dragon can't help them.

As for them being S-rank creatures, why don't they fight against the bone dragon? It's because they don't have the slightest long-range attack ability, so they can only watch from a distance.

This kind of feeling that they have all the strength but can't hit the enemy makes them very unhappy, but they have no choice but to run away in despair.

Looking at the rock giants that were completely unkillable on the ground, Bone Dragon also felt a headache, not knowing what method to use to kill these "ghost things".

But after thinking about it for a while, they gave up, because continuing to attack the rock giant would waste a lot of time, and it wasn't worth it.

So in the next moment, they collectively flew towards the elves' second line of defense, ready to continue advancing.

Other living undead creatures followed behind the bone dragon, and the undead lich continued to use the corpses of elf warriors to summon skeletons to prepare for the next wave of battle.

The Lu army who was still on the tree saw that the elf soldiers were retreating, and they were still close to being wiped out. They couldn't help but sighed deeply, and climbed down from the eight-meter-high tree.

"They retreated, only the rock giants survived, and there are more than two hundred bone dragons approaching us, prepare to fight." Lu Jun frowned and said to the people below.

"What? Defeated? But they only defended for less than an hour!" Hong Yue, who was still consolidating the defense line, was obviously surprised, as were the other men in black.

Although the elves next to them couldn't understand Lu Jun's words, they could feel the death of their companions, and they were all stunned.

The same goes for the elves on the left and right defense lines who are not under the management of the road army, but they are ready to fight and plan to catch up with the rock giants who are still running.

Even though they knew they couldn't defend the bone dragon, it was their duty to fight. As long as there was no order to retreat, they would be considered dead, and they would stick to the line of defense.

"Well, those elves could have won, but the bone dragon suddenly appeared, and the attack power was too terrifying, and the elves were defeated in an instant." Lu Jun still had that expression.

"Then what should we do?! Ten thousand elves can't even guard for half an hour, so why should we guard?!" A black-robed man on the left was visibly excited.

It wasn't because he was afraid, but because he couldn't see the hope of victory, so his heart collapsed a little.

The other black-robed people also knew the horror of the bone dragon, not to mention that more than two hundred came together, which made them also feel desperate.

Only Hongyue and Lin Yilan watched Lu Jun quietly, and they wanted to know if Lu Jun had a way to deal with it.

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