Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1728 The Trap Takes Effect

After such a long battle, the crawling demon emperor's soul has been greatly traumatized, so the crawling demon emperor is already at the end of his battle at this time.

Ruan Bing also knew the state of the crawling demon emperor, and knew that the victory would soon belong to her, but the closer the victory was, the calmer Ruan Bing was, without a trace of impatience.

Still using the soul fire and soul body to consume the crawling demon emperor remotely, not giving the crawling demon emperor a chance to fight back.

Feeling the gradual weakening of his soul, and watching the creeping monsters of his own clan continue to die, the crawling monster king knew that he had to do something, otherwise it would die in vain.

Thinking of this, the crawling demon king suddenly stopped all attacks and looked at Ruan Bing with dead eyes.

Three seconds later, the crawling demon emperor spit out a big mouthful of blood, and activated its last ability, the phantom explosion!

The moment the crawling demon emperor used this ability, its skin suddenly swelled up like a balloon, about ten meters high, looking like it was about to burst.

Seeing this scene, Ruan Bing also knew that the crawling demon emperor was about to fight to the death, so he immediately concentrated his brain power, raised the soul-eating sickle, and aimed at the crawling demon emperor's position to strike a thousand souls.

Seeing the attacking Wanhun Slash, the crawling demon emperor remained unmoved, still controlling his skin to swell up.

Because this is its last blow, it will die after using this blow, it doesn't matter whether it hides or not.

However, at the last moment of his life, the crawling demon king still used brain waves to send an order to all the crawling demons, that is, run quickly, all run!

As for why such an order was issued, it was because the crawling demon king also knew that they had already been defeated. After all, even it couldn't beat Ruan Bing, let alone other crawling demons, not to mention Lu Jun and others were watching.

Although they were defeated, it was about to die, but the creeping monster clan still had to keep the "seeds" to continue living, so letting the crawling monsters evacuate was also a helpless strategy for the crawling monster king.

After issuing this command, the crawling demon emperor's skin also swelled to the extreme, and at the same time Ruan Bing's Myriad Soul Slash also flew over...

Only a sound of "Boom!" was heard, and Wanhun Slash hit the crawling demon emperor's body, and the crawling demon emperor's skin exploded on the spot, setting off an extremely violent shock wave, which swept hundreds of meters and raised sand more than ten meters high. dust.

Lu Jun and the others were also affected by the impact, causing them to "turn their backs" instantly and fall to the ground. From this, we can see how strong the crawling demon emperor's ability to fight to the death is.

Fortunately, Lu Jun immediately activated his third ability,

Absolute defense propped up a particle shield tens of meters wide to protect everyone.

Although the crawling monsters want to fight back, but their attack characteristics are there, they can't do anything to the "elusive" earth-digging sandworm. They can only watch their companions disappear in front of their eyes...

Seeing that their side was still in dire straits one moment, and the next moment the crisis was resolved, the troll hunters were a little dazed, and looked gratefully at the digging sandworms underground.

However, the troll hunters were only stunned for a moment, and soon they followed closely behind the digging sandworm, approaching the position of the road army.

Seeing Xiaowan's earth-digging sandworms have miraculous effects on the battlefield, Lu Jun couldn't help grinning. Fortunately, he had a whim at the time and agreed to let Xiaowan bring the earth-digging sandworms here, otherwise he would be at a loss now...

After eliminating the danger of the troll hunters, the Army of the Route Army also found a way to break the deadlock, that is, they could no longer fight on their own, and had to gather all their corps to attack.

Although they are now scattered everywhere and can attract the attention of many crawling monsters, their overall combat effectiveness will also be affected, which is not conducive to the next action.

After thinking about this, Lu Jun quickly raised his right hand and said: "Everyone immediately follow me and gather at the orc warriors!"

After finishing speaking, the army summoned Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor, and two A-rank Thercisaurus took the lead, and rushed towards the orc warriors together.

At the same time, the Army also asked Xiao Wan to issue orders to the Digger Sandworms to protect the Troll Hunter from the orc warriors.

Hearing the route army's order, everyone took action, turned their firepower one after another, protected the rear row and flanks, and began to move.

As for the front, it was naturally handed over to Abelisaurus and Sinoraptor, as well as two A-rank Thercisaurus to break through.

I saw that Abeliron directly summoned its own energy body, and began to breathe out flames together with the energy body to open the way.

The Chinese Raptor opened its own frozen skin, used the dragon skill of Gale Claw Blade, and opened the way with Abelisaurus.

When the ice and fire abilities are used together, the crawling monsters standing in front of them will be cold and hot for a while, and they will be roasted by the fire a few seconds ago, and they will be frozen again the next moment, and the way of death is extremely miserable .

And these two Therinosaurus are newly hatched dinosaurs from the Lu army. Although they haven't learned any dragon skills, they have the largest claws among all creatures.

As long as they are hit by them, no matter whether it is an A-level crawling monster or other low-level crawling monsters, they will either die or be disabled...

In this way, driven by the four A-rank dinosaurs, Lu Jun and others soon joined up with the orc warriors, followed by the digging sandworms and troll hunters.

After gathering the strength of the rebels, orc warriors, dinosaurs, and earth-digging sandworms, the road army is equivalent to having four different types of arms.

The dinosaurs are in charge of rushing to the front, the orc warriors are in charge of protecting the flanks, the rebels are in charge of output in the middle, and the digging sandworms are in charge of the rear. The overall formation is perfect.

Although the orc warriors and the dinosaurs had varying degrees of damage, all of this was perfectly resolved after a member of the forest team used the ability of Reviving Rain.

When the rain of recovery fell on the ground, the dinosaurs and orc warriors within the range were recovered to varying degrees, both physically and morale were greatly improved.

Seeing this, Lu Jun raised his hand and signaled everyone to move on. The target was just below the magic tower.

Although the reptiles were still desperately intercepting them as before, in the face of the forces assembled by Lu Jun and others, the reptiles' interception could no longer be effective, and they fell under the feet of the dinosaurs and wolf cavalry.

As time passed, Lu Jun and the others advanced about 200 meters in three minutes.

During this period of time, the battle between Ruan Bing and the crawling demon emperor also came to an end. During this period, Ruan Bing solved all the clones of the crawling demon emperor, and the crawling demon emperor also severely injured Ruan Bing's soul-devouring beast.

According to the normal situation, the crawling demon emperor can tie with the fourth-order supernatural powers, but it happens that Ruan Bing is a soul-type supernatural power, and he will restrain any creature with a soul.

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